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Timing options include various settings regarding the RDM timing preferences and request settings.

Go to the menu Preferences > Options... > Generators
[Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + O > Generators]

Start Options

Set up the options as explained below.

Restore the default settings via Defaults.

Confirm any changes with OK or Apply. Discard any changes via Cancel.




Generators refer to the built-in systems in MADRIX RADAR that automatically create and generate RDM data packages [that is, RDM requests] which are sent to the RDM devices.
In fact, RDM devices only provide replies after receiving such requests. RDM devices will not independently send data packages to a receiver, such as MADRIX RADAR.

Preset - Allows you to choose and customize 2 different sets of settings. Choose from Maintenance and Monitoring.
- Maintenance includes much shorter time intervals by default and is recommended when actively and temporarily checking on a project in order to quickly see and receive information, notifications, and data updates.
[As such, this generates much more RDM requests and thus much more data traffic on the network as a result.]
- Monitoring includes much longer time intervals by default and is recommended when passively monitoring a project in order to be able to receive notifications on a regular basis and also for recording historical data.



Request Parameters Every - Defines the time interval at which all generic RDM parameters of the project are being queried/refreshed.
- Reference Time - In addition, you can set the start time/time interval/offset. [The default value is 12:00.]
- For example, updating values every 4 hours, starting at 12:00 will trigger the update 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00, 04:00, 08:00.
[Valid values range from 60 seconds to 24 hours. The default value for this option is 1 minute for Maintenance. The default value is 24 hours for Monitoring.]

Request Sensor Values Every - Defines the time interval at which sensor values of all known sensors of the project are being queried/refreshed.
- Reference Time - In addition, you can set the start time/time interval/offset. [The default value is 12:00.]
- For example, updating values every 4 hours, starting at 12:00 will trigger the update 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00, 04:00, 08:00.
[Valid values range from 60 seconds to 24 hours. The default value for this option is 1 minute for Maintenance. The default value is 1 hour for Monitoring.]
- Store History - Allows you to record data over time. This requires the MADRIX RADAR big data license. If disabled and/or no corresponding license is available, previous values will always be overwritten with corresponding new values. Learn more »History
[Historical data can include sensor values as well as sensor value events.]

Request Status Messages Every - Defines the time interval at which the status messages of all known devices of the project are being queried/refreshed.
- Reference Time - In addition, you can set the start time/time interval/offset. [The default value is 12:00.]
- For example, updating values every 4 hours, starting at 12:00 will trigger the update 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00, 04:00, 08:00.
[Valid values range from 60 second to 24 hours. The default value for this option is 1 minute for Maintenance. The default value is 1 hour for Monitoring.]
- Store History - Allows you to record messages over time. This requires the MADRIX RADAR big data license. If disabled and/or no corresponding license is available, previous values will always be overwritten with corresponding new messages. Learn more »History




All Generators options will be saved locally on your computer.


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