Stand-Alone Mode

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Stand-Alone Mode is an important feature of the MADRIX PLEXUS. 1x DMX-OUT, 2x DMX-OUT, or Art-Net is available in Stand-Alone Mode.

Normally, a computer runs the MADRIX software live and thereby controls the LED installation. In contrast, the Stand-Alone Mode of the MADRIX PLEXUS can be used to control LED installations without the need for a computer during the show.

The PLEXUS can use an SD card (SD or SDHC) on which a Stand-Alone Show can be saved. But first, it is necessary to create such a Stand-Alone Show.
Please note: When shipped, the SD card of the PLEXUS will already have a sample show on it.

Please read the following chapter carefully in order to learn how to create a MADRIX PLEXUS Stand-Alone Show.


Basic Workflow (Step By Step)

In order to create a show file, please follow these steps:
(Details are given in the next chapters for each step.)

Step 1)

Configure your virtual LED matrix according to your LED installation.
(In MADRIX, use the Matrix Generator or the Patch Editor for this task.)

Step 2)

Create the MADRIX effects you wish to use.
(Use the graphical user interface of MADRIX for this task.)

Step 3)

Create a Cue List, if you wish to use it during the recording.
If not, simply skip this step and you will create a live record.
(In MADRIX, navigate to the menu 'Window' > 'Cue List...'.)

Step 4)

Record your effects by creating a MADRIX Record file (*.mrec).
(In MADRIX, use the Recording window for this task.)

Step 5)

Convert the Record file (*.mrec) into a DMX Data file (*.dxd).
(In MADRIX, use the Recording window for this task.)

Step 6)

Create a PLEXUS Configuration. This will be your Stand-Alone Show!
(In MADRIX, use the PLEXUS Configuration window for this task.)

Step 7)

Upload your Stand-Alone Show onto the SD card.
(In MADRIX, use the PLEXUS Configuration window for this task.)

Step 8)

Activate Stand-Alone Mode for the MADRIX PLEXUS.
(In MADRIX, use the PLEXUS Configuration window for this task.)