RGB Colors

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In this tutorial you will learn how RGB color mixing works.


Date: 07/2014



The RGB color system is an additive color mixing system. That means the colors will be added. The system is defined by the values of the primary colors: red [R], green [G], and blue [B].

Each of the 3 colors [red, green, blue] are represented in 8 bit. That means it is possible to control each color in 256 steps [0 - 255]. All color values together can control 16.7 million different colors [256 x 256 x 256].


Mixing Colors

Now, we want to create several colors by mixing the values of the 3 colors:

To create a bright red color, the value of the red channel should be 255. The values of blue and green have to be 0.

If you want to create black, all 3 color values should be 0.

To generate white, the values of red, green, and blue have to be 255.

If the values of red and green are 255 and blue is 0, you will produce a bright yellow.

To produce an orange color, set up the following color values: The value of red should be 255. The value of green should be 127. The blue value should be 0.
Note: Lower the color value of green, for example, and you will see that the color will become more and more red.

Turquoises color will be displayed if red is set to 0 and green and blue are set to 255.


Congratulations! You have learned the first rules about RGB color mixing and you have successfully finished this tutorial.

MADRIX 3 Tutorials Version 1.9
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