CSV Fixture List: Export

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You may wish to export the data from your created Patch file in order to use it in other third-party tools or other ways.

Two formats are available:




The CSV Fixture List Export is a feature that is part of the MADRIX 5 Patch Editor. Learn more »Patch Editor



The HTML export creates a pre-formatted list with the most important information about your MADRIX 5 Patch.


Step-By-Step Instructions

To export a list of fixtures from the Patch Editor to HTML, follow these steps:

1] Open the Patch Editor.

2] Create your MADRIX 5 Patch.

3] Export to HTML.


1] Open The Patch Editor

Go to the menu Preferences > Patch Editor...
[Keyboard shortcut: F3]

A new window will open.


2] Create Your MADRIX 5 Patch

Create the Patch you require to control your LED project. Learn more »Patch Editor


3] Export To HTML

In the Patch Editor, go to the menu File > Export Fixture List... > Export To HTML...


Choose the location on your computer to store the file:


As the result, you can open the file with a web browser:




The widely used CSV file format can also be exported from the Patch Editor of the MADRIX 5 Software.

CSV is an acronym and stands for comma-separated values. This is a very general file format that makes it easy to record, save, and exchange structured data.
It is widely available in other software tools for data import and export. This also means that data which is not yet available in this format can usually be converted into CSV or can even be created manually/semi-automatically.


License Requirements

This feature requires a valid MADRIX 5 software license on a MADRIX KEY.


This includes:

MADRIX 5 start

MADRIX 5 entry

MADRIX 5 basic

MADRIX 5 professional

MADRIX 5 ultimate

MADRIX 5 maximum

If no valid software license is recognized, the data cannot be exported.


Step-By-Step Instructions

To export a list of fixtures from the Patch Editor to CSV, follow these steps:

1] Open the Patch Editor.

2] Create your MADRIX 5 Patch.

3] Export CSV data.

4] Import CSV into your third-party tool and manually assign if necessary.


1] Open The Patch Editor

Go to the menu Preferences > Patch Editor...
[Keyboard shortcut: F3]

A new window will open.


2] Create Your MADRIX 5 Patch

Create the Patch you require to control your LED project. Learn more »Patch Editor


3] Export CSV Data

In the Patch Editor, go to the menu File > Export Fixture List... > Export To CSV...


Choose the location on your computer to store the file:


As the result, a file is saved that can be imported or viewed with a spreadsheet application, for example:


The following columns and their corresponding data will be exported:
Display Name
Channel Count
Color Depth
Position X
Position Y
Position Z
Rotation X
Rotation Y
Rotation Z
Flip H
Flip V

These columns refer to the following data in the MADRIX 5 Patch Editor:

CSV Export

MADRIX 5 Patch Editor


Fixture ID




Fixture Name

Display Name

Display Name




Operation Mode

Channel Count

Channel Count

Color Depth

Color Depth






A list of Fixture Groups, which include the fixture.

Position X

Position X

Position Y

Position Y

Position Z

Position Z

Rotation X

Is always value 0.

Rotation Y

Is always value 0.

Rotation Z

Rotation in Degrees.

Flip H

Value 0 = Disabled. Value 1 = Enabled.

Flip V

Value 0 = Disabled. Value 1 = Enabled.


4] Import CSV Data Into Third-Party Tools

The above workflow is optimized for the Capture visualizer/visualisation software [ »https://www.capture.se/ ].
This application will try to read the column names and automatically assign their data correctly, but you will certainly have to manually adjust the settings for specific settings as well [e.g., Mode or Identifier].


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