SCE Starfield

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Functions Provided By SCE Starfield

This effect uses the following functions:

This Effect uses the Color Table. Learn more »Using Color Table

This Effect uses the BPM Control. Learn more »Using BPM Control

This Effect uses Look-At Types. Learn more »Using Look-At Types

This Effect uses Shapes. Learn more »Using Shapes




void SetLength(int value)

Sets the Length value, which defines how long the trace of the shapes is. Valid values for value range from 1 to 1000.

int GetLength()

Returns the current Length.

void SetCount(int value)

Sets the Count value, which is the number of the displayed shapes. Valid values for value range from 1 to 1000.

int GetCount()

Returns the current Count.

void SetSize(float value)

Sets the Size value, which is the size of the shapes in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Size value means the minimum shape size if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 1000.

float GetSize()

Returns the current Size of the shapes in percent. The return value means the minimum shape size if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform.

void SetPixelSize(int value)

Sets the size value, which is the size of the shapes, in pixels. The size value means the minimum shape size if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to ten times the matrix size (depending on the look-at type).

int GetPixelSize()

Returns the current Size of the shapes in pixels. The return value means the minimum shape size if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform.

void SetSizeMax(float value)

Sets the Maximum Size value, which is the maximum size of the shapes in percent of the matrix size (depending on the look-at type). The Maximum Size value only applies if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 0.01 to 1000.

float GetSizeMax()

Returns the current Maximum Size of the shapes in percent.

void SetPixelSizeMax(int value)

Sets the Maximum Size value, which is the maximum size of the shapes, in pixels. The Maximum Size value only applies if the shape size distribution mode is not uniform. Valid values for value range from 1 to ten times the matrix size (depending on the look-at type).

int GetPixelSizeMax()

Returns the current Maximum Size of the shapes in pixels.

void SetSizeDistribution(int value)

Sets the Size Distribution value, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum shape size is applied to the shapes. See »here for a list of constants.

int GetSizeDistribution()

Returns the current Size Distribution of the shapes. See »here for a list of constants.

void SeedRandomSize()

Randomizes the sizes of the shapes. Same as SetSizeDistribution(DIST_RND).

void SetRotation(int value)

Sets the Rotation value, which is the rotation of the flight paths, in degrees. The Rotation value means the minimum rotation if the  rotation distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from -3600 to 3600.

int GetRotation()

Returns the current Rotation of the flight paths in degrees. The return value means the minimum rotation if the rotation distribution is not uniform.

void SetRotationMax(int value)

Sets the Maximum Rotation value, which is the maximum rotation of the flight paths, in degrees. The Maximum Rotation value only applies if the rotation distribution is not uniform. Valid values for value range from -3600 to 3600.

int GetRotationMax()

Returns the current Maximum Rotation of the flight paths in degrees.

void SetRotationDistribution(int value)

Sets the Rotation Distribution value, which defines how the range between the current minimum and the current maximum rotation is applied to the flight paths. See »here for a list of constants.

int GetRotationDistribution()

Returns the current Rotation Distribution of the flight paths. See »here for a list of constants.

void SeedRandomRotation()

Randomizes the rotations of the flight paths. Same as SetRotationDistribution(DIST_RND).

void SetDistortion(int value)

Sets the Distortion value, which defines how deep the 3D space appears. Valid values for value range from 1 to 100.

int GetDistortion()

Returns the current Rotation Distribution.

void SetInvert(int value)

Use value 1 (TRUE) to invert the flight paths, which means that the objects move from near to far. Use value 0 (FALSE) to use the default setting, which is from far to near.

int GetInvert()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the objects move from near to far, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

void ToggleInvert()

Inverts the flight paths or uses the default setting, depending on the current state.

void SetPathAligned(int value)

Use value 1 (TRUE) to align the rotation of the shapes to the flight paths. Use value 0 (FALSE) otherwise.

int GetPathAligned()

Returns 1 (TRUE) if the rotation of the shapes is aligned to the flight paths, otherwise 0 (FALSE).



void SetBorder(float value)

Sets the Border of objects. Valid values range from 0.01 to 100.

float GetBorder()

Returns the currently set Border.

void SetPixelBorder(int value)

Sets the Border of objects in pixels based on the object size.

int GetPixelBorder()

Returns the currently set Border in pixels.

void SetOuterGlow(float value)

Sets the Outer Glow of objects. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.

float GetOuterGlow()

Returns the currently set Outer Glow.

void SetPixelOuterGlow(int value)

Sets the Outer Glow of objects in pixels based on the object size.

int GetPixelOuterGlow()

Returns the currently set Outer Glow in pixels.

void SetInnerGlow(float value)

Sets the Inner Glow of objects. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.

float GetInnerGlow()

Returns the currently set Inner Glow.

void SetPixelInnerGlow(int value)

Sets the Inner Glow of objects in pixels based on the object size.

int GetPixelInnerGlow()

Returns the currently set Inner Glow in pixels.

MADRIX Version: 5.6 | Script Version: 3.18
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