MREC Conversion

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You can use the Recording functionality to create MADRIX 5 Record files [of the file type *.mrec] as described in the previous chapter »Recording
One of the uses is that *.mrec files can be played just like a video using SCE Video.

In order to make use of the advantages of the *.mrec file format, you can convert video files into MREC files.




Some of the advantages are:

Always full compatibility with the MADRIX 5 Software without the need for a separate video codec.

Full compatibility with all playback modes Once, Loop, and Bounce

Full compatibility with Step 1 Frame Back and Skip 1 Frame

Full compatibility with single-frame scrubbing [frame by frame].

Learn more »SCE Video



File Conversion


Go to the menu Tools > Record Editing...
[Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+R]

A new window will open.

Go to MREC Conversion

Recording Dialog


Step-By-Step Instructions

1] Load the video file.

2] Define the destination.

3] Start the export process.


1] Loading The Video File

Source File - Load the video input file. This is the file you want to convert.

- Please note: You can load any video that the Media Foundation decoder is able to load. A large variety of file formats and video codecs is supported, but compatibility with all formats/codecs cannot be guaranteed.


2] Defining The Destination File

Destination File - Define the output video file. This will be the final file.
- The software will automatically provide a default path and use name of the source file. You may change them any time.
- The following information is provided after loading a video successfully [to the left]:

Resolution - The pixel resolution in X and Y of the video.
Duration - The length of the video in HH:MM:SS:FF [Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames].

FPS - The frames per second of the video.

Codec - The video codec the file is encoded with.


3] Exporting The MREC File

Browse For Folder

Export - Starts the export process.
- A Progress bar and information about the already Converted Frames is provided during the process.
- A message informs you The conversion was successful!



Using SCE Video

Follow these steps to finally play back the record file in SCE Video:

1] Select the effect SCE Video.


2] The controls of the SCE Video effect become available as a result.
SCE Video


3] Load your MADRIX 5 Record file [of the file type *.mrec].
Open Video FileUse Open and select the file you wish to play.


4] The SCE Video effect will play your file.


[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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