Function Header
MAS Script
Macros For Effects
Storage Place Macro
Main Output Macro
Draw Functions
void Clear()
void Clear(color col)
Fills the whole matrix with the given color. The default color (no color parameter) is black.
void ClearAlpha(int alpha)
Sets the alpha channel of each pixel in the matrix to the specified alpha value.
void ClearColor(color col)
Fills the entire matrix with the given color without changing the alpha value.
void ChangeBrightness(color col)
Adds the values of the specified color to the current color of every pixel in the matrix.
void ColorReplace(color oldCol, color newCol)
Replaces the given color oldCol by another one.
void SetPixel(color col, int x, int y)
Sets the pixel at position (x,y) to the specified color. »Description & Examples
void SetPixelGreyscale(int x, int y)
Renders the selected pixel at position (x,y) in greyscale. »Description & Examples
color GetPixel(int x, int y)
Returns the color of the pixel at position (x,y).
void GetPixelArea(color matrix[][], int xSrc, int ySrc, int w, int h,
int xDst, int yDst)
Retrieves data from the matrix and stores it into a 2-dimensional field of colors. »Description
void DrawPixelArea(color matrix[][], int xDst, int yDst, int w, int h,
int xSrc, int ySrc, color filter)
Copies data from a 2-dimensional field of colors and renders it to the matrix. »Description
void DrawPixelLine(color col, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Draws a line from pixel (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with the specified color.
void DrawVectorLine(color col, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
Draws a line from the relative position (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with the specified color.
void DrawPixelRect(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void FillPixelRect(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Draws/Fills a rectangle starting from pixel (x,y) with the absolute width w and height h with the specified color.
void DrawVectorRect(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
void FillVectorRect(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Draws/Fills a rectangle from the relative position (x,y) with the relative width w and height h with the specified color.
void DrawPixelCircle(color col, int x, int y, int rw, int rh)
void FillPixelCircle(color col, int x, int y, int rw, int rh)
Draws/Fills a circle in the center of a specified rectangle with the specified color. The rectangle is defined by the pixel (x,y) and the absolute width rw and height rh.
void DrawVectorCircle(color col, float x, float y, float rw, float rh)
void FillVectorCircle(color col, float x, float y, float rw, float rh)
Draws/Fills a circle in the center of a specified rectangle with the specified color. The rectangle is defined by the relative position (x,y) and the relative width rw and height rh.
void DrawPixelDiamond(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
void FillPixelDiamond(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Draws/Fills a diamond starting from pixel (x,y) with the absolute width w and height h with the specified color.
void DrawVectorDiamond(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
void FillVectorDiamond(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Draws/Fills a diamond starting from the relative position (x,y) with the relative width w and height h with the specified color.
void DrawPixelEllipse(color col, int mx, int my, int w, int h)
void FillPixelEllipse(color col, int mx, int my, int w, int h)
Draws/Fills an ellipse at the absolute midpoint position (mx,my) with the absolute width w, absolute height h, and the specified color.
void DrawVectorEllipse(color col, float mx, float my, float w, float h)
void FillVectorEllipse(color col, float mx, float my, float w, float h)
Draws/Fills an ellipse at the relative midpoint position (mx,my) with the relative width w, relative height h, and the specified color.
void DrawPixelStar(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Draws a star onto the matrix with the given width and height at the given position. Position and size are given as absolute pixel values.
void DrawVectorStar(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Draws a star onto the matrix with the given width and height at the given position. Both, position and size are given as relative values between 0.0 and 1.0.
void DrawPixelCross(color col, int x, int y, int w, int h)
Draws a cross onto the matrix with the given width and height at the given position. Position and size are given as absolute pixel values.
void DrawVectorCross(color col, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Draws a cross onto the matrix with the given width and height at the given position. Both, position and size are given as relative values between 0.0 and 1.0.
void DrawPixelText(color c, font f, string t, int x, int y, int rotation)
Draws a text across the main output. color c and font f are structures. Valid values for rotation are ROTATION_TEXT_NONE, ROTATION_TEXT_90, ROTATION_TEXT_180, ROTATION_TEXT_270. »Example 1 »Example 2 »Example 3 »Example 4
void DrawVectorText(color c, font f, string t, float x, float y, int rotation)
Draws a vector text across the main output. color c and font f are structures. Valid values for rotation are ROTATION_TEXT_NONE, ROTATION_TEXT_90, ROTATION_TEXT_180, ROTATION_TEXT_270. Example: DrawPixelText(RED,f,"Hello",0,1,0);
void ShiftPixelMatrix(int x, int y, int w, int h, int dir, int step)
Moves the area of the matrix (defined by x, y, w, and h) step pixel into the given direction. Exemplary values for dir are SHIFT_UP, SHIFT_DOWN, or SHIFT_UL. »List of Global Constants.
Please note that after shifting the pixels, the data is lost. It is not possible to undo a shifting operation. x, y, w, h describe the rectangle that should be shifted. x and y describe the upper left corner. w and h are the width and height of the rectangle. The chapter about the function provides more details.
void ShiftVectorMatrix(float x, float y, float w, float h, int dir, float step)
Moves the area of the matrix (defined by x, y, w, and h) step pixel into the given direction. Exemplary values for dir are SHIFT_UP, SHIFT_DOWN, or SHIFT_UL. »List of Global Constants.
Please note that after shifting the pixels, the data is lost. It is not possible to undo a shifting operation. x, y, w, h describe the rectangle that should be shifted. x and y describe the upper left corner. w and h are the width and height of the rectangle. The chapter about the function provides more details.
void VectorFloodFill(color col, float x, float y)
Fills an single-colored area with the given color col, starting at the given position x and y. In contrast to PixelFloodFill, the coordinates are given as floating point values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
void PixelFloodFill(color col, int x, int y)
Fills an single-colored area with the specified color col, starting at the given position x and y.
void InvertColor()
Inverts the color of the entire matrix.
void InvertMatrix()
Inverts the whole matrix. The top left pixel will be moved to the bottom right and the bottom left pixel to the top right.
void Greyscale()
Converts the whole matrix to grey scaled values.
void SetVectorPixel(color, float x, float y)
Draws one pixel at the given variable vector coordinates. In addition to the coordinates, a color must be specified.
color GetVectorPixel(float x,float y)
Returns the color of the pixel drawn at vector coordinates x and y.
void Filter(int filter)
Renders a filter over the matrix. »Valid parameters (Filters) »Description
void SetFilter(int filter)
Applies a Filter Effect (FX) to the matrix. Valid values for filter are »Filters »Description
int GetFilter()
Returns which Filter Effect (FX) is applied to the matrix.
S2L Functions
int GetSoundLevel(int channel)
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 255, representing the sound level of the stereo channel: 0 = left channel, 1 = right channel.
M2L Functions
int GetNoteValue(int note)
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 127, representing the sound level of the specified note: 0 = C = 8.25 Hz, ..., 127 = G = 12.67 kHz.
int GetBassValue()
Returns a value from 0 to 127 representing the sound level of the bass tone.
void GetAllNoteValues(int buf[])
Fills the field buf with the sound level values for each note (buf[0] ... buf[127]). buf[index] can differ from 0 to 127.
void GetAllIntervals(int buf[])
Fills the field buf with the occurrences of each interval (buf[0] ... buf[10]). buf[index] is true, if the specified interval was analyzed.
int IsInterval(int index)
Returns true if the specified interval (at the index position, ranging from 0 to 10) was analyzed.
int IsNote(int note)
Returns true if the specified note was analyzed. (0 = C = 8.25 Hz, ..., 127 = G = 12.67 kHz)
int GetTonality()
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 11, representing the tonality (0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D ...). The return value is -1 if the tonality could not be determined.
int GetBassTone()
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 127, representing the lowest tone (0 = C, 1 = C#, 2 = D, ...). The return value is -1 if the lowest tone could not be determined.
int GetBassType()
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 11, representing the bass type (0 = base bass, 1,2 = small/large second bass, 3,4 = small/large third bass, ... , 10, 11 = small/large seventh bass). The return value is -1 if the bass type could not be determined.
int GetToneScale()
Returns a value, ranging from 0 to 2, representing the tone scale (0 = undetermined, 1 = major, 2 = minor).
int IsTonality()
Returns true if the tonality could be determined.
Mathematical Functions
int random(int min, int max)
Returns a random integer number in the value range of min to max.
float frandom()
Returns a random float number in the value range of 0.0 to 1.0.
int min(int x, int y)
float fmin(float x, float y)
Returns the minimum value of x and y.
int max(int x, int y)
float fmax(float x, float y)
Returns the maximum value of x and y.
float abs(float x)
Returns the absolute value of x.
float sqrt(float x)
Returns the square root of x.
float pow(float x, float y)
Returns the result of the calculation of x to the power of y.
float exp(float x)
Returns the result of e (2.7182...) to the power of x.
float ln(float x)
Returns the result of the natural logarithm of x.
float log10(float x)
Returns the result of the common logarithm of x.
float hypot(float x, float y)
Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of an orthogonal triangle with x and y as the cathetus' lengths.
float rad2deg(float a)
Converts the angle a from radian measure to degrees.
float deg2rad(float a)
Converts the angle a from degrees to radian measure.
float sin(float a)
float sinDeg(float a)
Returns the sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float arcsin(float a)
float arcsinDeg(float a)
Returns the arc sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float sinH(float a)
float sinHDeg(float a)
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float cos(float a)
float cosDeg(float a)
Returns the cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float arccos(float a)
float arccosDeg(float a)
Returns the arc cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float cosH(float a)
float cosHDeg(float a)
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float tan(float a)
float tanDeg(float a)
Returns the tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float arctan(float a)
float arctanDeg(float a)
Returns the arc tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float tanH(float a)
float tanHDeg(float a)
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the angle a in radian measure or degrees, respectively.
float round(float f)
Rounds the given value to its next integer value. The value is rounded correctly, either up or down.
float trunc(float f)
Truncates/cuts off the decimals from a floating point value.
float ceil(float f)
Rounds up the given value to the next integer value. E.g. ceil(2.00001) = 3.0
float fmod(float denominator, float divisor)
Calculates the remainder of the float division.
Mapping Functions
int IsMapped()
Returns true if the current effect is mapped, otherwise false.
int GetMapPixel(int map[])
Retrieves the current mapping of the effect. The coordinates and matrix dimension are returned in the given field using absolute pixel coordinates. The function returns true if the effect matrix is mapped. false is returned if the effect is full-sized onto the matrix.
int GetMapVector(float map[])
Retrieves the current mapping of the effect. The coordinates and matrix dimension are returned in the given field using relative values between 0.0 and 1.0. But negative values are also possible. The function returns true if the effect matrix is mapped. false is returned if the effect is full-sized onto the matrix.
void MapEffectPixel(int x, int y, int w, int h)
Sets the mapping coordinates for the current effect. Using this method the effect may be mapped to different positions of the matrix. x and y are the start coordinates using absolute pixel values. Negative values are also possible in order to move the effect matrix beyond the real matrix. w and h are the new width and height of the mapped matrix.
Please note: If the size of the virtual effect matrix is changed by this function, the effect will be restarted and InitEffect is called.
void MapEffectVector(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Sets the mapping coordinates for the current effect. Using this method the effect may be mapped to different positions of the matrix. x and y are the start coordinates using relative values between 0.0 and 1.0. Negative values are also possible. w and h are the new width and height of the mapped matrix.
Please note: If the size of the virtual effect matrix is changed by this function, the effect will be restarted and InitEffect is called.
int GetMapTileEffectPixel(int map[])
Retrieves the current map tile settings of the effect. Returns true if mapping is active, otherwise false. map retrieves the settings as follows:
• | map[0] = x - start coordinate |
• | map[1] = y - start coordinate |
• | map[2] = w - width of the tile |
• | map[3] = h - height of the tile |
int GetMapTileEffectVector(float map[])
Retrieves the current map tile settings of the effect. Returns true if mapping is active, otherwise false. map retrieves the settings as followed:
• | map[0] = x - start coordinate |
• | map[1] = y - start coordinate |
• | map[2] = w - width of the tile |
• | map[3] = h - height of the tile |
void MapTileEffectPixel(int x, int y, int w, int h)
Sets the tile coordinates for the current effect using absolute values. x and y are the start coordinates of the tile. w and h are the width and the height.
void MapTileEffectVector(float x, float y, float w, float h)
Sets the tile coordinates for the current effect using relative values. x and y are the start coordinates of the tile. w and h are the width and the height.
int GetMapModeMirror()
Returns the current mirror mode.
int GetMapModeTile()
Returns the current tile mode.
void SetMapModeMirror(mirrorMode)
Sets the mirror mode for effect tiling. For mirrorMode one of the MAP_MIRROR_ values must be used.
void SetMapModeTile(tileMode)
Sets the tile mode for effect tiling. For tileMode one of the MAP_TILE_ values must be used.
void SetVectorMapRotation(float value, int anim)
Sets the absolute rotation value if anim is set to 0. Or the function sets the relative rotation value (meaning rotation animation) if anim is set to 1.
float GetVectorMapRotation()
Returns the current rotation value.
void SetDegreeMapRotation(int degree, int anim)
Sets the absolute rotation value (int degrees) if anim is set to 0. Or the function sets the relative rotation value (int degrees; meaning a rotation animation) if anim is set to 1.
int GetDegreeMapRotation()
Returns the current rotation value in degrees.
int IsMapRotation()
Returns the status of the map rotation. 0 means the rotation value is absolute (no animation) and 1 means the rotation value is relative (animation).
String Functions
int findstring(int startIndex, string text, string substring)
This functions looks for the substring in the given text. The search starts at the given startIndex. The first character has an index of 0. The function starts its search at a specified position of the entire text using startIndex and returns an index that describes the position at which the substring begins. If the substring is not found, -1 is returned.
string substring(string text, int startIndex, int count)
The function extracts count characters from the given text starting with startIndex. If count is -1, all characters of the string starting at startIndex are returned. »Example
int rfindstring(int startIndex, string text, string substring)
This functions looks for the substring in the given text from its end to the beginning. The function starts its search at a specified position of the entire text using startIndex and returns an index that describes the position at which the substring begins. If the substring was not found, -1 is returned.
int startswith(string text, string substring)
This function checks if the string text starts with the given substring. If text starts with substring, true is returned, otherwise false.
int endswith(string text, string substring)
This function checks if the string text ends with the given substring. If text ends with substring, true is returned, otherwise false.
int isalnum(string text)
Returns true if the given string contains only characters and figures and if its length is greater then 0. Otherwise, false is returned.
int isalpha(string text)
Returns true if the given string contains only characters and if its length is greater than 0, otherwise false is returned.
int isnum(string text)
Returns true if the given text represents a number. This may be an integer number or a floating point number (e.g. 1.3). Otherwise, it returns false.
void tolower(string text)
Converts each character of the given string into a lower-case character.
void toupper(string text)
Converts each character of the given string into an upper-case character.
void strip(string text)
Removes leading and ending white spaces, like space, tabulator, line feeds, etc. from the given string.
int strcmp(string str1, string str2)
Compares two given strings with each other. If they are equal, 0 is returned. -1 is returned if str1 is less than str2. A value of 1 is returned if str1 is bigger than str2.
void replace(string src, string old, string new)
Replaces any appearances of old within src with new.
void tokenize(string src, string delimiter, string reslist[])
Strips the src string into smaller pieces delimited by characters within delemiter. The result is returned in reslist. »Description
Effect-Controlling Functions
void SetFrameId(float id)
Sets a new frame ID. If the given id is lower than 0, it is set to 0.
float GetFrameId()
Returns the ID of the current frame. »Description
float GetFrameSteps()
Returns the number of frames between this and the last call. »Description
float GetFrameCount()
Retrieves the number of frames the effect produces before it gets repeated. This is the same value which was set by SetFrameCount. The initial value is 1000.0.
Other Functions
void TRACE(variable)
Writes the value of the specified variable into the Script output window. Fulfills the same function as WriteText.
void WriteText(string s)
Writes the specified message into the Script output window.
int GetMatrixWidth()
Returns the horizontal pixel count of the matrix.
int GetMatrixHeight()
Returns the vertical pixel count of the matrix.
int GetColorDepth()
Returns the color depth of the fixture.
date GetDate()
Returns a date structure with the current date.
time GetTime()
Returns a time structure with the current time.
int GetMixMode()
Returns the currently set mix mode. »Valid parameters (Mix modes)
void SetMixMode(int mode)
Sets the mix mode of the effect. mode may be one of the values defined in Mix modes. If mode is invalid, nothing happens and a message is displayed in the Script output of the Script Editor.
int IsFrameFadeEnabled()
Returns true if frame fade is currently enabled, or false if not.
void EnableFrameFade(int enable)
Enables or disables frame fade for the effect. If the value enable is set to false or 0, frame fade will be disabled. Otherwise, it will be enabled.
int GetSubMaster()
Returns the currently set submaster value of the effect. The value ranges from 0 to 255.
void SetSubMaster(int value)
Sets the submaster value of the effect. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
int GetOpacity()
Returns the currently set opacity value of the effect. The value ranges from 0 to 255.
void SetOpacity(int value)
Sets the opacity value of the effect. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
void SetLink(int enable)
Enables or disables the option to link effect layers. Valid values range are 0 (false) or 1 (true).
int GetLink()
Returns 1 (i.e. true) if the option to link effect layers is enabled, otherwise 0 (false).
int ReadAsync(string file, string txt)
Reads content as text from a file into the string txt. »Description & Examples
int SetReadAsyncInterval(string file, int interval)
Sets the reading interval for a certain file. To be used in combination with ReadAsync. »Description & Examples
string GetApplicationPath()
Locates the MADRIX.exe on your harddisk and returns the path as a string. »Example
string GetUserProfileDirectory()
Locates the directory of the current user profile on the harddisk and returns the path as a string. »Example
void GetComputerName()
Retrieves the name of the computer in use as defined in Windows.
void GetUserName()
Retrieves the name of the current user as defined in Windows.
void SetInvalid()
Use this function to set an already rendered frame/effect as invalid. This means that the frame will be re-rendered, which is the normal case. This can be useful with dynamic effects since the content of the effect does change all the time. Re-rendering is the normal case as effects and output data are rendered with several frames per second (FPS). See also »SetValid
void SetValid()
Use this function to set an already rendered frame/effect as valid. This means that the frame will not be re-rendered. This can be useful with static effects since the content of the effect does not change over time. Re-rendering would be the normal case as effects and output data are rendered with several frames per second (FPS). See also »SetInvalid
time GetTimeCode()
Returns a time structure with the currently used Time Code. »Example
Version Number Functions
string GetScriptEngineVersion()
Returns the script engine version and returns the value as a string. »Example
string GetSoftwareVersion()
Returns the MADRIX software version and returns the value as a string. »Example
int CheckScriptEngineVersion(int major, int minor)
Checks the Script engine version in use and returns 1 if the version is equal or higher to the version specified with major and minor. Or else 0 is returned. The current Script Engine Version is 1.43. A useful function to check if the minimum requirements of your script are met. »Example
int CheckSoftwareVersion(int major, int minor, int subminor, int subsubminor)
Checks the MADRIX software version in use and returns 1 if the version is equal or higher to the version specified with major, minor, subminor, and subsubminor. Or else 0 is returned. The current MADRIX version is You can check which version you are using by opening the Logfile in MADRIX (at the beginning of the file) or check the MADRIX.exe (perform a right-click->Properties->Version). A useful function to check if the minimum requirements of your script are met. »Example
DMX-IN Functions
void GetDmxIn(int DmxValues[], int startchannel, int channels, int universe)
Stores the DMX-IN status of several DMX channels in an array (DmxValues[]). To use the function, choose a DMX start channel and specify the number of channels that should be scanned. Valid values for startchannel range from 0 to 511. Valid values for channels range from 0 to 511. Please note that a maximum of 512 channels can be scanned. This means that the sum of startchannel + channels must be less or equal to 512. In addition, specify the universe that should be scanned. Valid values for universe range from 0 to 255. The default universe is 0, i.e. DMX Universe 1.
int GetDmxInChannel(int channel, int universe)
Returns the status of the DMX-IN functionality of a specified DMX channel (channel). Valid values for channel range from 0 to 511. In addition, specify the universe that should be scanned. Valid values for universe range from 0 to 255. The default value of universe is 0, i.e. DMX Universe 1.
int IsDmxInEnabled()
Retrieves if DMX-IN is activated (1) or not (0).
PixelTranspose Functions
void CreatePixelTransposeTable(int size, int growsize)
Creates the pixel transpose table with the given size and growsize.
void SetPixelTransposeEntry(int idx, int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY)
Adds one pixel transpose table entry defined by idx. srcX and srcY are the x and y coordinates of the source. destX and destY are the destination coordinates.
void AddPixelTransposeEntry(int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY)
Adds one entry to the pixel transpose table and resizes the table if necessary. srcX and srcY are the x and y coordinates of the source. destX and destY are the destination coordinates.
void ExecutePixelTranspose(int clear)
Executes the pixel transposition by using the pixel transpose table. Using the value clear will erase/overwrite all pixels that are not defined as destination with the the color black. Otherwise, NOCLEAR will keep all pixels that are not defined as original destination.
MIDI-IN Functions
int IsMidiInEnabled()
Retrieves if MIDI-IN is activated (1) or not (0).
int GetMidiInNoteValue(int midinote, int midichannel, int device)
Returns the MIDI note value of the specified MIDI note (midinote) and midichannel for the specified device. The default value of note, midichannel, and device is 0, i.e. the first note, channel, and device. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example
int GetMidiInControlValue(int midicontrol, int midichannel, int device)
Returns the MIDI control value of the specified MIDI control change (midicontrol) and midichannel for the specified device. The default value of control, midichannel, and device is 0, i.e. the first control, channel, and device. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example
void GetMidiInNote(int midivalues[], int startnote, int notecount, int midichannel, int device)
Stores the MIDI values for multiple notes in an array (midivalues[]). To use the function, choose a start note (startnote) and the number of notes (notecount), as well as the MIDI channel (midichannel) and the device. The default value of startnote, midichannel, and device is 0, i.e. the first control, channel, and device. The default and maximum value of notecount is 128. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example
void GetMidiInControl(int midivalues[], int startcontrol, int controlcount, int midichannel, int device)
Stores the MIDI values for multiple controls in an array (midivalues[]). To use the function, choose a start control (startcontrol) and the number of controls (controlcount), as well as the MIDI channel (midichannel) and the device. The default value of startnote, midichannel, and device is 0, i.e. the first control, channel, and device. The default and maximum value of controlcount is 128. (Please note: In MADRIX, the index for channels and devices starts with 1, while the index for MIDI notes starts with 0). »Example
Dimming Functions
void Dim(float value)
Reduces the brightness of the complete virtual matrix. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.
void DimPixel(float value, int x, int y)
Reduces the brightness of an individual pixel. x and y are the coordinates of the pixel. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.
void DimPixelArea(float value, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Reduces the brightness of a certain area of the virtual matrix. x and y are the coordinates of the area (upper left corner). width and height specify the width and height of the area. Valid values for value range from 0.0 to 1.0.