SCE Graph

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Functions Provided By SCE Graph

This effect uses the following functions:

This Effect uses the Color Table. Learn more »Using Color Table
This Effect uses the BPM Control. Learn more »Using BPM Control
This Effect uses Directions. Learn more »Using Directions
This Effect uses Look-At Types. Learn more »Using Look-At Types
This Effect uses Shapes. Learn more »Using Shapes
This Effect uses Text. Learn more »Using Text





void SetHeight(float value)

Sets the Height value, which is the height of the shapes in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Height value means the minimum shape height if the shape height distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100.

float GetHeight()

Returns the current Height of the shapes in percent. The return value means the minimum shape height if the shape height distribution is not uniform.

void SetPixelHeight(int value)

Sets the Height value, which is the height of the shapes, in pixels. The Height value means the minimum shape height if the shape  height distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type).

int GetPixelHeight()

Returns the current Height of the shapes in pixels. The return value means the minimum shape height if the shape height distribution is not uniform.

void SetHeightMax(float value)

Sets the Maximum Height value, which is the maximum height of the shapes, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Maximum Height value only applies if the shape height distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100.

float GetHeightMax()

Returns the current Maximum Height of the shapes in percent.

void SetPixelHeightMax(int value)

Sets the Maximum Height value, which is the maximum height of the shapes, in pixels. The maximum height value only applies if the shape height distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type).

int GetPixelHeightMax()

Returns the current Maximum Height of the shapes in pixels.

void SetHeightDistribution(int value)

Sets the Height Distribution value, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum shape height is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants.

int GetHeightDistribution()

Returns the current Height Distribution of the shapes. See »here for a list of constants.

void SeedRandomHeight()

Randomizes the heights of the shapes. Same as SetHeightDistribution(DIST_RND).


void SetWidth(float value, int register)

Sets the Width value for register reg, which is the width of the shapes, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Width value means the minimum shape width if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The width value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually controls the depth of the shapes.

float GetWidth(int register)

Returns the current Width of the shapes for register reg in percent. The return value means the minimum shape width if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The return value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually represents the depth of the shapes.

void SetPixelWidth(int value, int register)

Sets the Width value for register reg, which is the width of the shapes, in pixels. The Width value means the minimum shape width if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The width value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually controls the depth of the shapes.

int GetPixelWidth(int reg)

Returns the current Width of the shapes for register reg in pixels. The return value means the minimum shape width if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The return value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually represents the depth of the shapes.

void SetWidthMax(float value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Width value for register reg, which is the maximum width of the shapes, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Maximum Width value only applies if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The maximum width value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually controls the maximum depth of the shapes.

float GetWidthMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Width of the shapes for register reg in percent. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The return value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually represents the maximum depth of the shapes.

void SetPixelWidthMax(int value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Width value for register reg, which is the maximum width of the shapes, in pixels. The maximum width value only applies, if the shape width distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The maximum width value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually controls the maximum depth of the shapes.

int GetPixelWidthMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Width of the shapes for register reg in pixels. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The return value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually represents the maximum depth of the shapes.

void SetWidthDistribution(int value, int register)

Sets the width Distribution value for register reg, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum shape width is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 and REGISTER_Z1. The width distribution value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually controls the depth distribution of the shapes.

int GetWidthDistribution(int register)

Returns the current width Distribution of the shapes for register reg. See »here for a list of constants. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1. The return value for register REGISTER_Z1 actually represents the depth distribution of the shapes.

void SeedRandomWidth(int register)

Randomizes the widths of the shapes for register reg. Is the same as SetWidthDistribution(DIST_RND, reg). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1.


void SetPitch(float value, int register)

Sets the Pitch value for register reg, which is the distance of the shapes, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The pitch value means the minimum pitch, if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the Pitch value controls the X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance.

float GetPitch(int register)

Returns the current Pitch of the shapes for register reg in percent. The return value means the minimum pitch if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the return value represents the X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance.

void SetPixelPitch(int value, int register)

Sets the Pitch value for register reg, which is the distance of the shapes, in pixels. The pitch value means the minimum pitch if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the Pitch value controls the X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance.

int GetPixelPitch(int register)

Returns the current Pitch of the shapes for register reg in pixels. The return value means the minimum pitch if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the return value represents the X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance.

void SetPitchMax(float value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Pitch value for register reg, which is the maximum distance of the shapes, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The maximum pitch value only applies if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 100. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the maximum pitch value controls the maximum X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the maximum Z-distance.

float GetPitchMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Pitch of the shapes for register reg in percent. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the return value represents the maximum X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the maximum Z-distance.

void SetPixelPitchMax(int value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Pitch value for register reg, which is the maximum distance of the shapes, in pixels. The maximum pitch value only applies if the pitch distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the maximum pitch value controls the maximum X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the maximum Z-distance.

int GetPixelPitchMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Pitch of the shapes for register reg in pixels. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the return value represents the maximum X-distance, and REGISTER_Z1 for the maximum Z-distance.

void SetPitchDistribution(int value, int register)

Sets the Pitch Distribution value for register reg, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum pitch is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the pitch distribution value controls the X-distance distribution, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance distribution.

int GetPitchDistribution(int register)

Returns the current Pitch Distribution of the shapes for register reg. See »here for a list of constants. Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1, for which the return value represents the X-distance distribution, and REGISTER_Z1 for the Z-distance distribution.

void SeedRandomPitch(int register)

Randomizes the pitches of the shapes for register reg. Is the same as SetPitchDistribution(DIST_RND, reg). Valid values for reg are REGISTER_X1 or REGISTER_Z1.

Functional Parameters

void SetFrequency(float value, int register)

Sets the Frequency value for register reg, which defines the number of periods of the graph function. The frequency value means the minimum frequency if the frequency distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0 to 100. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetFrequency(int register)

Returns the current Frequency for register reg. The return value means the minimum frequency if the frequency distribution is not uniform. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetFrequencyMax(float value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Frequency value for register reg, which defines the maximum number of periods of the graph function. The maximum frequency value only applies if the frequency distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0 to 100. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetFrequencyMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Frequency for register reg. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetFrequencyDistribution(int value, int register)

Sets the Frequency Distribution value for register reg, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum frequency is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.

int GetFrequencyDistribution(int register)

Returns the current Frequency Distribution for register reg. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.

void SeedRandomFrequency(int register)

Randomizes the frequencies for register reg. Same as SetFrequencyDistribution(DIST_RND, reg). See below for a list of register constants.

void SetAmplitude(float value, int register)

Sets the Amplitude value for register reg, which defines how wide the shapes oscillate, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The amplitude value means the minimum amplitude if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from -1000 to 1000. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetAmplitude(int register)

Returns the current Amplitude for register reg in percent. The return value means the minimum amplitude if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetPixelAmplitude(int value, int register)

Sets the Amplitude value for register reg, which defines how wide the shapes oscillate, in pixels. The amplitude value means the minimum amplitude if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range between - and + ten times the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). See below for a list of register constants.

int GetPixelAmplitude(int register)

Returns the current Amplitude for register reg in pixels. The return value means the minimum amplitude if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetAmplitudeMax(float value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Amplitude value for register reg, which defines how wide the shapes oscillate, in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The maximum amplitude value only applies if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from -1000 to 1000. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetAmplitudeMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Amplitude for register reg in percent. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetPixelAmplitudeMax(int value, int register)

Sets the Maximum Amplitude value for register reg, which defines how wide the shapes oscillate, in pixels. The maximum amplitude value only applies if the amplitude distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range between - and + ten times the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). See below for a list of register constants.

int GetPixelAmplitudeMax(int register)

Returns the current Maximum Amplitude for register reg in pixels. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetAmplitudeDistribution(int value, int register)

Sets the Amplitude Distribution value for register reg, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum amplitude is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.

int GetAmplitudeDistribution(int register)

Returns the current Amplitude Distribution for register reg. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.

void SeedRandomAmplitude(int register)

Randomizes the amplitudes for register reg. Is the same as SetAmplitudeDistribution(DIST_RND, reg). See below for a list of register constants.

void SetPhase(float value, int register)

Sets the Phase value for register reg, which defines an offset for the graph function, in percent of the wavelength. Valid values for value range from 0 to 100. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetPhase(int register)

Returns the current Phase for register reg in percent. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetPeak(float value, int register)

Sets the Peak value for register reg, which defines a threshold for the graph function, in percent of the wavelength. This only applies to the Triangle and the Square function type. Valid values for value range from 0 to 100. See below for a list of register constants.

float GetPeak(int register)

Returns the current Peak for register reg in percent. See below for a list of register constants.

void SetFunctionType(int value, int register)

Sets the Function Type value for register reg, which defines the base function for the graph. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.

int GetFunctionType(int register)

Returns the current Function Type for register reg. See »here for a list of constants. See below for a list of register constants.


void ClearRegister(int register)

Sets all functional parameters for register reg to their defaults. See below for a list of register constants. For REGISTER_X1 and REGISTER_Z1, the values for height, width/depth and pitch are reset, too.


Register Constants




Selects register 1 for X-Axis.


Selects register 2 for X-Axis.


Selects register 3 for X-Axis.


Selects register 1 for Z-Axis.


Selects register 2 for Z-Axis.


Selects register 3 for Z-Axis.


Selects register 1 for extruded phase.


Selects register 2 for extruded phase.


Selects register 3 for extruded phase.


Deprecated Functions

Deprecated functions are outdated functions and should not be used anymore.



void ResetRegister(int register)

Use void ClearRegister(int register) instead.



MADRIX 2.X To MADRIX 3.X Migration Hints

The following functions and constants are not supported anymore. Please follow the hints to migrate your macros.



void SetModeHeight(int mode)

Use SetHeightDistribution(int value) instead.

int GetModeHeight()

Use GetHeightDistribution() instead.

void SetWidth(int value)

Use SetWidth(float value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetWidth()

Use GetWidth(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetWidthMax(int value)

Use SetWidthMax(float value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetWidthMax()

Use GetWidthMax(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetModeWidth(int mode)

Use SetWidthDistribution(int value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetModeWidth()

Use GetWidthDistribution(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetPitch(int value)

Use SetPitch(float value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetPitch()

Use GetPitch(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetPitchMax(int value)

Use SetPitchMax(float value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetPitchMax()

Use GetPitchMax(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetModePitch(int mode)

Use SetPitchDistribution(int value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetModePitch()

Use GetPitchDistribution(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetFrequency(int index, float value)

Use SetFrequency(float value, int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead. Note that the order of the parameters has changed (index corresponds to reg now).

float GetFrequency(int index)

Use GetFrequency(int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead.

void SetFrequencyMax(float value)

Use SetFrequencyMax(float value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

float GetFrequencyMax()

Use GetFrequencyMax(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetModeFrequency(int mode)

Use SetFrequencyDistribution(int value, REGISTER_X1) instead.

int GetModeFrequency()

Use GetFrequencyDistribution(REGISTER_X1) instead.

void SetPeak(int index, int value)

Use SetPeak(float value, int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead. Note that the order of the parameters has changed (index corresponds to reg now).

int GetPeak(int index)

Use GetPeak(int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead.

void SetGraphMode(int index, int mode)

Use SetFunctionType(int value, int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead. Please note that the order of the parameters has changed (index corresponds to reg now).

int GetGraphMode(int index)

Use GetFunctionType(int reg) with one of the above mentioned register constants for reg instead.


Use DIST_UNIFORM instead.


Use DIST_LINEAR instead.




Use DIST_SQRT instead.


Use DIST_CUBIC instead.


Use DIST_RND instead.


SetFunctionType(int value, int reg) and GetFunctionType(int reg) do not support this mode anymore. Set the Amplitude and the Maximum Amplitude of register reg to 0 in order to deactivate the base function of the register.


Use WAVE_TYPE_SINE instead.








MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
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