List Of Functions (Grouped)

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This chapter lists a selection of functions of the List Of Functions (Alphabetical Order) in groups of similar kind.
Further information is provided in the chapter »List Of Functions (Alphabetical Order).



MAS Script

Macros for Effects

Storage Place Macro

Global Macro

Draw Functions

void CaptureScreen(color matrix[][], int xSrc, int ySrc, int w, int h)

Retrieves data from the screen and stores it into a 2-dimensional array of colors. »Description





void Clear()

void Clear(color col)

Fills the whole matrix with the given color. The default color (no color parameter) is black.





void ClearAlpha(int alpha)

Sets the alpha channel of each pixel in the matrix to the specified alpha value.





void ClearColor(color col)

Fills the entire matrix with the given color without changing the alpha value.





void ChangeBrightness(color col)

Adds the values of the specified color to the current color of every pixel in the matrix.





void ColorReplace(color oldCol, color newCol)

Replaces the given color oldCol by another one.





void SetPixel(color col, int x, int y)

Sets the pixel at position (x, y) to the specified color. »Description And Examples





void SetPixel3D(color col, int x, int y, int z)

Sets the voxel at position (x, y, z) to the specified color.





void SetPixelGrayscale(int x, int y)

Renders the selected pixel at position (x, y) in grayscale. »Description And Examples





void SetPixelGrayscale3D(int x, int y, int z)

Renders the selected voxel at position (x, y, z) in grayscale.





color GetPixel(int x, int y)

Returns the color of the pixel at position (x, y).





color GetPixel3D(int x, int y, int z)

Returns the color of the voxel at position (x, y, z ).





void GetPixelArea(color matrix[][], int xSrc, int ySrc, int w, int h,

int xDst, int yDst)

Retrieves data from the matrix and stores it into a 2-dimensional array of colors. »Description





void GetPixelArea3D(color matrix[][][], int xSrc, int ySrc, int zSrc, int w, int h, int d,

int xDst, int yDst, int zDst)

Retrieves data from the matrix and stores it into a 3-dimensional array of colors. »Description





void DrawPixelArea(color matrix[][], int xDst, int yDst, int w, int h,

int xSrc, int ySrc, color filter)

Copies data from a 2-dimensional array of colors and renders it on the matrix. »Description





void DrawPixelArea3D(color matrix[][][], int xDst, int yDst, int zDst, int w, int h, int d,

int xSrc, int ySrc, int zSrc, color filter)

Copies data from a 3-dimensional array of colors and renders it on the matrix. »Description





void DrawPixelBitmap(string file, int x, int y)

Loads the specified image file and renders it on the matrix starting at position (x, y).  
Note: Please use cautiously! The higher the total pixel resolution of the image itself and the higher the pixel resolution of the virtual LED matrix in the software (Matrix Size), the higher are the performance requirements of this function. Certain file formats may have a better performance (*.bmp, *.jpg) than others (*.png).





void DrawVectorBitmap(string file, int x, int y)

Loads the specified image file and renders it on the matrix starting at the relative position (x, y).
Note: Please use cautiously! The higher the total pixel resolution of the image itself and the higher the pixel resolution of the virtual LED matrix in the software (Matrix Size), the higher are the performance requirements of this function. Certain file formats may have a better performance (*.bmp, *.jpg) than others (*.png).





void DrawPixelBitmap3D(string file, int x, int y, int z)

Loads the specified image file and renders it on the matrix starting at position (x, y, z).
Note: Please use cautiously! The higher the total pixel resolution of the image itself and the higher the pixel resolution of the virtual LED matrix in the software (Matrix Size), the higher are the performance requirements of this function. Certain file formats may have a better performance (*.bmp, *.jpg) than others (*.png).





void DrawVectorBitmap3D(string file, int x, int y, int z)

Loads the specified image file and renders it on the matrix starting at the relative position (x, y, z).
Note: Please use cautiously! The higher the total pixel resolution of the image itself and the higher the pixel resolution of the virtual LED matrix in the software (Matrix Size), the higher are the performance requirements of this function. Certain file formats may have a better performance (*.bmp, *.jpg) than others (*.png).





void DrawPixelLine(color col, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

Draws a line from pixel (x1, y1) to pixel (x2, y2) with the specified color.





void DrawPixelLine3D(color col, int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2)

Draws a line from voxel (x1, y1, z1) to voxel (x2, y2, z2) with the specified color col.





void DrawVectorLine(color col, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)

Draws a line from the relative position (x1, y1) to relative position (x2, y2) with the specified color.





void DrawVectorLine3D(color col, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)

Draws a line from the relative position (x1, y1, z1) to the relative position (x2, y2, z2) with the specified color col.





void DrawPixelText(color c, font f, string t, int x, int y, int rotation)

Draws a text across the main output. color c and font f are structures. Valid values for rotation are ROTATION_CCW_0, ROTATION_CCW_90, ROTATION_CCW_180, ROTATION_CCW_270 for counter-clockwise rotation and ROTATION_CW_0, ROTATION_CW_90, ROTATION_CW_180, ROTATION_CW_270 for clockwise rotation. »Example 1 »Example 2 »Example 3 »Example 4





void DrawVectorText(color c, font f, string t, float x, float y, int rotation)

Draws a vector text across the main output. color c and font f are structures. Valid values for rotation are ROTATION_CCW_0, ROTATION_CCW_90, ROTATION_CCW_180, ROTATION_CCW_270 for counter-clockwise rotation and ROTATION_CW_0, ROTATION_CW_90, ROTATION_CW_180, ROTATION_CW_270 for clockwise rotation. »Example 1 »Example 2





void DrawPixelShape(color col, int shape, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int d, int lineWidth, int drawMode, int lookAtType)

Draws a given shape onto the matrix with the given size (width w, height h, depth d) at the given position (x, y, z) with the specified color col. Learn more »Draw Shapes





void DrawVectorShape(color col, int shape, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d, int lineWidth, int drawMode, int lookAtType)

Draws a given shape at the relative position (x, y, z) with the relative size (width w, height h, depth d) and the specified color col. Learn more »Draw Shapes





void ShiftPixelMatrix(int x, int y, int w, int h, int dir, int step)

Moves the area of the matrix (defined by x, y, w, and h) step pixel into the given direction. Exemplary values for dir are SHIFT_UP, SHIFT_DOWN, or SHIFT_UL. »List of Global Constants
Note: After shifting the pixels, the data is lost. It is not possible to undo a shifting operation. x, y, w, h describe the rectangle that should be shifted. x and y describe the upper left corner. w and h are the width and height of the rectangle. Learn more »ShiftMatrix





void ShiftVectorMatrix(float x, float y, float w, float h, int dir, float step)

Moves the area of the matrix (defined by x, y, w, and h) step pixel into the given direction. Exemplary values for dir are SHIFT_UP, SHIFT_DOWN, or SHIFT_UL. »List of Global Constants
Note: After shifting the pixels, the data is lost. It is not possible to undo a shifting operation. x, y, w, h describe the rectangle that should be shifted. x and y describe the upper left corner. w and h are the width and height of the rectangle. Learn more »ShiftMatrix





void VectorFloodFill(color col, float x, float y, float z)

Fills a single-colored area with the specified color col, starting at the given position x, y and z. The area is restricted to the given z-plane for which the default value is 0. In contrast to PixelFloodFill(), the coordinates are given as floating point values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.





void PixelFloodFill(color col, int x, int y, int z)

Fills a single-colored area with the specified color col, starting at the given position x, y and z. The area is restricted to the given z-plane for which the default value is 0.





void InvertColor()

Inverts the color of the entire matrix.





void InvertMatrix()

Inverts the whole matrix. The top left pixel will be moved to the bottom right and the bottom left pixel to the top right.





void Grayscale()

Converts the whole matrix to grayscaled values.





void RenderShape(struct color, int shapeType, float positionX, float positionY, float positionZ,
float sizeX, float sizeY, float sizeZ, struct shape, int unitType)

Renders 2D or 3D shapes onto the matrix. »Render Shapes





void SetVectorPixel(color, float x, float y)

Draws one pixel at the given vector coordinates. In addition to the coordinates, a color must be specified.





void SetVectorPixel3D(color, float x, float y, float z)

Draws one voxel at the given vector coordinates. In addition to the coordinates, a color must be specified.





color GetVectorPixel(float x,float y)

Returns the color of the pixel drawn at vector coordinates x and y.





color GetVectorPixel3D(float x,float y,float z)

Returns the color of the voxel drawn at vector coordinates x, y, and z.





void Filter(int filter)

Renders a filter over the matrix. »Valid values (Filters) »Description





void FilterColor(color c)

Renders a color filter over the matrix. The values of the specified color will be passed through and all other colors will be filtered out.





void SetFilter(int filter)

Applies a Filter (FX) to the matrix. Valid values for filter are »Filters »Description





int GetFilter()

Returns which Filter (FX) is applied to the matrix.





void SetChromaKey(color c, int alpha)

Sets the specified alpha value for the specified color c. color c is a structure. Valid values for alpha range from 0 to 255. Note: To be mainly used in PostRenderEffect().





S2L Functions

float GetSoundLevel(int channel)

Returns a value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, representing the sound level of the stereo channel: 0 = left channel, 1 = right channel.





M2L Functions

int GetNoteValue(int note)

Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 127, representing the sound level of the specified note: 0 = C = 8.25 Hz, ..., 127 = G = 12.67 kHz.





int GetBassValue()

Returns a value from 0 to 127 representing the sound level of the bass tone.





void GetAllNoteValues(int buf[])

Fills the array buf with the sound level values for each note (buf[0] ... buf[127]). buf[index] can differ from 0 to 127.





void GetAllIntervals(int buf[])

Fills the array buf with the occurrences of each interval (buf[0] ... buf[10]). buf[index] is 1 (TRUE) if the specified interval was analyzed.





int IsInterval(int index)

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified interval (at the index position, ranging from 0 to 10) was analyzed.





int IsNote(int note)

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the specified note was analyzed. (0 = C = 8.25 Hz, ..., 127 = G = 12.67 kHz)





int GetTonality()

Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 11, representing the tonality (0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D ...). The return value is -1 if the tonality could not be determined.





int GetBassTone()

Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 127, representing the lowest tone (0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, ...). The return value is -1 if the lowest tone could not be determined.





int GetBassType()

Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 11, representing the bass type (0 = base bass, 1,2 = small/large second bass, 3,4 = small/large third bass, ... , 10, 11 = small/large seventh bass). The return value is -1 if the bass type could not be determined.





int GetToneScale()

Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 2, representing the tone scale (0 = undetermined, 1 = major, 2 = minor).





int IsTonality()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the tonality could be determined.





Mathematical Functions

int random(int min, int max)

Returns a random integer number in the value range of min to max.





float frandom()

Returns a random float number in the value range of 0.0 to 1.0.





int min(int x, int y)
float fmin(float x, float y)

Returns the minimum value of x and y.





int max(int x, int y)
float fmax(float x, float y)

Returns the maximum value of x and y.





float abs(float x)

Returns the absolute value of x.





float sqrt(float x)

Returns the square root of x.





float pow(float x, float y)

Returns the result of the calculation of x to the power of y.





float exp(float x)

Returns the result of e (2.7182...) to the power of x.





float ln(float x)

Returns the result of the natural logarithm of x.





float log10(float x)

Returns the result of the common logarithm of x.





float hypot(float x, float y)

Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of an orthogonal triangle with x and y as the cathetus' lengths.





float rad2deg(float a)

Converts the angle a from radian measure to degrees.





float deg2rad(float a)

Converts the angle a from degrees to radian measure.





float sin(float a)
float sinDeg(float a)

Returns the sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float arcsin(float a)
float arcsinDeg(float a)

Returns the arc sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float sinH(float a)
float sinHDeg(float a)

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float cos(float a)
float cosDeg(float a)

Returns the cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float arccos(float a)
float arccosDeg(float a)

Returns the arc cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float cosH(float a)
float cosHDeg(float a)

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float tan(float a)
float tanDeg(float a)

Returns the tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float arctan(float a)
float arctanDeg(float a)

Returns the arc tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float tanH(float a)
float tanHDeg(float a)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float arccot(float a)

float arccotDeg(float a)

Returns the arc cotangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float cotan(float a)

float cotanDeg(float a)

Returns the cotangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.





float arctan2(float x, float y)

Returns the angle of polar coordinates from two Cartesian coordinates x and y.





float round(float f)

Rounds the given value to its next integer value. The value is rounded correctly, either up or down.





float trunc(float f)

Truncates/cuts off the decimals from a floating point value.





float ceil(float f)

Rounds up the given value to the next integer value. E.g. ceil(2.00001) = 3.0





float fmod(float denominator, float divisor)

Calculates the remainder of the float division.





float lerp(float a, float b, float t)

Interpolates linearly between a and b using factor t. If t = 0.0, a is returned or if t = 1.0, b is returned. Otherwise, a + t * (b – a).





int clamp(int value, int low, int high)

Uses integer values. Checks the value against a minimum and a maximum. If value < low, low is returned. If value > high, high is returned. If low < value < high, value is returned.





float fclamp(float value, float low, float high)

Uses float values. Checks the value against a minimum and a maximum. If value < low, low is returned. If value > high, high is returned. If low < value < high, value is returned.





float step(float edge, float x)

Compares value x against a threshold. If x < edge, 0.0 is returned; otherwise 1.0 is returned.





float smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x)

Compares value x against two thresholds. If x < edge0, 0.0 is returned. If x > edge1, 1.0 is returned. If edge0 < x < edge1, the interpolated value between 0.0 and 1.0 is returned.





Mapping Functions

int MapDlgIsMapped()

Retrieves if the Layer is mapped.





void MapDlgGetMapVector(float map[])

Retrieves the map settings for the Layer using relative values. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

map[2] = width (Size X)

map[3] = height (Size Y)





void MapDlgSetMapVector(float x, float y, float w, float h)

Maps the Layer to a certain area of the matrix using relative values. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.





void MapDlgGetMapVector3D(float map[])

Retrieves the map settings for the Layer in 3D using relative values. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

map[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)

map[3] = width (Size X)

map[4] = height (Size Y)

map[5] = depth (Size Z)





void MapDlgSetMapVector3D(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d)

Maps the Layer to a certain area of the matrix in 3D using relative values. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.





void MapDlgGetMapPixel(int map[])

Retrieves the map settings for the Layer using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

map[2] = width (Size X)

map[3] = height (Size Y)





void MapDlgSetMapPixel(int x, int y, int w, int h)

Maps the Layer to a certain area of the matrix using pixel values. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.





void MapDlgGetMapPixel3D(int map[])

Retrieves the map settings for the Layer in 3D using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

map[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)

map[3] = width (Size X)

map[4] = height (Size Y)

map[5] = depth (Size Z)





void MapDlgSetMapPixel3D(int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int d)

Maps the Layer to a certain area of the matrix in 3D using pixel values. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.





int MapDlgGetMapMode()

Retrieves the currently used Map Mirror Mode of the Layer. See »here for a list of constants.





void MapDlgSetMapMode(int mode)

Sets the Map Mirror Mode for the Layer. See »here for a list of constants.





void MapDlgGetTileVector(float tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for the Layer using relative values. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

tile[2] = width (Size X)

tile[3] = height (Size Y)





void MapDlgSetTileVector(float x, float y, float w, float h)

Tiles the Layer to a certain area of the mapping using relative values. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.





void MapDlgGetTileVector3D(float tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for the Layer in 3D using relative values. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

tile[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)

tile[3] = width (Size X)

tile[4] = height (Size Y)

tile[5] = depth (Size Z)





void MapDlgSetTileVector3D(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d)

Tiles the Layer in a certain area in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.





void MapDlgGetTilePixel(int tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for the Layer using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

tile[2] = width (Size X)

tile[3] = height (Size Y)





void MapDlgSetTilePixel(int x, int y, int w, int h)

Tiles the Layer in a certain area using pixel values. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.





void MapDlgGetTilePixel3D(int tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for the Layer in 3D using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)

tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)

tile[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)

tile[3] = width (Size X)

tile[4] = height (Size Y)

tile[5] = depth (Size Z)





void MapDlgSetTilePixel3D(int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int d)

Tiles the Layer in a certain area using pixel values. x, y and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.





void MapDlgGetTileOffsetVector(float offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the Layer using relative values. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)

offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)





void MapDlgSetTileOffsetVector(float x, float y)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the Layer using relative values. x describes Offset X, while y represents Offset Y.





void MapDlgGetTileOffsetVector3D(float offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the Layer in 3D using relative values. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)

offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)

offset[2] = Z-coordinate (Offset Z)





void MapDlgSetTileOffsetVector3D(float x, float y, float z)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the Layer in 3D using relative values. x describes Offset X, y describes Offset Y, while z represents Offset Z.





void MapDlgGetTileOffsetPixel(int offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the Layer using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)

offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)





void MapDlgSetTileOffsetPixel(int x, int y)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the Layer using pixel values. x describes Offset X, while y represents Offset Y.





void MapDlgGetTileOffsetPixel3D(int offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the Layer in 3D using pixel values. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)

offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)

offset[2] = Z-coordinate (Offset Z)





void MapDlgSetTileOffsetPixel3D(int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the Layer in 3D using pixel values. x describes Offset X, y describes Offset Y, while z represents Offset Z.





int MapDlgGetTileMode()

Retrieves the currently used Tile Mode of the Layer. See »here for a list of Tile Mode constants.





void MapDlgSetTileMode(int mode)

Sets the Tile Mode of the Layer. See »here for a list of Tile Mode constants.





void MapDlgGetRotationVector(float rot[])

Retrieves the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the Layer using relative values. The values are saved in an array (rot[]).


rot[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)

rot[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)

rot[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)





void MapDlgSetRotationVector(float x, float y, float z)

Sets the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the Layer using relative values.





void MapDlgGetRotationDegree(int rot[])

Retrieves the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the Layer using degree values.The values are saved in an array (rot[]).


rot[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)

rot[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)

rot[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)





void MapDlgSetRotationDegree(int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the Layer using degree values.





float MapDlgGetRotationXVector()

Retrieves the Rotation for the X-axis of the Layer using relative values.





void MapDlgSetRotationXVector(float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the X-axis of the specified Layer using degree values.





int MapDlgGetRotationXDegree()

Retrieves the Rotation for the X-axis of the Layer using degree values.





void MapDlgSetRotationXDegree(int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the X-axis of the Layer using degree values.





int MapDlgGetRotationXMode()

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the X-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





void MapDlgSetRotationXMode(int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the X-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





float MapDlgGetRotationYVector()

Retrieves the Rotation for the Y-axis of the Layer using relative values.





void MapDlgSetRotationYVector(float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Y-axis of the Layer using relative values.





int MapDlgGetRotationYDegree()

Retrieves the Rotation for the Y-axis of the Layer using degree values.





void MapDlgSetRotationYDegree(int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Y-axis of the Layer using degree values.





int MapDlgGetRotationYMode()

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the Y-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





void MapDlgSetRotationYMode(int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the Y-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





float MapDlgGetRotationZVector()

Retrieves the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the Layer using relative values.





void MapDlgSetRotationZVector(float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the Layer using relative values.





int MapDlgGetRotationZDegree()

Retrieves the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the Layer using degree values.





void MapDlgSetRotationZDegree(int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the Layer using degree values.





int MapDlgGetRotationZMode()

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the Z-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





void MapDlgSetRotationZMode(int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the Z-axis of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





void MapDlgGetRotationMode(int mode[])

Retrieves the Rotation mode for axes x, y, and z of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants. The values are saved in an array (mode[]).


mode[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)

mode[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)

mode[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)





void MapDlgSetRotationMode(int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Rotation mode for axes x, y, and z of the Layer. See »here for a list of Rotation Mode constants.





int MapDlgGetAntiAliasing()

Retrieves the Anti-Aliasing mode of the Layer. See »here for a list of Anti-Aliasing Mode constants.





void MapDlgSetAntiAliasing(int aaLevel)

Sets the Anti-Aliasing mode of the Layer. See »here for a list of Anti-Aliasing Mode constants.





String Functions

int findstring(int startIndex, string text, string substring)

Searches for the substring within text starting at startIndex. The function returns an index that describes the position at which the substring begins. »Description

Example: findstring(0, "Hello World!", "World") returns 6. If the substring is not found within text, -1 is returned.





string substring(string text, int start, int count)

The function extracts count characters from the given text starting with start. If count is -1, all characters of the string starting at start are returned. »Description

E.g.: substring("Hello", 0, 2) returns "He".





int rfindstring(int startIndex, string text, string substring)

This functions looks for the substring in the given text from its end to the beginning. The function starts its search at a specified position of the entire text using startIndex and returns an index that describes the position at which the substring begins. If the substring was not found, -1 is returned.





int startswith(string text, string substring)

This function checks if the string text starts with the given substring. If text starts with substring, 1 (TRUE) is returned, otherwise 0 (FALSE).





int endswith(string text, string substring)

This function checks if the string text ends with the given substring. If text ends with substring, 1 (TRUE) is returned, otherwise 0 (FALSE).





int isalnum(string text)

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the given string contains only characters and figures and if its length is greater then 0. Otherwise, 0 (FALSE) is returned.





int isalpha(string text)

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the given string contains only characters and if its length is greater than 0, otherwise 0 (FALSE) is returned.





int isnum(string text)

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the given text represents a number. This may be an integer number or a floating point number (e.g. 1.3). Otherwise, it returns 0 (FALSE).





void tolower(string text)

Converts each character of the given string into a lower-case character.





void toupper(string text)

Converts each character of the given string into an upper-case character.





string hex(int value)

Formats the given value as a hexadecimal number. Letters are lower-cased (a-f).





string Hex(int value)

Formats the given value as a hexadecimal number. Letters are upper-cased (A-F).





void strip(string text)

Removes leading and ending white spaces, like space, tabulator, line feeds, etc. from the given string.





int strcmp(string str1, string str2)

Compares two given strings with each other. If they are equal, 0 is returned. -1 is returned if str1 is less than str2. A value of 1 is returned if str1 is bigger than str2.





void replace(string src, string old, string new)

Replaces any appearances of old within src with new.





void tokenize(string src, string delimiter, string reslist[])

Strips the src string into smaller pieces delimited by characters within delemiter. The result is returned in reslist. »Description





Effect-Controlling Functions

void SetAsync(int value)

Sets the asynchronous rendering mode. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





int GetAsync()

Returns if asynchronous rendering is used. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





void ToggleAsync()

Toggles the asynchronous rendering mode. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





void SetBlind(int value)

Sets Blind Mode. »Description





int GetBlind()

Returns if Blind Mode is used. »Description





void ToggleBlind()

Toggles Blind Mode. »Description





void SetFrameId(float id)

Sets a new Frame ID. If the given id is lower than 0, it is set to 0.





float GetFrameId()

Returns the ID of the current frame. »Description





float GetFrameSteps()

Returns the number of frames between this and the last call. »Description





float GetFrameCount()

Retrieves the number of frames the effect produces before it gets repeated. This is the same value which was set by SetFrameCount for MAS Script. The initial value is 1000.0.





void SetSolo(int value)

Sets Solo Mode. »Description





int GetSolo()

Returns if Solo Mode is used. »Description





void ToggleSolo()

Toggles Solo Mode. »Description





void SetStep(int value)

Sets the stepped rendering mode. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





int GetStep()

Returns if stepped rendering is used. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





void ToggleStep()

Toggles the stepped rendering mode. »Description

This function is only available for some effects.





Other Functions

void TRACE(variable)

Writes the value of the specified variable into the Script output window. Fulfills the same function as WriteText





void WriteText(string s)

Writes the specified message into the Script Output window.





void WriteTextClear()

Clears the Script Output window from all messages.





int GetMatrixDepth()

Returns the pixel count of the rendered matrix regarding the depth. In case of Global Macro and Storage Place Macro, this is the Matrix Size. When used as Effect Macro or MAS Script, the result may differ from the Matrix Size, since they can be mapped via Map Settings.





int GetMatrixWidth()

Returns the horizontal pixel count of the rendered matrix. In case of Global Macro and Storage Place Macro, this is the Matrix Size. When used as Effect Macro or MAS Script, the result may differ from the Matrix Size, since they can be mapped via Map Settings.





int GetMatrixHeight()

Returns the vertical pixel count of the rendered matrix. In case of Global Macro and Storage Place Macro, this is the Matrix Size. When used as Effect Macro or MAS Script, the result may differ from the Matrix Size, since they can be mapped via Map Settings.





int GetColorDepth()

Returns the color depth of the fixture.





date GetDate()

Returns a date structure with the current date. Please note: The function uses the time as set up in the MADRIX 5 Options. This determines if any Offsets are applied.





timecode GetTime()

Returns a timecode structure with the current time. The member variable frame of the structure timecode will always return 0, as this function only works exact to the second. Please note: The function uses the time as set up in the MADRIX 5 Options. This determines if Daylight Saving Time (DST) is factored in or not and if any Offsets are applied.





int GetDayOfWeek(int day, int month, int year)

Returns the day of the week of a specified date. Returned values include 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 = Saturday. -1 is returned if the provided parameters are invalid. Valid values for day range from 1 to 31. Valid values for month range from 1 to 12. Valid values for year start with value 1900.





int GetMixMode()

Returns the currently set Mix Mode. »Valid values (Mix Modes) »Description





void SetMixMode(int mode)

Sets the Mix Mode of the effect. mode may be one of the values defined in »Mix Modes. If mode is invalid, nothing happens and a message is displayed in the Script output of the Script Editor. »Description





int GetSubMaster()

Returns the currently set Submaster value of the effect. The value ranges from 0 to 255.





void SetSubMaster(int value)

Sets the Submaster value of the effect. Valid values range from 0 to 255.





int GetOpacity()

Returns the currently set Opacity value of the effect. The value ranges from 0 to 255.





void SetOpacity(int value)

Sets the Opacity value of the effect. Valid values range from 0 to 255.





void SetLink(int enable)

Enables or disables the option to link effect Layers. Valid values are 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE).





int GetLink()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the option to link effect Layers is enabled, otherwise 0 (FALSE).





void ToggleLink()

Toggles Link Mode, the option to link effect Layers.





int ReadAsync(string file, string txt, int encoding)

Reads the content from a file with a certain encoding (default: automatic detection) as text into the string txt. »Description And Examples





int SetReadAsyncInterval(string file, int interval)

Sets the reading interval for a certain file. To be used in combination with ReadAsync. »Description And Examples





string GetApplicationPath()

Locates the MADRIX.exe on your harddisk and returns the path as a string. »Example





string GetUserProfileDirectory()

Locates the directory of the current user profile on the harddisk and returns the path as a string. »Example





void GetComputerName()

Retrieves the name of the computer in use as defined in Windows.





void GetUserName()

Retrieves the name of the current user as defined in Windows.





timecode GetTimeCode(int type)

Returns a timecode structure with the currently used Time Code. Valid values for type are TIMECODE_TYPE_NONE, TIMECODE_TYPE_MIDI, TIMECODE_TYPE_ARTNET, TIMECODE_TYPE_SMPTE, TIMECODE_TYPE_ALL. If no type parameter is provided, TIMECODE_TYPE_ALL will automatically be used as the default parameter. »Example





int GetEffectTime()

Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the MADRIX Effect has been started [this factors in a subsequent start via an Opacity action].





int GetMadrixTime()

Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the Main Mixing thread of the software has been started. »Example





Version Number Functions

string GetScriptEngineVersion()

Returns the script engine version and returns the value as a string. »Example





string GetSoftwareVersion()

Returns the MADRIX software version and returns the value as a string. »Example





int CheckScriptEngineVersion(int major, int minor)

Checks the Script engine version in use and returns 1 if the version is equal or higher to the version specified with major and minor. Or else 0 is returned. The current Script Engine Version is 3.23. A useful function to check if the minimum requirements of your script are met. »Example





int CheckSoftwareVersion(int major, int minor, int subminor, int subsubminor)

Checks the MADRIX software version in use and returns 1 if the version is equal or higher to the version specified with major, minor, subminor, and subsubminor. Or else 0 is returned. The current MADRIX version is You can check which version you are using by opening the Logfile in MADRIX (at the beginning of the file) or check the MADRIX.exe (perform a right-click > Properties >Version). A useful function to check if the minimum requirements of your script are met. »Example





DMX-IN Functions

void GetDmxIn(int DmxValues[], int startchannel, int channels, int universe)

Stores the DMX-IN status of several DMX channels in an array (DmxValues[]). To use the function, choose a DMX start channel and specify the number of channels that should be scanned. Valid values for startchannel range from 0 to 511. Valid values for channels range from 0 to 511. Please note that a maximum of 512 channels can be scanned. This means that the sum of startchannel + channels must be less or equal to 512. In addition, specify the universe that should be scanned. Valid values for universe range from 0 to the setting under Preferences > Options... > Performance > Virtual DMX Universes > Input - 1 (Default: 8 [7], Maximum: 2048 [2047]). The default universe is 0, i.e. DMX Universe 1.





int GetDmxInChannel(int channel, int universe)

Returns the status of the DMX-IN functionality of a specified DMX channel (channel). Valid values for channel range from 0 to 511. In addition, specify the universe that should be scanned. Valid values for universe range from 0 to the setting under Preferences > Options... > Performance > Virtual DMX Universes > Input - 1 (Default: 8 [7], Maximum: 2048 [2047]). The default value of universe is 0, i.e. DMX Universe 1.





int IsDmxInEnabled()

Retrieves if DMX-IN is activated (1) or not (0).





PixelTranspose Functions

void CreatePixelTransposeTable(int size, int growsize)

Creates the pixel transpose table with the given size and growsize.





void SetPixelTransposeEntry(int idx, int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY)

Adds one pixel transpose table entry defined by idx. srcX and srcY are the x and y coordinates of the source. destX and destY are the destination coordinates.





void SetPixelTransposeEntry3D(int idx, int srcX, int srcY, int srcZ, int destX, int destY, int destZ)

Adds one pixel transpose table entry defined by idx. srcX, srcY and srcZ are the coordinates of the source in x, y, and z. destX, destY, and destZ are the destination coordinates. »Description





void AddPixelTransposeEntry(int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY)

Adds one entry to the pixel transpose table and resizes the table if necessary. srcX and srcY are the coordinates in X and Y of the source. destX and destY are the destination coordinates.





void AddPixelTransposeEntry3D(int srcX, int srcY, int srcZ, int destX, int destY, int destZ)

Adds one entry to the pixel transpose table and resizes the table if necessary. srcX, srcY, and srcZ are the coordinates in X, Y, and Z of the source. destX, destY, and destZ are the coordinates of the destination. »Description





void ExecutePixelTranspose(int clear)

Executes the pixel transposition by using the pixel transpose table. Using the value CLEAR will erase/overwrite all pixels that are not defined as destination with the the color black. Otherwise, NOCLEAR will keep all pixels that are not defined as original destination.





MIDI Functions

int IsMidiInEnabled()

Retrieves if MIDI-IN is activated (1) or not (0).





int GetMidiInNoteValue(int midinote, int midichannel, int buffer)

Returns the MIDI note value of the specified MIDI note (midinote) and midichannel for the specified buffer. The default value of note, midichannel is 0, i.e. the first note and channel. Valid values for buffer range from 0 to 127. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example





int GetMidiInControlValue(int midicontrol, int midichannel, int buffer)

Returns the MIDI control value of the specified MIDI control change (midicontrol) and midichannel for the specified buffer. The default value of control, midichannel is 0, i.e. the first control and channel. Valid values for buffer range from 0 to 127. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example





void GetMidiInNote(int midivalues[], int startnote, int notecount, int midichannel, int buffer)

Stores the MIDI values for multiple notes in an array (midivalues[]). To use the function, choose a start note (startnote) and the number of notes (notecount), as well as the MIDI channel (midichannel) and the buffer. The default value of startnote, midichannel is 0, i.e. the first control and channel. The default and maximum value of notecount is 128. Valid values for buffer range from 0 to 127. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example





void GetMidiInControl(int midivalues[], int startcontrol, int controlcount, int midichannel, int buffer)

Stores the MIDI values for multiple controls in an array (midivalues[]). To use the function, choose a start control (startcontrol) and the number of controls (controlcount), as well as the MIDI channel (midichannel) and the buffer. The default value of startnote, midichannel is 0, i.e. the first control and channel. The default and maximum value of controlcount is 128. Valid values for buffer range from 0 to 127. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example





int GetMidiOutCount()

Returns the number of available MIDI output devices.





int HasMidiOut(int deviceid)

Returns 1 if a MIDI output device is available for the specified deviceid. Device indexing starts with 0.





int IsMidiOutEnabled(int deviceid)

Returns 1 if the MIDI output device specified with deviceid is enabled and active. Device indexing starts with 0.





void SendMidiNote(int deviceid, int channel, int note, int value)

Sends the specified note with the specified value on the specified MIDI channel to the specified MIDI output device. Device indexing starts with 0.





void SendMidiControl(int deviceid, int channel, int control, int value)

Sends the specified control change with the specified value on the specified MIDI channel to the specified MIDI output device. Device indexing starts with 0.





void SendMidiMessage(int deviceid, int status, int data1, int data2)

Sends a MIDI message with the specified status byte and data, consisting of data1 byte and data2 byte, to the specified MIDI output device. Device indexing starts with 0. Type and channel of the MIDI message are encoded within the status byte. This function requires knowledge if the MIDI protocol specifications.





Dimming Functions

void Dim(float value)

Reduces the brightness of the complete virtual matrix. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.





void DimPixel(float value, int x, int y)

Reduces the brightness of an individual pixel. x and y are the coordinates of the pixel. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.





void DimPixel3D(float value, int x, int y, int z)

Reduces the brightness of an individual voxel. x, y, and z are the coordinates of the voxel. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.





void DimPixelArea(float value, int x, int y, int width, int height)

Reduces the brightness of a certain area of the virtual matrix. x and y are the coordinates of the area (upper left corner). width and height specify the width and height of the area. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.





void DimPixelArea3D(float value, int x, int y, int z, int width, int height, int depth)

Reduces the brightness of a certain area of the virtual 3D matrix. x, y, and z are the coordinates of the area (front upper left corner). width, height, and depth specify the width, height, and depth of the area. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.





Sunset And Sunrise Functions

timecode GetTimeSunrise(struct date, int latitude_degrees, int latitude_minutes, int longitude_degrees, int longitude_minutes, float time_zone_UTC_offset)

Returns the sunrise time of a geographic location at the specified date. The member variable frame of the structure timecode will always return 0, as this function only works exact to the second. Note: 1) Please use cautiously! Due to the performance requirements of this function, it is not recommended to call it often. Please call this function seldom in your script/macro. 2) The returned time does not factor in Daylight Saving Time (DST). »Example





timecode GetTimeSunriseCity(struct date, int city)

Returns the sunrise time of a specified city at the specified date. Valid values for city are »city constants. The member variable frame of the structure timecode will always return 0, as this function only works exact to the second. Note: 1) Please use cautiously! Due to the performance requirements of this function, it is not recommended to call it often. Please call this function seldom in your script/macro. 2) The returned time does not factor in Daylight Saving Time (DST). »Example





timecode GetTimeSunset(struct date, int latitude_degrees, int latitude_minutes, int longitude_degrees, int longitude_minutes, float time_zone_UTC_offset)

Returns the sunset time of a geographic location at the specified date. The member variable frame of the structure timecode will always return 0, as this function only works exact to the second. Note: 1) Please use cautiously! Due to the performance requirements of this function, it is not recommended to call it often. Please call this function seldom in your script/macro. 2) The returned time does not factor in Daylight Saving Time (DST). »Example





timecode GetTimeSunsetCity(struct date, int city)

Returns the sunset time of a specified city at the specified date. Valid values for city are »city constants. The member variable frame of the structure timecode will always return 0, as this function only works exact to the second. Note: 1) Please use cautiously! Due to the performance requirements of this function, it is not recommended to call it often. Please call this function seldom in your script/macro. 2) The returned time does not factor in Daylight Saving Time (DST). »Example





DMX Fader Tool

int GetDmxFaderChannel(int index)

Returns on which DMX channel the specified fader sends data. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 511 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int GetDmxFaderCount()

Returns how many faders are available in the DMX Fader Tool.





int GetDmxFaderUniverse(int value)

Returns on which DMX universe the specified fader sends data. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int GetDmxFaderValue(int value)

Returns the DMX value the specified fader sends. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int IsDmxFaderEnable(int index)

Returns if the specified fader is enabled (1) or not (0). Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0).





void SetDmxFaderValue(int index, int value)

Sets the value for a fader of the DMX Fader Tool. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255. Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





DMX Fader Tool

int GetDmxFaderChannel(int index)

Returns on which DMX channel the specified fader sends data. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 511 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int GetDmxFaderCount()

Returns how many faders are available in the DMX Fader Tool.





int GetDmxFaderUniverse(int value)

Returns on which DMX universe the specified fader sends data. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int GetDmxFaderValue(int value)

Returns the DMX value the specified fader sends. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255 (Counting starts with 0). Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





int IsDmxFaderEnable(int index)

Returns if the specified fader is enabled (1) or not (0). Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0).





void SetDmxFaderValue(int index, int value)

Sets the value for a fader of the DMX Fader Tool. Valid values for index range from 0 to 11 (Indexing starts with 0). Valid values for value range from 0 to 255. Note: Make sure to activate the fader in the DMX Fader Tool first!





Global Script Memory

void SetGlobalInt(int index, int value)

Sets the defined integer value for the specified index. As such, defines a global index, in which each index can have a different integer value.





int GetGlobalInt(int index)

Returns the currently set integer value for the specified index.





void ResetGlobalInt()

Resets all global integer indexes to value 0.





int GetGlobalIntCount()

Returns the maximum count of integer indexes, which is currently 65535 and the maximum value.





void SetGlobalIntRange(int index, int count, int values[])

Assigns all integer values of the integer array values[] to the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count).





void GetGlobalIntRange(int index, int count, int values[])

Transfers all integer values from the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count) to the provided integer array values[].











void SetGlobalFloat(int index, float value)

Sets the defined float value for the specified index. As such, defines a global index, in which each index can have a different float value.





float GetGlobalFloat(int index)

Returns the currently set float value for the specified index.





void ResetGlobalFloat()

Resets all global float indexes to value 0.





int GetGlobalFloatCount()

Returns the maximum count of float indexes, which is currently 65535 and the maximum value.





void SetGlobalFloatRange(int index, int count, int values[])

Assigns all float values of the float array values[] to the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count).





void GetGlobalFloatRange(int index, int count, int values[])

Transfers all float values from the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count) to the provided float array values[].











void SetGlobalString(int index, string value)

Sets the defined string value for the specified index. As such, defines a global index, in which each index can have a different string value.





string GetGlobalString(int index)

Returns the currently set string value for the specified index.





void ResetGlobalString()

Resets all global string indexes to value 0.





int GetGlobalStringCount()

Returns the maximum count of string indexes, which is currently 65535 and the maximum value.





void SetGlobalStringRange(int index, int count, string values[])

Assigns all string values of the string array values[] to the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count).





void GetGlobalStringRange(int index, int count, string values[])

Transfers all string values from the specified global index and all following indexes as defined by count (maximum index = specified index + specified count) to the provided string array values[].





Global Colors

void SetGlobalColor(int ID, colorstructure color)

Sets the Global Color with ID to the specified color. Counting starts with 1.





color GetGlobalColor(int ID)

Returns the Global Color currently set for the specified ID.






MADRIX Version: 5.7 | Script Version: 3.23
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