SCE Color Scroll

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Functions Provided By SCE Color Scroll

This effect uses the following functions:

This Effect uses Directions. Learn more »Using Directions
This Effect uses the Color Table. Learn more »Using Color Table
This Effect uses Look-At Types. Learn more »Using Look-At Types
This Effect uses the the BPM Control. Learn more »Using BPM Control




void SetStepWidth(float value)

Sets the Step value, which is the number of pixels the effect should scroll per frame using percentage values.

float GetStepWidth()

Returns the Step in percentage.

void SetPixelStepWidth(int value)

Sets the Step value, which is the number of pixels the effect should scroll per frame using pixel values.

int GetPixelStepWidth()

Returns the Step in pixels.

void SetColorWidth(float value)

Sets the Color Width value, which means the width of the single stripes using percentage values.

float GetColorWidth()

Returns the Color Width, the width of a stripe, in percentage.

void SetPixelColorWidth(int value)

Sets the Color Width value, which means the width of the single stripes using pixel values.

int GetPixelColorWidth()

Returns the Color Width, the width of a stripe, in pixels.

void SetCrossWidth(float value)

Sets the Cross Width value using percentage values.

float GetCrossWidth()

Returns the Cross Width in percentage.

void SetPixelCrossWidth(int value)

Sets the Cross Width value using pixel values.

int GetPixelCrossWidth()

Returns the Cross Width in pixels.

void SetCrossAxes(int value)

Sets the Cross Axis value. See below for a list of constants.

int GetCrossAxes()

Returns the Cross Axis. See below for a list of constants.

void SetDisplacement(float value)

Sets the Displacement value. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.00.

float GetDisplacement()

Returns the currently set Displacement.

void SetDisplacementSpeed(float value)

Sets the Displacement Speed value. Valid values range from 0.00 to 100.00.

float GetDisplacementSpeed()

Returns the currently set Displacement Speed.

void SetDisplacementDistribution(int mode)

Sets the Displacement Distribution. See »here for a list of constants (not all apply).

int GetDisplacementDistribution()

Returns the currently set Displacement Distribution. See »here for a list of constants (not all apply).


Cross Axis Constants




Sets the direction cross mode to Axis 1.


Sets the direction cross mode to Axis 2.


Sets the direction cross mode to Axes 1 And 2.


MADRIX 2.X To MADRIX 3.X Migration Hints

The following functions and constants are not supported anymore. Please follow the hints to migrate your macros.



void SetVectorStepWidth(float value)

Use SetStepWidth(float value) with percentage values instead.

float GetVectorStepWidth()

Use GetStepWidth() instead. But GetStepWidth() returns a floating point percentage value instead of a floating point normalized value like GetVectorStepWidth().

void SetVectorOffset(float value)

Use SetColorWidth(float value) with percentage values instead.

float GetVectorOffset()

Use GetColorWidth() instead. But GetColorWidth() returns a floating point percentage value instead of a floating point normalized value like GetVectorOffset().

void SetPixelOffset(int value)

Use SetPixelColorWidth(int value) instead.

int GetPixelOffset()

Use GetPixelColorWidth() instead.

void SetVectorXOffset(float offset)

Use SetCrossWidth(float value) with percentage values instead.

float GetVectorXOffset()

Use GetCrossWidth() instead. But GetCrossWidth() returns a floating point percentage value instead of a floating point normalized value like GetVectorXOffset().

void SetPixelXOffset(int offset)

Use SetPixelCrossWidth(int value) instead.

int GetPixelXOffset()

Use GetPixelCrossWidth() instead.

void SetCrossed(int enable)

Use SetDirectionCrossMode(int value) instead.

int GetCrossed()

Use GetDirectionCrossMode() instead.


MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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