Functions (Storage Place Macro)

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»Functions called by MADRIX
Storage Place Macro: Available Functions


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»Table Of Frequencies
»Table Of Notes


Available Functions

Standard Functions

For non-specific functions, see »List of Functions (Alphabetical Order)


Functions Provided By The Storage Place Macro

These functions are neither available in the MAS Script Effect, nor in Macros for effects, nor in the Main Output Macro.
Each Storage Place can have its own Storage Place Macro.



Effect Functions (Incl. All Layers)

float GetSpeedMaster()

Retrieves the value of the Speed Master.

void SetSpeedMaster(float value)

Sets the value for the Speed Master. Valid values range from -10.0 to 10.0.

int GetPause()

Retrieves the status of the Pause function.

void SetPause(int state)

Sets the Storage Place to Pause mode or not. Valid values are PAUSE or NOPAUSE. »Description

void TogglePause()

Toggles the status of the Pause function.

string GetDescription()

Retrieves the currently used Description of the Storage Place.

void SetDescription(string text)

Allows to name the Storage Place. The string variable text must be set in quotation marks. E.g. SetDescription("Storage Place 1");

int GetSubMaster()

Retrieves the current value of the Submaster.

void SetSubMaster(int value)

Sets the Submaster value. Valid values range from 0 to 255.

int GetFilter()

Returns which Filter Effect (FX) is applied to the Storage Place.

void SetFilter(int filter)

Applies a Filter Effect (FX) to the Storage Place. Valid values for filter are »Filters

void SetSpeedPitch(float value)

Sets the Pitch value, which defines an additional multiplicative factor for the speed of the Storage. Valid values for value range from -10 to 10. Setting value lower than 0 lets most effects run backwards.

float GetSpeedPitch()

Returns the current Pitch.

Layer Functions (For Single Layers)

int GetLayerCount()

Retrieves the currently used number of Layers.

int LayerGetBlind(int number)

Retrieves if the specified Layer is used in Blind Mode. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetBlind(int number, int value)

Sets Blind Mode for a specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerToggleBlind(int number)

Toggles Blind Mode for a specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetSolo(int number)

Retrieves if the specified Layer is used in Solo Mode. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetSolo(int number, int value)

Sets Solo Mode for a specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerToggleSolo(int number)

Toggles Solo Mode for a specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetSubMaster(int number)

Retrieves the value of the Submaster of a specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetSubMaster(int number, int value)

Sets the value of the Submaster of a specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetOpacity(int number)

Retrieves the Opacity of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetOpacity(int number, int value)

Sets the Opacity value of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetMixMode(int number)

Retrieves the currently used Mix Mode of the specified Layer. Valid values are described »here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetMixMode(int number, int value)

Sets the Mix Mode for the specified Layer. Valid values are described »here. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetLink(int number)

Retrieves if Link Mode is enabled for the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetLink(int number, int value)

Enables Link Mode for the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerToggleLink(int number)

Toggles Link Mode for the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetFilter(int number)

Returns which Filter Effect (FX) is applied to the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetFilter(int number, int value)

Applies a Filter Effect (FX) to the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. Valid values for filter are »Filters

int LayerGetStep(int number)

Retrieves if the specified Layer uses stepped rendering. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetStep(int number, int value)

Sets the stepped rendering mode for the specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerToggleStep(int number)

Toggles the stepped rendering mode for the specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerGetAsync(int number)

Retrieves if the specified Layer uses asynchronous rendering. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetAsync(int number, int value)

Sets the asynchronous rendering mode for the specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerToggleAsync(int number)

Toggles the asynchronous rendering mode for the specified Layer. »Description

Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerGetFrameId(int number)

Returns the Frame ID of the current frame for the specified Layer. »Description
Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerSetFrameId(int number, float value)

Sets the Frame ID of the current frame for the specified Layer. »Description
Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerGetFrameSteps(int number)

Returns the number of frames which are between this and the last call of the specified Layer. »Description
Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerGetFrameCount(int number)

Retrieves the number of frames used by the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

Mapping Functions (For Single Layers)

int LayerMapDlgIsMapped(int number)

Retrieves if the specified Layer is mapped. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetMapVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)

Maps the effect of the specified Layer to a certain area of the matrix using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.

void LayerMapDlgSetMapVector3D(int number, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d)

Maps the effect of the specified Layer to a certain area of the matrix in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.

void LayerMapDlgSetMapPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h);

Maps the effect of the specified Layer to a certain area of the matrix using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.

void LayerMapDlgSetMapPixel3D(int number, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int d);

Maps the effect of the specified Layer to a certain area of the matrix in 3D using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.

void LayerMapDlgGetMapVector(int number, float map[])

Retrieves the map settings for a specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
map[2] = width (Size X)
map[3] = height (Size Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetMapVector3D(int number, float map[])

Retrieves the map settings for a specified Layer in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
map[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)
map[3] = width (Size X)
map[4] = height (Size Y)
map[5] = depth (Size Z)

void LayerMapDlgGetMapPixel(int number, int map[])

Retrieves the map settings for a specified Layer using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
map[2] = width (Size X)
map[3] = height (Size Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetMapPixel3D(int number, int map[])

Retrieves the map settings for a specified Layer in 3D using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (map[]).


map[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
map[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
map[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)
map[3] = width (Size X)
map[4] = height (Size Y)
map[5] = depth (Size Z)

void LayerMapDlgSetTileVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)

Tiles the effect of the specified Layer to a certain area using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileVector3D(int number, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float d)

Tiles the effect of the specified Layer in a certain area in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x, y, and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.

void LayerMapDlgSetTilePixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Tiles the effect of the specified Layer in a certain area using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x and y describe the coordinates. w and h describe width and height, respectively.

void LayerMapDlgSetTilePixel3D(int number, int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int d)

Tiles the effect of the specified Layer in a certain area using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x, y and z describe the coordinates. w, h, and d describe width, height, and depth.

void LayerMapDlgGetTileVector(int number, float tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for a specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
tile[2] = width (Size X)
tile[3] = height (Size Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetTileVector3D(int number, float tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for a specified Layer in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
tile[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)
tile[3] = width (Size X)
tile[4] = height (Size Y)
tile[5] = depth (Size Z)

void LayerMapDlgGetTilePixel(int number, int tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for a specified Layer using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
tile[2] = width (Size X)
tile[3] = height (Size Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetTilePixel3D(int number, int tile[])

Retrieves the Tiling settings for a specified Layer in 3D using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (tile[]).


tile[0] = X-coordinate (Position X)
tile[1] = Y-coordinate (Position Y)
tile[2] = Z-coordinate (Position Z)
tile[3] = width (Size X)
tile[4] = height (Size Y)
tile[5] = depth (Size Z)

void LayerMapDlgSetMapMode(int number, int mode)

Sets the Map Mirror Mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of constants.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileMode(int number, int mode)

Sets the Tile Mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of Tile Mode constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetMapMode(int number)

Retrieves the currently used Map Mirror Mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetTileMode(int number)

Retrieves the currently used Tile Mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of Tile Mode constants.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetVector(int number, float x, float y)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes Offset X, while y represents Offset Y.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetVector3D(int number, float x, float y, float z)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes Offset X, y describes Offset Y, while z represents Offset Z.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetPixel(int number, int x, int y)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes Offset X, while y represents Offset Y.

void LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetPixel3D(int number, int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer in 3D using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. x describes Offset X, y describes Offset Y, while z represents Offset Z.

void LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetVector(int number, float offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)
offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetVector3D(int number, float offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer in 3D using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)
offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)
offset[2] = Z-coordinate (Offset Z)

void LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetPixel(int number, int offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)
offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)

void LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetPixel3D(int number, int offset[])

Retrieves the Tiling Offset of the specified Layer in 3D using pixel values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (offset[]).


offset[0] = X-coordinate (Offset X)
offset[1] = Y-coordinate (Offset Y)
offset[2] = Z-coordinate (Offset Z)

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationXVector(int number, float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the X-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationXDegree(int number int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the X-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerMapDlgGetRotationXVector(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation for the X-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationXDegree(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation for the X-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationXMode(int number, int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the X-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationXMode(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the X-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationYVector(int number, float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Y-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationYDegree(int number int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Y-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerMapDlgGetRotationYVector(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation for the Y-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationYDegree(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation for the Y-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationYMode(int number, int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the Y-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationYMode(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the Y-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See belowfor a list of rotation mode constants.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationZVector(int number, float value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationZDegree(int number int value)

Sets the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

float LayerMapDlgGetRotationZVector(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationZDegree(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation value for the Z-axis of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationZMode(int number, int mode)

Sets the Rotation mode for the Z-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetRotationZMode(int number)

Retrieves the Rotation mode for the Z-axis of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationVector(int number, float x, float y, float z)

Sets the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationDegree(int number, int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0.

void LayerMapDlgGetRotationVector(int number, float rot[])

Retrieves the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer using relative values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (rot[]).


rot[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)
rot[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)
rot[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)

void LayerMapDlgGetRotationDegree(int number, int rot[])

Retrieves the Rotation values for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer using degree values. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. The values are saved in an array (rot[]).


rot[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)
rot[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)
rot[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)

void LayerMapDlgSetRotationMode(int number, int x, int y, int z)

Sets the Rotation mode for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of rotation mode constants.

void LayerMapDlgGetRotationMode(int number, int mode[])

Retrieves the Rotation mode for axes x, y, and z of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list tile rotation mode constants. The values are saved in an array (mode[]).


mode[0] = X-coordinate (X-Axis)
mode[1] = Y-coordinate (Y-Axis)
mode[2] = Z-coordinate (Z-Axis)

void LayerMapDlgSetAntiAliasing(int number, int aaLevel)

Sets the Anti-Aliasing mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of anti-aliasing mode constants.

int LayerMapDlgGetAntiAliasing(int number)

Retrieves the Anti-Aliasing mode of the specified Layer. Layer indexing (number) starts with 0. See below for a list of anti-aliasing mode constants.



All functions affecting the map and tile options, such as LayerMapDlgSetMapVector(), will be applied one frame later!






Activates a Storage Place to be paused. To be used with SetPause


Deactivates the pausing mode of a Storage Place. To be used with SetPause


Map Mirror Mode Constants




Sets no Mirror Mode.


Mirrors the content of the matrix horizontally.


Mirrors the content of the matrix vertically.


Mirrors the content of the matrix horizontally and vertically.


Mirrors the content of the matrix in the depth.


Mirrors the content of the matrix horizontally and in the depth.


Mirrors the content of the matrix vertically and in the depth.


Mirrors the content of the matrix horizontally, vertically, and in the depth.


Map Tile Mode Constants




Sets no Tile Mode.


Repeats tiles on the mapped matrix.


Mirrors tiles horizontally.


Mirrors tiles vertically.


Mirrors tiles horizontally and vertically.


Mirrors tiles in the depth.


Mirrors tiles horizontally and in the depth.


Mirrors tiles vertically and in the depth.


Mirrors tiles horizontally, vertically, and in the depth.


Map Rotation Mode Constants




The rotation value is fixed and not animated.


The rotation value is used for a looped animation.


Map Anti-Aliasing Mode Constants




Sets no anti-aliasing.

int MAP_AA_2X

Sets simple anti-aliasing (requires some performance).

int MAP_AA_4X

Sets complex anti-aliasing (requires a lot performance).


MADRIX 2.X To MADRIX 3.X Migration Hints

The following functions and constants are not supported anymore. Please follow the hints to migrate your macros.

Functions and Constants


void SetLayerBlind(int number, int state)

Use LayerSetBlind(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerBlind(int number)

Use LayerGetBlind(int number) instead.

void SetLayerSolo(int number, int state)

Use LayerSetSolo(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerSolo(int number)

Use LayerGetSolo(int number) instead.

void SetLayerSubMaster(int number, int value)

Use LayerSetSubMaster(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerSubMaster(int number)

Use LayerGetSubMaster(int number) instead.

void SetLayerOpacity(int number, int value)

Use LayerSetOpacity(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerOpacity(int number)

Use LayerGetOpacity(int number) instead.

void SetLayerMixMode(int number, int mode)

Use LayerSetMixMode(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerMixMode(int number)

Use LayerGetMixMode(int number) instead.

void SetLayerLink(int number, int state)

Use LayerSetLink(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerLink(int number)

Use LayerGetLink(int number) instead.

void SetLayerFilter(int number, int mode)

Use LayerSetFilter(int number, int value) instead.

int GetLayerFilter(int number)

Use LayerGetFilter(int number) instead.

void EnableLayerFrameFade(int number, int value)

Use LayerSetStep(int number, int value) instead. Please note that the interpretation of value is inverted now (deactivated stepped rendering corresponds approximately to an activated frame fade and vice versa).

int IsLayerFrameFadeEnabled(int number)

Use LayerGetStep(int number) instead. Please note that the interpretation of the return value is inverted now (deactivated stepped rendering corresponds approximately to an activated frame fade and vice versa).

void SetLayerFrameId(int number, float value)

Use LayerSetFrameId(int number, float value) instead.

float GetLayerFrameId(int number)

Use LayerGetFrameId(int number) instead.

float GetLayerFrameSteps(int number)

Use LayerGetFrameSteps(int number) instead.

float GetLayerFrameCount(int number)

Use LayerGetFrameCount(int number) instead.

int IsLayerMapped(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgIsMapped(int number) instead.

void MapLayerEffectVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)

Use LayerMapDlgSetMapVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h) instead.

void MapLayerEffectPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Use LayerMapDlgSetMapPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h) instead.

void GetLayerMapVector(int number, float map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetMapVector(int number float map[]) instead.

void GetLayerMapPixel(int number, int map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetMapPixel(int number, int map[]) instead.

void MapLayerTileEffectVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h)

Use LayerMapDlgSetTileVector(int number, float x, float y, float w, float h) instead.

void MapLayerTileEffectPixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Use LayerMapDlgSetTilePixel(int number, int x, int y, int w, int h) instead.

void GetLayerMapTileEffectVector(int number, float map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetTileVector(int number, float tile[]) instead.

void GetLayerMapTileEffectPixel(int number, int map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetTilePixel(int number, int tile[]) instead.

void SetLayerMapModeMirror(int number, int state)

Use LayerMapDlgSetMapMode(int number, int mode) instead.

void SetLayerMapModeTile(int number, int state)

Use LayerMapDlgSetTileMode(int number, int mode) instead.

int GetLayerMapModeMirror(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgGetMapMode(int number) instead.

int GetLayerMapModeTile(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgGetTileMode(int number) instead.

void SetLayerVectorTileOffset(int number, float x, float y)

Use LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetVector(int number, float x, float y) instead.

void SetLayerPixelTileOffset(int number, int x, int y)

Use LayerMapDlgSetTileOffsetPixel(int number, int x, int y) instead.

void GetLayerVectorTileOffset(int number, float map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetVector(int number, float offset[]) instead.

void GetLayerPixelTileOffset(int number, int map[])

Use LayerMapDlgGetTileOffsetPixel(int number, int offset[]) instead.

void SetLayerVectorMapRotation(int number, float value, int anim)

Use LayerMapDlgSetRotationZVector(int number, float value) and LayerMapDlgSetRotationZMode(int number, int mode) instead.

void SetLayerDegreeMapRotation(int number, int value, int anim)

Use LayerMapDlgSetRotationZDegree(int number int value) and LayerMapDlgSetRotationZMode(int number, int mode) instead.

float GetLayerVectorMapRotation(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgGetRotationZVector(int number) instead.

int GetLayerDegreeMapRotation(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgGetRotationZDegree(int number) instead.

int IsLayerMapRotation(int number)

Use LayerMapDlgGetRotationZMode(int number) instead.






MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
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