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The About window provides a quick overview over software details, licensing information, and legal information.

Go to the menu Help > About...







Shows which software version you are currently running and using. It also shows the used software architecture: MADRIX RADAR is 64-bit only.


Shows when the current software version was created.

ESTA Manufacturer List Version

Shows which version of the provided ESTA Manufacturer List the software is currently using.

Legal Copyright

© inoage GmbH. See »Imprint And Copyright

End-User License Agreement

Opens this user guide, which includes the End-User License Agreement. See »End-User License Agreement [EULA]


MADRIX RADAR fusion License

MADRIX KEY Serial Number

Shows the serial number of the MADRIX KEY that holds the MADRIX RADAR fusion license.
Shows Not Available if no MADRIX KEY has been recognized, can be found, or is available.


Shows which kind of fusion license is provided [small (64 Devices), medium (512 Devices), large (4096 Devices)].
Shows Not Available if no MADRIX RADAR fusion license has been recognized, can be found, or is available.

Expiration Date

Shows the date and time in the future until the license is valid. If this deadline is reached, the license will no longer be valid.
Shows Lifetime if the license does not expire.
Shows Not Available if no MADRIX RADAR fusion license has been recognized, can be found, or is available.


MADRIX RADAR big data License

MADRIX KEY Serial Number

Shows the serial number of the MADRIX KEY that holds the MADRIX RADAR big data license.
Shows Not Available if no MADRIX KEY has been recognized, can be found, or is available.

Expiration Date

Shows the date and time in the future until the license is valid. If this deadline is reached, the license will no longer be valid.
Shows Lifetime if the license does not expire.
Shows Not Available if no MADRIX RADAR big data license has been recognized, can be found, or is available.


Third Parties


License - Shows the license under which OpenSSL is used.


About Qt - Shows more information about the Qt development framework.

License - Shows the license under which Qt is used.


License - Shows the license under which Qwt is used.


Is a Git client program used for development with thanks. Powered by Atlassian.



Left Mouse Click + Hold + Select / Left Mouse Double-Click / Left Mouse Triple-Click - Allows you to select text.

Right Mouse Click > Copy - Allows you to copy text in order to paste the information into an e-mail, for example.

Check For Software Updates

Checks online if a software update or new ESTA Manufacturer List is available for downloading. This requires an active internet connection.


Closes the About window.


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