Effect Parameter Chaser

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Functions Provided For Using The Effect Parameter Chaser



int ChaserGetPlaybackState()

Returns the current playback state of the Effect Parameter Chaser. See below for a list of Playback State constants.

void ChaserPlay()

Starts Chaser playback.

void ChaserStop()

Stops Chaser playback.

void ChaserPause()

Pauses Chaser playback.

int ChaserGetCurrentStep()

Returns the index of the Step that is currently active. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserCallCurrentStep(int index)

Activates the Step specified with index. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserCallPreviousStep(int offset)

Returns to the Previous Step. Offset allows to define how many Steps are skipped. By default, Offset is set to 1 and does not need to be passed.

void ChaserCallNextStep(int offset)

Skips to the Next Step. Offset allows to define how many Steps are skipped. By default, Offset is set to 1 and does not need to be passed.

void ChaserGetStepCount(int count)

Returns the current number of Steps.

void ChaserSetLoopCount(int count)

Sets the Loop Count. Valid values range from 0 to s. A value of 0 means Endless.

int ChaserGetLoopCount()

Returns the currently set Loop Count. A value of 0 means Endless.

float ChaserGetStepProgress()

Returns the progression of the current Step in percent. Valid values range from 0.0 to 100.0.

float ChaserGetLoopProgress()

Returns the progression of the Loop in percent. Valid values range from 0.0 to 100.0.

float ChaserGetStepTime(int index)

Returns the total Step Time of the Step specified with index in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

float ChaserGetLoopTime()

Returns the total Loop Time of the Chaser in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserSetStepDescription(int index, string description)

Sets the Description of the Step specified with index. Indexing starts with 0.

string ChaserGetStepDescription(int index)

Returns the Description of the Step specified with index. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserSetStepFadeType(int index, int type)

Sets the Fade Type of the Step specified with index. Indexing starts with 0. See below for a list of Interpolation Type constants for type.

int ChaserGetStepFadeType(int index)

Returns the Fade Type of the Step specified with index. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserSetStepFadeTime(int index, float time)

Sets the Fade Time of the Step specified with index, in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

float ChaserGetStepFadeTime(int index)

Returns the Fade Time of the Step specified with index, in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserSetStepWaitTime(int index, float time)

Sets the Wait Time of the Step specified with index, in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

float ChaserGetStepWaitTime(int index)

Returns the Wait Time of the Step specified with index, in seconds. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserInvert()

Inverts the Step list.

void ChaserSwapSteps(int index1, int index2)

Swaps the positions of the Steps specified with index1 and index2. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserMoveStepUp(int index)

Moves the Step specified with index one item up. Indexing starts with 0.

void ChaserMoveStepDown(int index)

Moves the Step specified with index one item down. Indexing starts with 0.

int ChaserGetCurrentLoop()

Returns in which loop the Chaser is currently in.

void ChaserSetPlaybackMode(int mode)

Sets the Playback Mode of the Chaser. See below for a list of Playback  Mode constants for mode.

int ChaserGetPlaybackMode()

Returns the currently set Playback Mode. See below for a list of constants.

void ChaserSetSpeedPitch(float value)

Sets the Pitch value of the Chaser. Valid values range from -10.00 to 10.00.

float ChaserGetSpeedPitch()

Returns the currently set Pitch.


Playback State Constants




Shows that the Effect Parameter Chaser is currently playing (index 0).


Shows that the Effect Parameter Chaser is currently stopped (index 1).


Shows that the Effect Parameter Chaser is currently paused (index 2).


Shows that the Effect Parameter Chaser is currently transitioning from one Step to the next Step after having been triggered manually (index 3).


Interpolation Type Constants




Sets the Interpolation Type to Linear.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Bounce.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease Out Bounce.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Out Bounce.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Circular.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease Out Circular.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Out Circular.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Cubic.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease Out Cubic.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Out Cubic.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Sinusoidal.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease Out Sinusoidal.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Out Sinusoidal.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Exponential.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease Out Exponential.


Sets the Interpolation Type to Ease In Out Exponential.


Playback Mode Constants




Sets the playback mode to Forward.


Sets the playback mode to Backward.


Sets the playback mode to Ping Pong.


Sets the playback mode to Shuffle.


MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
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