Mapping / Tiling / Rotation |
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This topic includes: ▪Using Fixture Groups As Mapping Preset ▪Using Fixture Groups As Tiling Preset ▪Drag And Drop [Copy And Paste]
You can resize, reposition, and further modify every MADRIX Effect; independently of your configuration in the Matrix Generator or Patch Editor.
▪Click Map
▪A new window will open [in 2D or 3D view according to the Matrix Settings].
The Map Settings window has 4 sections: ▪and a graphical overview showing you the consequences of your changes.
▪All 3 options can be used in combination [Mapping / Rotation / Tiling]. ▪All 3 options are powerful ways to customize visuals. ▪All options refer to the virtual LED matrix [Matrix Size] you have configured in the Matrix Generator or Patch Editor. ▪You can save Map Settings to an external file or load previously saved settings from an external file. ▪Click Defaults to cancel any changes and restore the default settings. ▪Click Close to close the window.
Mapping allows you to change the size and position of a Layer. ▪Preset - Instead of adjusting the below values manually, you can decide to use these presets. MADRIX 5 will then automatically adjust the above settings accordingly. The default value is Full Size. ▪Position X - Defines the horizontal position of the Layer. ▪Position Y - Defines the vertical position of the Layer. ▪Position Z - Defines the position of the Layer in the depth. ▪Size X - Defines the horizontal size of the Layer. ▪Size Y - Defines the vertical size of the Layer. ▪Size Z - Defines the size of the Layer in the depth. ▪Mirror Mode - Mirrors the Layer [flipping]. You can choose to not apply mirroring [None], to mirror horizontally [Mirror H], vertically [Mirror V], regarding the depth [Mirror D], or in any combination [e.g., Mirror HVD]. The default value is None.
▪Set up a virtual LED matrix of 100 x 100 x 1. ▪Create 2 Layers. ▪For Layer 1, choose SCE Plasma and the preset Left in the section Mapping ▪For Layer 2, choose SCE Wave / Radial and the preset Right in the section Mapping ▪The result could look like this:
Using Fixture Groups As Mapping Preset Fixture groups, when configured in the Patch Editor, are available as presets for Mapping and Tiling. 1] Go to Mapping > Preset 2] Select the fixture group from the list. 3] MADRIX 5 will automatically set the correct settings.
This section allows you to rotate a Layer. ▪X-Axis - Defines the clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation of the Layer in percent around the X-axis. ▪Y-Axis - Defines the clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation of the Layer in percent around the Y-axis. ▪Z-Axis - Defines the clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation of the Layer in percent around the Z-axis. ▪Anti-Aliasing - Rotating a MADRIX Effect can produce hard edges for certain visuals. Anti-aliasing improves the image quality by reducing the hard edges.
▪Set up a virtual LED matrix of 100 x 100 x 1. ▪Use only 1 Layer. ▪For Layer 1, choose SCE Graph and set Z-Axis to 45 in the section Rotation ▪The result could look like this:
This section allows you to duplicate the Layer and its content. ▪Preset - Instead of adjusting the below values manually, you can decide to use these presets. MADRIX 5 will then automatically adjust the below settings accordingly [except for Tile Count]. The default value is Full Size. ▪Tile Count - Scales the Layer to a fraction of its size and therefore creates the number of tiles as set by this value. Is an automatic way to tile the Layer and influences the sizes below and always centers the positions. Tile mode Repeat is automatically activated. E.g., a Tile Count of 4 will reduce the size to 25% and create 4 Layers. ▪Position X - Defines the horizontal position of the Layer. ▪Position Y - Defines the vertical position of the Layer. ▪Position Z - Defines the position of the Layer in the depth. ▪Size X - Defines the horizontal size of the Layer. ▪Size Y - Defines the vertical size of the Layer. ▪Size Z - Defines the size of the Layer in the depth. ▪Offset X - Defines the spacing between repeated or mirrored sections regarding the X-axis and only works when a Tile Mode other than None is selected. ▪Offset Y - Defines the spacing between repeated or mirrored sections regarding the X-axis and only works when a Tile Mode other than None is selected. ▪Offset Z - Defines the spacing between repeated or mirrored sections regarding the X-axis and only works when a Tile Mode other than None is selected. ▪Tile Mode - You can choose to not apply tiling [None], to tile repeatedly [Repeat], horizontally [Mirror H], vertically [Mirror V], regarding the depth [Mirror D], or in any combination [e.g., Mirror HVD]. The default value is None.
▪Set up a virtual LED matrix of 100 x 100 x 1. ▪Use only 1 Layer. ▪For Layer 1, choose SCE Wave / Radial and set Tile Count to 11 in the section Tiling ▪The result could look like this:
Using Fixture Groups As Tiling Preset Fixture groups, when configured in the Patch Editor, are available as presets for Mapping and Tiling.
1] Go to Tiling > Preset 2] Select the fixture group from the list. 3] MADRIX 5 will automatically set the correct settings.
▪ ▪
Drag And Drop [Copy And Paste] ▪Left Mouse Click And Hold - You can perform a Copy and Paste with the mouse.
▪Right Mouse Click - You can call up the context menu by performing a right mouse click on Map ▪A small window will be shown.
You can quickly perform the following actions: ▪Edit... - Opens the Map Settings window [in the same way you can open the window by clicking on Map with the left mouse button]. ▪Open... - Loads Maps Settings from a previously saved, external file [of the file type *.mmapx].
▪Copy - Copies all your mapping, tiling, and rotation settings for this Layer into the clipboard. ▪Paste - Applies all settings that are stored in the clipboard to this Layer. [In this way, you can quickly copy and paste Map Settings from one Layer to other Layers.]
▪Clear - Clears all changes and restores the default settings [in the same way you can restore the default settings by clicking Defaults in the Map Settings window].
MADRIX 5.7. |
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