Timers - Timer Settings

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The Timers section allows you to create time-controlled shows and add various time-based triggers.

Confirm all changes with Set.

Save the configuration to the SD card when finished via Save.

MADRIX AURA can manage a maximum of 1000 Timers.



Timer Event List

Control Buttons

Shows all timers that are currently configured.

Adds a new timer event.

Duplicates the currently selected timer event.

Moves the currently selected timer event one item up in the list.

Moves the currently selected timer event one item down in the list.

Removes the currently selected timer event.

Removes all timer events from the list.

Saves all changes to the SD card.   Shows that the configuration has been modified and that there are unsaved changes.

Shows that the SD card is write-protected [locked] or that no SD card is inserted into the device.


Shows the index number of the timer event in the list.

Green - Shows that the timer event is enabled [Active].

Red - Shows that the timer event is disabled [Inactive].


Shows the label of the timer event.


Shows which action is triggered by the timer event.



Timer Event Settings

Becomes available on the right side when a timer is selected on the left side.



Timer Event Settings


Allows you to change the label of the timer.


Allows you to set the timer Active or Inactive.


Defines which kind of timer it is.

Once - Triggers the timer only one time.

Cycle - Triggers and repeats the event according to the Cycle Interval, for example every 10 minutes.

Cycle Interval - Defines a time period for the Type Cycle in HH:MM:SS [Hours:Minutes:Seconds].

Daily - Triggers the timer one time each day.

Weekly - Triggers the timer once per week.

Monthly - Triggers the timer once per month.

Yearly - Triggers the timer once per year.



Timer Event Start Date


Date - Available for Type Once and Cycle. Defines the day in YYYY-MM-DD [Year-Month-Day].

Day Of Week - Available for Type Weekly. Defines which day of the week.

Day - Available for Type Monthly and Yearly. Defines which day of the month.

Month - Available for Type Yearly. Defines which month of the year.



Timer Event Start Time

Time Type

Defines when a timer is triggered.
Choose from Time, Sunrise, After Sunrise, Before Sunrise, Sunset, After Sunset, Before Sunset.

Time uses a specific time of day.

Choose Sunrise or Sunset to begin at sunrise or sunset. Those times will be automatically calculated according to the Location as set in the Device Settings.

Choose After Sunrise, Before Sunrise, After Sunset, or Before Sunset to use the automatically calculated sunrise and sunset times together with a time offset.


Time - Sets a specific time [Hours:Minutes:Seconds] for Time Type Time.

Offset - Defines the intended deviation from the sunrise or sunset in HH:MM:SS [Hours:Minutes:Seconds]. Use X to clear any input.



Timer Event Validity

Valid From

Defines a time interval —together with Valid Until— in which the timer will be triggered. This sets the starting point in YYYY-MM-DD [Year-Month-Day] and HH:MM:SS (Hours:Minutes:Seconds).

Is only active and valid when a date and time is entered.

Use X to clear any input.

Valid Until

Defines a time interval —together with Valid From— in which the timer will be triggered. This sets the end point in YYYY-MM-DD [Year-Month-Day] and HH:MM:SS [Hours:Minutes:Seconds].

Is only active and valid when a date and time is entered.

Should not be older than Valid From and will be set to this date should that be the case.

Use X to clear any input.



Timer Event Action


Defines the type of the timer:

None - Does not assign any action. This can be used as a placeholder.

Cue - Triggers a specific cue to be played. Enter the cue number with the help of Value.

Next Cue - Triggers the next cue.

Previous Cue - Triggers the previous cue.

Play - Starts the playback.

Pause - Halts the playback.

Toggle Pause - Pauses the current playback or starts it again; depending on and in contrast to the current status.

Stop - Ends the playback.

Intensity - Changes the master brightness. Enter the level from 0 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 0 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] with the help of Value.

Speed Scaled - Changes the master tempo. Enter the level from 1 to 200 [in %] with the help of Value.

Intensity Group 1 - 8 - Changes the brightness value of the specified group. Enter the level from 0 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 0 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] with the help of Value.

Record - Starts the recording process.

Speed Increment - Increases the speed ranging from 1 to 200 [in %; requires a value to choose which level].

Speed Decrement - Decreases the speed ranging from 1 to 200 [in %; requires a value to choose which level].

Intensity Increment - Increases the master brightness ranging from 1 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 1 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] [requires a value to choose which level].

Intensity Decrement - Decreases the speed brightness from 1 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 1 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] [requires a value to choose which level].

Intensity Group 1 - 8 Increment - Increases the group brightness ranging from 1 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 1 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] [requires a value to choose which level].

Intensity Group 1 - 8 Decrement - Decreases the group brightness from 1 to 100 [in % as set in Settings] or 1 to 255 [in DMX as set in Settings] [requires a value to choose which level].


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