Matrix Generator

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When To Use The Matrix Generator
Step-By-Step Configuration
Examples For Start Corner, Main Orientation, and Snake Mode
2D DMX Configuration
2D DVI Configuration
3D DMX Configuration
3D DVI Configuration
Important Notes
Further Configuration
Further Tips




You need to tell MADRIX

1] which LED fixtures you are going to use.
2] how many LED fixtures you are going to use.
3] how they are placed.


This configuration of the virtual LED matrix is stored in a so-called Patch file.

Setting up the virtual LED matrix/the Patch file is a requirement! It is necessary for the initial configuration of MADRIX.


MADRIX offers 2 tools for this task:

Matrix Generator
Patch Editor



When To Use The Matrix Generator

The Matrix Generator helps you to generate a virtual LED matrix automatically according to your settings. This automatic process can be very helpful, when your LED installation is set up in a very simple, logical, or linear way and only uses 1 fixture type. The Patch file will be automatically generated by MADRIX for you.

The Patch Editor is a graphical editor to directly create the Patch file. The Patch Editor offers the same functions as the Matrix Generator and many more options. It allows you to configure your virtual matrix in great detail. You can place LED fixtures freely and individually. If you have more than 1 kind of fixture, use the Patch Editor.

This topic explains the Matrix Generator.




Go to Preferences > Matrix Generator...
[Keyboard shortcut: F2]
A new window will open.

Matrix Generator

Now, configure your virtual LED matrix according to the following settings.



Step-By-Step Configuration

To work with the Matrix Generator, follow these steps:

1] Open the Matrix Generator.

2] Set up all settings, including Fixture, Placement, and Addressing.

3] Click Apply to confirm your settings and MADRIX will create the Patch file for you.
- Click OK to confirm your settings and to close the Matrix Generator.
- Click Cancel to discard any changes and to close the Matrix Generator.




In this user guide it is not possible to give universal recommendations for the required settings, because every LED project is different. You need to configure the settings of the Matrix Generator according to your individual LED setup.


1] Fixture

This section defines which fixtures you want to use.

Protocol - First, choose the general type of LED fixture you are using [DMX or DVI]. DMX-based fixtures include DMX512, Art-Net, Streaming ACN [sACN / E1.31], Philips Color Kinetics [KiNET], and Insta/ROBE products. DVI-based fixtures include DVI, Eurolite T9, ColourSmart Link, and Colorlight 5A products. If you wish to used both fixture types at the same time, please configure your virtual LED matrix with the help of the »Patch Editor
Note: If DVI is selected, all controls that are not relevant to DVI fixtures will be disabled.
Product - Second, choose your exact LED product.
- You can use the downward triangle to call up the complete list of fixtures.
- Perform a left mouse click and you can use the input field as a filter to type in the fixture you are looking for.
- If your fixture is not yet available, please see »Supported Fixtures [LED Products]
Start Fixture ID - Defines where MADRIX starts indexing fixtures. The Fixture ID is a unique identifier for each fixture that is added.
- The default value is 1.
- When using the Matrix Generator, the default setting is also recommended setting.


A general option for DMX: Select !generic RGB Light 1 pixel for any LED product with RGB LEDs and 3 DMX channels.
A general option for DMX: Select !generic RGBW Light 1 pixel for any LED product with RGBW LEDs and 4 DMX channels.
A general option for DVI: Select !generic DVI 1x1 RGB for any DVI-based LED product and simply enter the pixel resolution under Placement


2] Placement

This section defines how many fixtures you want to use and how they are placed.

Rotation - Uses the original rotation of the fixtures, as defined in the »MADRIX Fixture Editor. Or you can add to all of your fixtures a rotation of 90°, 180°, 270°.
Count X / Y / Z - Defines the number of LED fixtures you are using.
- X sets the number of fixtures on the X-axis [horizontal; width].
- Y sets the number of fixtures on the Y-axis [vertical; height].
- Z sets the number of fixtures on the Z-axis [level; depth].
- Please set up the number of fixtures you are using. Do not enter the total number of pixels. All fixtures are already implemented with their specific number of LED pixels.
- When setting up a 2D virtual LED matrix, Z should be 1. If Count Z is higher than 1, you will automatically create a LED matrix.
- The maximum value that can be entered is 65536. The number that can actually be used by you has theoretic limits as well as practical limits. Learn more Limitations
- Merge Fixtures - Is only available for the Protocol > DVI. Activate this option if all your DVI fixtures, should be merged to one fixture. This can save computer performance. Deactivate this option, if you want to be able to manage all your DVI fixtures separately, for example when creating a »DVI Patch
Offset X / Y / Z - Adds spacing [gaps] to your virtual LED matrix separately for the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis. The value defines the size of the gaps between fixtures in pixels. A value of 0 means that all fixtures are placed next to each other without spacing. For example, a value of 1 means that 1 pixel spacing is added between fixtures.


Note: When using DMX-based products, please pay attention to the maximum number of DMX channels according to your MADRIX license version and according to the performance of your PC.
Note: When using DVI-based products, please pay attention to the maximum number of supported DVI pixels according to your MADRIX license version and according to the performance of your PC.


3] Addressing

This section defines the numbering of fixtures [DVI] and addressing of fixtures [DMX]. Since MADRIX will do this automatically, certain parameters need to be specified by you on how MADRIX should number or address fixtures automatically.

To assist you, a graphic is shown. [Imagine to look directly at the LED products in camera view.]

Start Corner - Defines where the automatic addressing starts and works together with Main Orientation. Learn more Examples
Main Orientation - Defines if MADRIX automatically addresses fixtures in a horizontal or vertical way. Addressing will start at the Start Corner and continue to the opposite direction [e.g., from left to right]. Please see the example below. Learn more Examples
Snake Mode - Without Snake Mode, MADRIX will address row by row or column by column [e.g., left to right, left to right, left to right, etc.]. With Snake Mode, MADRIX will use alternate directions for each row or column [e.g., left to right, right to left, left to right, etc.]. Learn more Snake Mode
Apply Fixture Rotation - Only works when Snake Mode is enabled. Rotates fixtures in each alternating row by 180°.
Z-Order - Is only available for 3D. Defines if addressing in 3D starts with the first Z-axis in front [Front To Back] or with the last Z-axis in the back [Back To Front].
Snake Mode Z - Is only available for 3D. Automatic addressing of fixtures on the Z-axis is done level by level. Activate this option if the Start Corner for each alternating level should be different.
- Flip H - Switches the Start Corner horizontally [e.g., from Top Left to Top Right].
- Flip V - Switches the Start Corner vertically [e.g., from Top Left to Bottom Left].
- Activate both, Flip H and Flip V, to assign the complete opposite Start Corner [e.g., from Top Left to Bottom Right].
DMX Start Channel - MADRIX will start the addressing using this DMX channel and automatically increment the DMX channel for each fixture.
- Valid values range from 1 to 512.
DMX Start Universe - MADRIX will start addressing using this DMX universe and automatically increment the DMX universe for fixtures when necessary.
- A total of 512 DMX channels is available per DMX universe.
- If your fixture addressing is greater than 512, MADRIX will automatically assign a new DMX universe and start at DMX channel 1 in this new universe again.
- The maximum number that can be entered has theoretic limits as well as practical limits. Learn more Limitations


4] Confirmation

Press Apply to confirm your settings.
Press OK to close the window.



Examples For Start Corner, Main Orientation, and Snake Mode

Start Corner And Main Orientation

DMX Start Corner

Main Orientation: Horizontal

Main Orientation: Vertical


Top Left

Top Left Horizontal


- Downwards
- From Left to Right
- From Left to Right
- From Left to Right
- etc.

Top Left Vertical


- To the Right
- From Top to Bottom
- From Top to Bottom
- From Top to Bottom
- etc.


Top Right

Top Right Horizontal


- Downwards
- From Right to Left
- From Right to Left
- From Right to Left
- etc.

Top Right Vertical


- To the Left
- From Top to Bottom
- From Top to Bottom
- From Top to Bottom
- etc.


Bottom Left

Bottom Left Horizontal


- Upwards
- From Left to Right
- From Left to Right
- From Left to Right
- etc.

Bottom Left Vertical


- To the Right
- From Bottom to Top
- From Bottom to Top
- From Bottom to Top
- etc.


Bottom Right

Bottom Right Horizontal


- Upwards
- From Right to Left
- From Right to Left
- From Right to Left
- etc.

Bottom Right Vretical


- To the Left
- From Bottom to Top
- From Bottom to Top
- From Bottom to Top
- etc.


Snake Mode

Without Snake Mode, MADRIX will address row by row or column by column [e.g., left to right, left to right, left to right, etc.].
With Snake Mode, MADRIX will use alternate directions for each row or column [e.g., left to right, right to left, left to right, etc.].
In this example we configured a virtual LED matrix of 4 x 5 pixels using Snake Mode
The Matrix Generator settings would look like this:

Snake Mode Example

In theory, the LEDs are arranged as follows: 3 pixels per LED [due to RGB], 4 fixtures per row, and a total of 5 rows. Please see the picture below:

Snake Mode Example



2D DMX Configuration

To configure a 2D LED matrix with DMX-based fixtures, follow these steps:

1] Choose Protocol > DMX

2] Choose your Product

3] Set up Rotation if required

4] Set up Count X and Count Y

5] Set Count Z to 1

6] Set up Offset X and Offset Y if required

7] Set Offset Z to 0

8] Set up Start Corner and Main Orientation

9] Set up Snake Mode and Apply Fixture Rotation if required

10] Set up DMX Start Channel and DMX Start Universe



2D DVI Configuration

To configure a 2D LED matrix with DVI-based fixtures, follow these steps:

Merge Fixtures

1] Choose Protocol > DVI

2] Choose your Product

3] Set up Rotation if required

4] Set up Count X and Count Y

5] Set Count Z to 1

Separate Fixtures

1] Choose Protocol > DVI

2] Choose your Product

3] Set up Rotation if required

4] Set up Count X and Count Y

5] Set Count Z to 1

6] Set up Start Corner and Main Orientation if required

7] Set up Snake Mode and Apply Fixture Rotation if required



3D DMX Configuration

To configure a 3D LED matrix with DMX-based fixtures, follow these steps:

1] Configure all Settings as described under Settings



3D DVI Configuration

To configure a 3D LED matrix with DVI-based fixtures, follow these steps:

Merge Fixtures

1] Choose Protocol > DVI

2] Choose your Product

3] Set up Rotation if required

4] Set up Count X and Count Y and Count Z

5] Set up Z-Order and Snake Mode Z

Separate Fixtures

1] Configure all Settings as described above, except DMX Start Channel and DMX Start Universe.



Important Notes

LED Fixtures



The fixtures are pre-patched and included with their amount of pixels. Please only define how many fixtures you are using and not the total number of pixels.

Color Kinetics eW Flex SLX,

Color Kinetics iColor Flex SLX

If your are using a PDS-150, a sPDS-480ca, or a PDS-60ca with one or two strings per controller, please select the correct fixture.




Count X / Y / Z

The maximum value you can enter is 65536 by default.
Please note that this is a theoretical limit.
The maximum value that can be used depends on the capabilities of your computer.
- The graphics card needs to support these values. [The Logfile shows the highest available values for your current system via viewport size X and viewport size Y in combination with 2D texture size for 2D mode and 3D texture size for 3D mode. Search for these items or choose Filter > Previews. Learn more »Tools]
- The overall computer performance defines the maximum resolution your PC can handle in 2D or 3D. Learn more »System Requirements
- The available, contiguous memory also defines the maximum available resolution [RAM; up to the theoretic maximum of 2 GB as a 32-bit application, which is much lower in practice].
- It is not feasible to set up extremely high resolutions, such as 65536 x 65536 x 65536 or 500 x 500 x 500, for example.
- High values can be useful when setting up extremely rectangular 2D matrices, such as 10000 x 20 x 1 or 20 x 10000 x 1, for example.


DMX Start Universe

The maximum value you can enter is 256 by default.
You can change the maximum value in by changing the Virtual DMX Universes setting in the Options.
Learn more »Performance
It is possible to use more virtual DMX universes than actual DMX universes by using less than 512 DMX channels per universe.
The actual number of DMX universes [i.e. DMX channels] that can be used for output depends on your MADRIX KEY software license.
»MADRIX KEY [Software License]



Further Configuration

MADRIX offers many more options to configure your virtual LED matrix.
Learn more »Patch Editor
If your fixture is not yet available or if you would like to add it,
please see »Supported Fixtures [LED Products]



Further Tips

Make sure to save your MADRIX Setup File after the configuration process.


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