Importing A Patch Into MADRIX

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In this tutorial, you will learn how you can import a prepared patch. That is useful if you create a patch on one PC and you want to open the patch on another PC or if you want to use the patch for several setups.


Date: 09/2014
MADRIX Version: 3.3 (Created with)

Requirements: For this tutorial it is important to save a patch file first. A previous tutorial explains how to create a patch file »Creating A Patch With Space Between Fixtures



Start MADRIX. You can see the graphical user interface of MADRIX with the default matrix size of 50 x 50 x 1 voxels.


Go to File > Import > Patch...

Choose the directory on your harddisk where your patch file is located, select the patch file, and click Open
MADRIX automatically updates the sizes of the output windows and the Previews according to your patch.


Congratulations! You have imported a patch file into MADRIX.


MADRIX 3 Tutorials Version 1.9
[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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