Recording - Network Recording Settings

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The Recording section defines how incoming data is received over Ethernet network for recording.

Confirm any changes with Set.


Lists the available ports of your device.

MADRIX AURA 2 offers 2 universes.

MADRIX AURA 8 offers 8 universes.

MADRIX AURA 12 offers 12 universes.

MADRIX AURA 32 offers 32 universes.

All - Sets the corresponding setting for all ports.

Automatically numbers all universes based on the first port [ascending order].
Automatically numbers all universes based on the first port [descending order].


Defines the current status of each port.

On - Enables the port.

Off - Disables the port.


Defines the communication standard over Ethernet network.

Art-Net - Activates that Art-Net data is recorded.

sACN - Activates that Streaming ACN data is recorded.


Defines which universe is recorded for the specific port.

By default, ports 1 - 2 are assigned to universes 1 - 2 for MADRIX AURA 2.

By default, ports 1 - 8 are assigned to universes 1 - 8 for MADRIX AURA 8.

By default, ports 1 - 12 are assigned to universes 1 - 12 for MADRIX AURA 12.

By default, ports 1 - 32 are assigned to universes 1 - 32 for MADRIX AURA 32.

Automatically numbers all universes based on the first port [ascending order].
[Enter the start universe for port 1, click the button and all other ports will be numbered consecutively.]

Automatically numbers all universes based on the first port [descending order].
[Enter the start universe for port 1, click the button and all other ports will be numbered consecutively.]


[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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