This topic includes:
▪Effect Options
▪Layer Settings
▪Effect Settings
▪Restoring The Default Settings
SCE Split Shapes displays recurring objects that can split into even more objects.

 Default Settings
 Customized Example
Effect Options
▪This MADRIX Effects supports Effect Options for advanced workflows.
Learn more »Effect Options
Layer Settings
▪Various buttons and controls have universal functions. They are available for each MADRIX 5 Effect / Layer.
Learn more »Effect Areas [Deck A / Deck B]
Learn more »Layers
Effect Settings
This MADRIX 5 Effect uses the following, individual controls:
▪Colors - Opens the Color Table to specify the colors. The default color is White.
Learn more »[Global] Colors And Intensity
▪Shapes - Opens the Shape Table to specify the shapes. The default color is Circle Filled.
Learn more »Using Shapes [Shape Table]
▪BPM - Defines the speed. The default value is 600. Valid values range from 0 to 9999.
Learn more »Using BPM Control
▪Emissions - Defines the number of initial objects that are sent out from the center. The default value is 4. Valid values range from 1 to 16.
▪Generations - Defines how often objects are split [plus the initial generation]. The default value is 4. Valid values range from 1 to 8.
▪Velocity - Defines how fast objects can move [in %]. The default value is 50. Valid values range from 0.1 to 1000.
▪Lifetime - Defines how long objects move before being split [in s]. The default value is 0.25. Valid values range from 0.001 to 100.
▪Spread - Defines the angle in which objects are split. The default value is 72. Valid values range from 0 to 360.
▪Size - Defines the size of objects [in % of the Matrix Size]. The default value is 10. Valid values range from -1 to 1000.
▪Center - Defines the position of the center in X, Y, and Z [in %]. The default values are 50, 50, 50. Valid values range from 0 to 100.

Path Alignment - Lets shapes rotate along the path instead of the rotation against the horizon.

Angle - Defines in which angle the first objects are emitted [as an offset]. The default setting is 0. Valid values range from -180 to 180.

Swirl - Defines an additional rotation of object paths around the center.

Distribution - Allows you to choose a certain Distribution Mode for the specific parameter. Often, you can then define a minimum value and a maximum value.
Uniform - Each path has the same distribution.
Linear - A linear distribution is used to increase the parameter regularly starting from the inside.
Quadratic - The parameter is more prominent on the outer paths.
SQRT - Using a square root function the parameter is more prominent on the outer paths.
Cubic - Uses a cubic distribution with a mixed distribution.
Inverted Linear - A linear distribution is used to decrease the parameter regularly starting from the inside.
Triangle - The majority of objects will be on the middle paths.
Inverted Quadratic - The parameter is more prominent on the inner paths.
Inverted SQRT - Using a square root function the majority of objects will be on the inner paths.
Inverted Cubic - Uses a cubic distribution with a mixed distribution.

Fade Out - Defines how long objects are faded out [in s]. The default value is 10.00. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.00.

Alpha Mix - Defines the upper limit of how much alpha is added to each object [in %]. The default value is 0.00. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.00.

Center Mode - Allows you to choose if the center of emissions is Fixed or Random. The default mode is Fixed.

Duration - Is only available for specific shapes [Implode, Explode, Pulse]. Defines how much of a shapes' lifetime is animated via implode, explode, or pulse [in % of the Lifetime]. The default setting is 100.00. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.00.

Color Mode - Is only available when having set up multiple colors in the Color Table.
Inheriting - Objects that resulted from a split will have the same color as the original shape.
Per Cycle - A single color is applied only to an entire cycle.
Per Generation - Each generation of shapes receives a new color.
Round Robin - The colors change within emissions as well as generations.

Shape Mode - Is only available when having set up multiple shapes in the Shape Table.
Inheriting - Objects that resulted from a split will have the same shape as the original shape.
Per Cycle - A single shape is applied only to an entire cycle.
Per Generation - Each generation of shapes receives a new shape.
Round Robin - The shapes change within emissions as well as generations.
Restoring The Default Settings

Restore Default Layer Settings - Restores the default settings of the Layer.
- All Layer Settings and Effect Settings will be restored to their default values.
- This does not include the MADRIX 5 Effect selection, the Effect Parameter Chaser [which will be paused], or the Layer Macro [which will be stopped].