SCE Video

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Functions Provided By SCE Video

This effect uses the following functions:
Note: Certain functions may not work due to restrictions and limitations of the video codec that a video is using and encoded with. Please see the MADRIX Software's Help And Manual for more information.

This Effect uses Directions. Learn more »Using Direction

This Effect uses Look-At Types. Learn more »Using Look-At Types

This Effect uses the BPM Control. Learn more »Using BPM Control

This Effect uses the Color Controls. Learn more »Using Color Controls

This Effect uses the Position Control. Learn more »Using Position Control




void SetExtrusion(float value)

Sets the Extrusion value in percent of the matrix size (depending on the current look-at type).

float GetExtrusion()

Returns the current Extrusion value in percent of the matrix size (depending on the current look-at type).

void SetPixelExtrusion(int value)

Sets the Extrusion value in pixels.

int GetPixelExtrusion()

Returns the current Extrusion value in pixels.

void SetRotation(int angle)

Sets the Rotation globally for all images of the Image List. It is possible to rotate the images by multiples of 90°. This function is equal to the rotation button provided by the GUI of the effect. Valid values for angle are 0, 90, 180, and 270.

int GetRotation()

Returns the currently set Rotation.

void SetTiling(int enable)

Disables Tile Mode if enable is set to 0 (FALSE), otherwise the Tile Mode will be enabled via 1 (TRUE).

int GetTiling()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if Tile Mode is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void ToggleTiling()

Enables Tile Mode or uses the default setting, depending on the current state.

void SetSeamless(int enable)

Disables Seamless if enable is 0 (FALSE), otherwise it will be enabled.

int GetSeamless()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if Seamless is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void ToggleSeamless()

Enables Seamless or uses the default setting, depending on the current state.

float GetImageWidth()

Returns the image width of the current image in percent of the matrix width.

float GetImageHeight()

Returns the image height of the current image in percent of the matrix height.

float GetImageDepth()

Returns the image depth of the current image in percent of the matrix depth.

int GetImagePixelWidth()

Returns the image width of the current image in pixels.

int GetImagePixelHeight()

Returns the image height of the current image in pixels.

int GetImagePixelDepth()

Returns the image depth of the current imagein pixel.

float GetCurrentPositionX()

Returns the X-position of the current image in percent of the matrix width.

float GetCurrentPositionY()

Returns the Y-position of the current image in percent of the matrix height.

float GetCurrentPositionZ()

Returns the Z-position of the current image in percent of the matrix depth.

int GetCurrentPixelPositionX()

Returns the X-position of the current image in pixels.

int GetCurrentPixelPositionY()

Returns the Y-position of the current image in pixels.

int GetCurrentPixelPositionZ()

Returns the Z-position of the current image in pixels.

void SetAutostart(int enable)

Disables Automatic Start if enable is set to 0 (FALSE). Otherwise, auto start can be enabled using 1 (TRUE).

int GetAutostart()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if Automatic Start is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void SetLoopingMode(int mode)

Sets the Looping mode. See below for details.

int GetLoopingMode()

Returns the Looping mode. See below for details.

int GetVideoLoaded()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if a video is already loaded.

int GetVideoRunning()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if video Playback is active, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void StartVideo()

Toggles the video Playback. Starts the video, when stopped and stops the video when it runs.

void StopVideo()

Stops video Playback.

timecode GetVideoLength()

Returns the Length of the video as timecode structure. If no video is loaded, 0 is returned.

void SetVideoTime(timecode tc)

Sets the current Time Position of the video playback. If no video is loaded, nothing happens. See below for further details.

timecode GetVideoTime()

Returns the current Time of the video playback.

void StartVideoBackward()

Starts playing the video backwards for compatible video files.

void SetVideoStartTime(timecode tc)

Sets the Start Time of the video. The video starts playing from this position.

timecode GetVideoStartTime()

Returns the position at which the video starts playing.

void SetVideoEndTime(timecode tc)

Sets the End Time of the video. The video ends playing at this position.

timecode GetVideoEndTime()

Returns the position at which the video stops playing.

void SetVideoPlaybackRate(float rate)

Sets the Playback Rate of the video. E.g., a value of 2.0 means that the video will be running 2x faster than the original speed.

float GetVideoPlaybackRate()

Returns the current Playback Rate of the video.

void StepForward()

Steps the video one frame forward.

void StepBackward()

Steps the video one frame backward.

void SetStretchMode(int mode)

Returns the Stretch mode.  See below for details.

int GetStretchMode()

Returns the Stretch mode.  See below for details.

void SetGrayscale(int enable)

Disables Grayscale if enable is set to 0 (FALSE). Otherwise it can be enabled using 1 (TRUE).

int GetGrayscale()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if Grayscale mode is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void ToggleGrayscale()

Enables Grayscale mode or uses the default setting, depending on the current state.

void SetRgbw(int enable)

Disables the RGB-To-RGBW mode if enable is 0 (FALSE), otherwise it can be enabled using 1 (TRUE).

int GetRgbw()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if RGB-To-RGBW mode is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void ToggleRgbw()

Enables RGB-To-RGBW mode or uses the default setting, depending on the current state.

void SetFilteringMode(int mode)

Sets the Filtering mode. See below for details.

int GetFilteringMode()

Returns the Filtering mode. See below for details.

void SetHue(float value)

Sets the Hue. Valid values for value range from -1.00 to 1.00.

float GetHue()

Returns the currently set float value for Hue.

void SetSaturation(float value)

Sets the Saturation. Valid values for value range from -1.00 to 1.00.

float GetSaturation()

Returns the currently set float value for Saturation.

void SetBrightness(float value)

Sets the Brightness. Valid values for value range from -1.00 to 1.00.

float GetBrightness()

Returns the currently set float value for Brightness.

void SetContrast(float value)

Sets the Contrast. Valid values for value range from -1.00 to 1.00.

float GetContrast()

Returns the currently set float value for Contrast.


Stretch Mode Constants




Sets the stretch mode to None (no stretching).


Sets the stretch mode to Matrix (stretches to the current aspect ratio of the matrix).


Sets the stretch mode to Original (stretches to the original aspect ratio of the source).


Sets the stretch mode to 4:3.


Sets the stretch mode to 16:9.


Filtering Mode Constants




Sets the Filtering Mode to None (no filtering).


Sets the Filtering Mode to Linear (may require additional performance).


Looping Mode Constants




Sets the Playback Mode to Once (no looping).


Sets the Playback Mode to Loop (forward or backward looping).


Sets the Playback Mode to Ping Pong (changing the playback direction when reaching the video end or start time).


Setting the Time for Video Playback

If a video is loaded that has a length of 2:45:00 for example, the following source code would set the playback position to 1:25:30.

timecode tc = {1, 25, 30};

Note: If the given time is higher than the length of the video, the time is set to the end of the video.


MADRIX Version: 5.6 | Script Version: 3.18
[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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