External Storage [View]

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The External Storage view allows you to manage files on devices that offer storage as part of their feature set, mainly MADRIX AURA.
Devices can either be connected over USB or via MadrixN over Ethernet network.




By default, the following information regarding external storage is provided since the following columns are enabled in the list:


Shows the name of devices [Name plus MAC Address and Serial Number; for better identification], directories, and files [including file format].
> Allows you to show all files for this kind of device by expanding the list. [You can collapse the list again vice versa.]
Hidden files will also be shown.

Last Modification

Shows when the files was changed the last time [YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS].


Shows the kind of the list item [File, File (Read Only), Directory, Directory (Read Only)].
Also shows for each device any special status of the SD Card [Pending while reading the information, No SD Card if no memory card is inserted into the device or available, Read-Only if the SD card is write-protected].


Shows the size of files [in B, KiB, MiB, GiB, or TiB].
Also shows for each device the size of the SD card and any free space, such as 7.48 GiB free of 7.53 GiB for example.




Right Mouse Click - Perform a click with your right mouse button on a device, a directory, or a file.


Open Device Configuration Via HTTP...

Opens the website configuration of the device using its IP address via the default web browser on your computer.
If the web configuration cannot be opened, the network might not be reachable over HTTP or the device might be restarting.
This requires an Ethernet network connection to the device.

Reload Configuration

Is only available if devices are selected.
Allows you to manually make the device reload the main configuration file again.
- It is necessary for you to execute this functionality if a configuration file [ShowConfig.xml] has been uploaded before all scene files were uploaded and available on the storage.
- Is automatically performed by MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER if a configuration file [ShowConfig.xml] or scene files [of the *.dxd file format] have been uploaded.

Format External Storage

Is only available if devices are selected.
Deletes and erases all files from the external storage [such as SD cards] by setting up the file system anew.


Is only available if devices or directories are selected.
Updates the contents of the selected devices or directories and makes therefore sure that the latest data is shown in the list.

Create Directory...

Is only available if a single device or single directory is selected.
Creates a new directory on the external storage [when executed in a context menu that has been called by selecting a device] or creates a subfolder [when executed in a context menu that has been called by selecting a directory]. You can then choose and enter a name for the new directory.

Upload Files...

Is only available if a single device or single directory is selected. Is not available when having selected multiple devices in the list.
Opens a file dialog to choose the files that should be uploaded to the device from the file system of your computer.
- If there are already files available on the external storage with the same name, the software will add numbers to the file names of the new files accordingly [02, 03, etc.].
- Uploads the files into the selected directory if a directory has been selected.

- Deleting a file from the list will cancel the file upload if the file was not yet fully uploaded.

Please note:

MADRIX AURA Scene Files are required in *.dxd file format.

NetConfig.xml is a mandatory file of MADRIX AURA that contains the device configuration. Do not attempt any changes! [If needed, NetConfig.bak is the corresponding backup file.]

ShowConfig.xml is a mandatory file of MADRIX AURA that contains the show configuration. Do not attempt any changes! [If needed, ShowConfig.bak is the corresponding backup file.]

logfile.txt is a file to log events.

Download Files...

Opens a file dialog to choose the folder to where files should be downloaded to the file system of your computer. Downloads all files if a device has been selected. Downloads the selected files if multiple files have been selected.
- If there are already files available in the download folder, the software will add numbers to the file names of the new files accordingly [02, 03, etc.].
- Any folder structure on the external storage will also be copied to the download folder.


Is only available if directories or files are selected. Erases the selected files [if not set to read only] or erases entire directories and their contents [if possible].
[Keyboard shortcut: Del]
- Deleting a file from the list will cancel the file upload if the file was not yet fully uploaded.

Copy Cell To Clipboard

Copies the currently selected cell [that is, single information] into the clipboard/temporary memory.
[Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + C]

Copy Rows To Clipboard

Copies the currently selected line or lines [that is, all device information] into the clipboard/temporary memory. If several lines are selected, the header of the column will be copied as well. Content is divided by single spaces.
[Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + C]

Export List...

Saves the entire, currently shown list/view/table as a preformatted text file.



Visual Feedback For Edits

The software will show you if any changes you have made have been set successfully or not. This status is shown for a couple of seconds after each change.

Green - The actions were successful.

Yellow - The request is currently pending.

Red - The actions were not successful.



Drag & Drop

In addition to using the context menu as explained above, you may use drag and drop to copy files from the file system of your computer to the external storage of a device.
[Copying files from the external storage to your computer via drag and drop is not possible.]
MADRIX AURA Scene Files are required in *.dxd file format.




Search - Enter any text in order to search all devices in the list.
- Any device/line that includes the search term will be shown. All others are temporarily filtered out.
- Terms can be case-insensitive. You don't have to use capital letters.
- Feel free to use terms that are incomplete. For example, mad will include results for MADRIX.
- You may specify certain columns by using a colon [:]. Only columns that are currently shown and visible can be searched this way.
- For example: Prod:AUR shows all lines where a MADRIX AURA hardware interface is connected by referencing the column Product for example. If no column is shown that includes 'Prod', MADRIX HARDWARE MANAGER will search all shown columns for the specifically entered term.
- You may execute RegEx searches [regular expression] by prefixing search terms via /r


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