This topic includes:
Interfaces and nodes are often part of any project installation. While not separately identified by the RDM specifications, MADRIX RADAR provides built-in mechanisms to monitor their status as well.
Requirements and conditions for interface monitoring:
▪Interfaces need to support RDM over Art-Net.
[This is also a general requirement for nodes/interfaces to be used with MADRIX RADAR.]
▪Monitoring of interfaces is not tied to the license system of the software. Interfaces do not need a separate license validation.
[»License Model]
Detecting lost connections for interfaces is possible when no more data or status information is received by the device, for example:
▪For devices with a hardware failure.
▪If the RDM features of a device are disabled.
▪If the assignment of universe(s) has changed.
By default, the following information is provided since the following columns are enabled in the list:
Represents the device numbering as index and is especially useful for referencing interfaces in the list or seeing the total number of found interfaces.
May show an orange icon [that is, a warning triangle] if problems are detected. In addition, a tooltip with specific information is provided [via mouse-over].
Warnings may include, for example:
▪the connection to this interface has been lost
▪the interface is not capable of transmitting RDM data, or RDM is currently disabled |
Shows the network IP address of the network adapter, to which the interface is connected. [TCP/IPv4] [This information refers to »Art-Net.]
Network Name
Shows the name of the network adapter.
Interface IP Address
Shows the IP address of the hardware interface. [This information refers to »Art-Net.]
Interface Short Name
Shows the short name of the hardware interface. [This information refers to »Art-Net.]
Interface Long Name
Shows the long name of the hardware interface. [This information refers to »Art-Net.]
Interface Firmware
Shows the current firmware version of the hardware interface. [This information refers to »Art-Net.]
▪Right Mouse Click - Perform a click with your right mouse button on an entry.
Open Interface Configuration Via HTTP...
Opens a new web-browser window using the IP address of the interface in order to access the web configuration of the device. The interface needs to support this feature.
Removes the interface from the list. [Keyboard shortcut: Del]
A progression window will be shown if the process of deleting a large number of interfaces at once should take longer than 1 second.
Copy Cell To Clipboard
Copies the currently selected cell [that is, single information] into the clipboard/temporary memory. [Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + C]
Copy Rows To Clipboard
Copies the currently selected row or rows [that is, all parameter information] into the clipboard/temporary memory. [Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + C]
Export List...
Saves the entire, currently shown list/view/table as a preformatted text file.
▪Search - Enter any text in order to search all parameters in the list.
- Any device/line that includes the search term will be shown. All others are temporarily filtered out.
- Terms can be case-insensitive. You don't have to use capital letters.
- Feel free to use terms that are incomplete. For example, aur will include results for AURA.
- You may specify certain columns by using a colon [:].
- For example: Desc:Vol shows all lines that include voltage status information by referencing the column Description, for example.
MADRIX RADAR allows you to choose which columns are presented in this view. You can decide which columns are hidden or shown.
▪Right Mouse Click - Perform a click with your right mouse button anywhere on the header of the list.
Shown - A checkmark means that columns are shown.
Hidden - No checkmark means that columns are hidden.
Shows or hides the Index column.
Shows or hides the Status column.
Shows or hides the Network column.
Interface IP Address
Shows or hides the Interface IP Address column.
Interface Short Name
Shows or hides the Interface Short Name column.
Interface Long Name
Shows or hides the Interface Long Name column.
Interface Firmware
Shows or hides the Interface Firmware column.