Managing Fixtures

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Fixtures - Use this menu to manage your fixture profiles.



Creating A New Fixture

Fixtures > Add New Fixture - Allows you to create a new fixture profile. Make sure to edit all Fixture and Channel settings afterwards.
Learn more »Configuration Of Fixture Profiles



Copying A Fixture

Fixtures > Copy Fixture - Allows you to copy a current fixture profile and edit the settings in order to create a new fixture profile based on another profile. Make sure to edit all Fixture and Channel settings afterwards.
Learn more »Configuration Of Fixture Profiles



Editing A Fixture

Fixtures > Edit Fixture - Allows you to edit all settings of a fixture profile.
Learn more »Configuration Of Fixture Profiles



Deleting A Fixture

Fixtures > Delete Fixture - Instantly removes the currently selected fixture profile from the library.



Loading And Saving A Fixture

Fixtures > Open Fixture... - Allows you to load a fixture from an external file [MADRIX 5 Fixture of the file type *.mfxx]. The fixture profile will be added to the fixture library.

Fixtures > Save Fixture... - Allows you to save a fixture to an external file [MADRIX 5 Fixture of the file type *.mfxx]. First, select a fixture. Second, go to Fixtures > Save Fixture.... Third, a new window opens. Fourth, enter a file name, open the correct location to save the file, and press Save.


MADRIX Version: 5.6.
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