Effect Functions (Incl. All Layers)
float GetSpeedMaster()
Retrieves the value of the Speed Master.
void SetSpeedMaster(float value)
Sets the value for the Speed Master. Valid values range from -10.0 to 10.0.
int GetPause()
Retrieves the status of the pause function.
void SetPause(int state)
Sets the Storage Place to pause mode or not. Valid values are PAUSE and NOPAUSE. »Description
int GetSubMaster()
Retrieves the current value of the sub master.
void SetSubMaster(int value)
Sets the sub master value. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
string GetDescription()
Retrieves the currently used description of the Storage Place.
void SetDescription(string text)
Allows to name the Storage Place. The string variable text must be given in quotation marks. E.g. SetDescription("Storage Place 1");
void SetFilter(int filter)
Applies a Filter Effect (FX) to the Storage Place. Valid values for filter are »Filters
int GetFilter()
Returns which Filter Effect (FX) is applied to the Storage Place.
Layer Functions (For Single Layers)
int GetLayerCount()
Retrieves the currently used number of layers.
int GetLayerSolo(int number)
Retrieves if the specified layer is used in solo mode. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerSolo(int number, int state)
Sets solo mode for a specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerBlind(int number)
Retrieves if the specified layer is used in blind mode. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerBlind(int number, int state)
Sets blind mode for a specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerSubMaster(int number)
Retrieves the value of the sub master of a specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerSubMaster(int number, int value)
Sets the value of the sub master of a specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void EnableLayerFrameFade(int number, int enable)
Enables frame fade for a specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int IsLayerFrameFadeEnabled(int number)
Retrieves if frame fade is enabled for the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerMixMode(int number)
Retrieves the currently used mix mode of the specified layer. Possible values are described here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerMixMode(int number, int mix mode)
Sets the mix mode for the specified layer. Possible values are described here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerLink(int number)
Retrieves if link mode is enabled for the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerLink(int number, int state)
Enables link mode for the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void MapLayerEffectVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Maps the effect of the specified layer to a certain area of the matrix using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.
void MapLayerEffectPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Maps the effect of the specified layer to a certain area of the matrix using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.
void GetLayerMapPixel(int number, int map[])
Retrieves the mapping settings for a specified layer using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (Pos X) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (Pos Y) |
• | map[3] = height (Size Y) |
void GetLayerMapVector(int number, float map[])
Retrieves the mapping settings for a specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (Pos X) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (Pos Y) |
• | map[3] = height (Size Y) |
void MapLayerTileEffectVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Sets the tile function for the effect of the specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.
void MapLayerTileEffectPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Sets the tile function for the effect of the specified layer using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.
void SetLayerMapModeMirror(int number, int state)
Sets the mapping mode of the specified layer. Possible values are described here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerMapModeTile(int number, int state)
Sets the tile mode of the specified layer. Possible values are described here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void GetLayerMapTileEffectVector(int number, float map[])
Retrieves the tile settings for a specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (Pos X) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (Pos Y) |
• | map[3] = height (Size Y) |
void GetLayerMapTileEffectPixel(int number, int map[])
Retrieves the tile settings for a specified layer using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (Pos X) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (Pos Y) |
• | map[3] = height (Size Y) |
int IsLayerMapped(int number)
Retrieves if the specified layer is mapped. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerMapModeMirror(int number)
Retrieves the currently used mirror mode of the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerMapModeTile(int number)
Retrieves the currently used tile mode of the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerVectorTileOffset(int number, float x, float y)
Sets the tile offset settings using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes offset x, while y represents offset y.
void SetLayerPixelTileOffset(int number, int x, int y)
Sets the tile offset settings using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes offset x, while y represents offset y.
void GetLayerVectorTileOffset(int number, float map[])
Retrieves the tile offset settings using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (offset x) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (offset y) |
void GetLayerPixelTileOffset(int number, int map[])
Retrieves the tile offset settings using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in a field (map[]).
• | map[0] = x coordinate (offset x) |
• | map[1] = y coordinate (offset y) |
void SetLayerVectorMapRotation(int number, float value, int anim)
Sets the rotation value and status of the specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. value describes the degrees. Valid values range from -200.0 to 200.0. Valid values for anim are MAP_ANIM_OFF und MAP_ANIM_ON. »Description
void SetLayerDegreeMapRotation(int number, int value, int anim)
Sets the rotation value and status of the specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. value describes the degrees. Valid values range from -720 to 720. Valid values for anim are MAP_ANIM_OFF und MAP_ANIM_ON. »Description
float GetLayerVectorMapRotation(int number)
Retrieves the rotation value and status of the specified layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerDegreeMapRotation(int number)
Sets the rotation value and status of the specified layer using absolute values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int IsLayerMapRotation(int number)
Retrieves if the layer map rotation animation is active or not. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
float GetLayerFrameId(int number)
Returns the ID of the current frame of the specified layer. »Description
Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerFrameId(int number, float value)
Sets the ID of the current frame of the specified layer. »Description
Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
float GetLayerFrameSteps(int number)
Returns the number of frames which are between this and the last call of the specified layer. »Description Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
float GetLayerFrameCount(int number)
Retrieves the number of frames used by the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
int GetLayerOpacity(int number)
Retrieves the opacity value of the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerOpacity(int number, int value)
Sets the opacity value of the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.
void SetLayerFilter(int number, int filter)
Applies a Filter Effect (FX) to the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. Valid values for filter are »Filters
int GetLayerFilter(int number)
Returns to which Filter Effect (FX) is applied to the specified layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.