MADRIX 5.7b - HTTP Remote Control

/RemoteCommands/RemoteCommandscurrent remote http directory

all remote GET_FUNCTIONS can be used with the call $$$GET_FUNCTION$$$ inside the html files
Example 1:
<html><body>current fadetime is $$$GetFadeTime$$$</body></html>
Result 1:
you see the current value of the FadeTime e.g. "current fadetime is 1"

all remote SET_FUNCTIONS can be used with the call SET_FUNCTION=value as a variable call for your html files
Example 2:
<html><body><a href="./myPage.html?SetFadeTime=10">set fade time to 10 seconds</a></body></html>
Result 2:
you set the current value of the FadeTime to 10 seconds

list of all get functions
list of all set functions
list of all old/deprecated functions
list of all in used file extensions

list of all get functions

name of functionsampledescription of function
GetProductGetProductget productname of running RemoteHttp
GetProductHomepageGetProductHomepageget homepage of producer e.g. www.****.com
GetProductHomepageHttpGetProductHomepageHttpget homepage of producer e.g. http://www.****.com
GetVersionGetVersionget versions of running RemoteHttp (e.g 5.2a)
GetVersionNumberGetVersionNumberget versionsnumbers of running RemoteHttp (e.g.
GetRemotePathGetRemotePathget remote directory of running RemoteHttp
GetControlPathGetControlPathget command directory of running RemoteHttp
GetHostNameGetHostNameget host name of running RemoteHttp
GetHostLabelGetHostLabelget host label of running RemoteHttp
GetOptionTouchUseAutoFadeGetOptionTouchUseAutoFadeif option for touch screen of auto fade set
GetOptionTouchCloseWithLogoGetOptionTouchCloseWithLogoif option for touch screen of close window if click logo
GetOptionTouchFadetimeMaxGetOptionTouchFadetimeMaxTouch screen option of maximal fadetime in touch screen gui in milli seconds
GetOptionTouchNumButtonsGetOptionTouchNumButtonsTouch screen option of maximal count of buttons in touch screen per storage
GetStorageGetStorageget current storage
GetStorageDeckAGetStorageDeckAget current storage Deck A
GetStorageDeckBGetStorageDeckBget current storage Deck B
GetStoragePlaceGetStoragePlaceget current place
GetStoragePlaceDeckAGetStoragePlaceDeckAget current place of storage Deck A
GetStoragePlaceDeckBGetStoragePlaceDeckBget current place of storage Deck B
GetLogo.bmpGetLogo.bmpget a bitmap with the logo of the software and a black background
GetLogoWhite.bmpGetLogoWhite.bmpget a bitmap with the logo of the software and a white background
GetLogo.pngGetLogo.pngget a bitmap with the logo of the software and a black background
GetLogoWhite.pngGetLogoWhite.pngget a bitmap with the logo of the software and a white background
GetPreviewDeckA.bmpGetPreviewDeckA.bmpget a bitmap of the current preview Deck A
GetPreviewDeckB.bmpGetPreviewDeckB.bmpget a bitmap of the current preview Deck B
GetPreviewOutput.bmpGetPreviewOutput.bmpget a bitmap of the current preview output
GetFadeTypeGetFadeTypeget the current fadetype, values are XF, WF, BF, WipeX, WipeY, WipeXC, WipeYC, SlideX, SlideY, SlideXC, SlideYC, WipeZ, WipeZC, SlideZ, SlideZC (XF=CrossFade, WF=WhiteFade, BF=BlackFade)
GetFadeTypeNumberGetFadeTypeNumberget the current fadetype number, values are 0,1,2,...12,13,14 (0=XF=CrossFade, 1=WF=WhiteFade, 2=BF=BlackFade, 3=WipeX, 4=WipeY, 5=WipeXC, 6=WipeYC, 7=SlideX, 8=SlideY, 9=SlideXC, 10=SlideYC, 11=WipeZ, 12=WipeZC, 13=SlideZ, 14=SlideZC)
GetFadeTypeCountGetFadeTypeCountget the count of the fadetypes
GetFadeTypeNameGetFadeTypeName=1get the fadetypes names for the fade types numbers, values are 0,1,2,...12,13,14
GetFadeTimeGetFadeTimeget the current fade time
GetFadeValueGetFadeValueget the current value of the crossfader between storage Deck A and storage Deck B
GetMasterGetMasterget the current value of the masterfader
GetBlackoutGetBlackoutget the current state of the blackout, 1 = blackout, 0 = no blackout
GetAudioInputMuteGetAudioInputMuteget the current state of the audio input mute button, 1 = mute, 0 = unmute
GetAudioOutputMuteGetAudioOutputMuteget the current state of the audio output mute button, 1 = mute, 0 = unmute
GetAudioInputFaderGetAudioInputFaderget the current state of the audio input fader (range 0...255)
GetAudioOutputFaderGetAudioOutputFaderget the current state of the audio output fader (range 0...255)
GetSoundLevel=0GetSoundLevel=0get the current left value of audio sound level meter(range 0.0 ... 1.0)
GetSoundLevel=1GetSoundLevel=1get the current right value of audio sound level meter(range 0.0 ... 1.0)
GetSoundLevelH0.svgGetSoundLevelH0.svgget the current left value of the audio sound level in a horizontal scalable vector grafic (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelH1.svgGetSoundLevelH1.svgget the current right value of the audio sound level in a horizontal scalable vector grafic (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelHI0.svgGetSoundLevelHI0.svgget the current left value of the audio sound level in a horizontal scalable vector grafic inverse (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelHI1.svgGetSoundLevelHI1.svgget current right value of the audio sound level in a horizontal scalable vector grafic inverse (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelV0.svgGetSoundLevelV0.svgget the current left value of the audio sound level in a vertical scalable vector grafic (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelV1.svgGetSoundLevelV1.svgget the current right value of the audio sound level in a vertical scalable vector grafic (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelVI0.svgGetSoundLevelVI0.svgget the current left value of the audio sound level in a vertical scalable vector grafic inverse (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetSoundLevelVI1.svgGetSoundLevelVI1.svgget the current right value of the audio sound level in a vertical scalable vector grafic inverse (svg). You need IE 9 or greater
GetAutoGainControlGetAutoGainControlget the current state of the auto gain control, (1 = auto gain control, 0 = no auto gain control)
GetCuelistSelectedGetCuelistSelectedreturns the currently selected cue list, starting with index 0 and returning value -1 if no cue list available
GetCuelistPlayGetCuelistPlayget the current cuelist playing state, 1 = play, 0 = stop
GetCuelistCountGetCuelistCountget the count of items in the cuelist
GetCuelistContentJavaScriptGetCuelistContentJavaScriptget the complete content of the cuelist in form of a javascript array(array())
GetCuelistCueCurrentGetCuelistCueCurrentget the current active cue
GetCuelistTimeCodeSourceGetCuelistTimeCodeSourceget the current time code source of the cue list. 0 = None, 1 = System Time, 2 = MIDI, 3 = Art-Net, 4 = SMPTE
GetCuelistDescriptionGetCuelistDescription=1get the description of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for the first item
GetCuelistDateGetCuelistDate=1get the date of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistTimeCodeGetCuelistTimeCode=1get the time code of cuelist item, with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistDurationGetCuelistDuration=1get the duration of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistFollowCueGetCuelistFollowCue=1get follow cue of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistStorageGetCuelistStorage=1get the storage of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistPlaceGetCuelistPlace=1get the place of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistFadeTypeGetCuelistFadeType=1get the fade type of the cuelist item, values are XF, WF, BF, WipeX, WipeY, WipeXC, WipeYC, SlideX, SlideY, SlideXC, SlideYC, WipeZ, WipeZC, SlideZ, SlideZC (XF=CrossFade, WF=WhiteFade, BF=BlackFade), with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistFadeTypeNumberGetCuelistFadeTypeNumber=1get the fade type number of the cuelist item, values are 0,1,2,...12,13,14 (0=XF=CrossFade, 1=WF=WhiteFade, 2=BF=BlackFade, 3=WipeX, 4=WipeY, 5=WipeXC, 6=WipeYC, 7=SlideX, 8=SlideY, 9=SlideXC, 10=SlideYC, 11=WipeZ, 12=WipeZC, 13=SlideZ, 14=SlideZC), with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistFadeTimeGetCuelistFadeTime=1get the fade time of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetCuelistGroupPresetGetCuelistGroupPreset=1get the group preset of the cuelist item, starts with value 1 for first item
GetTimelinesSelectedGetTimelinesSelectedreturns the currently selected timeline, starting with index 0 and returning value -1 if no timeline available
GetTimelinesActiveGetTimelinesActivereturns the currently active timeline, starting with index 0 and returning value -1 if no timeline available
GetTimelinesCountGetTimelinesCountreturns the count of timelines
GetTimelinesNameGetTimelinesName=0returns the timeline name, starting with index 0
GetTimelinesPlaybackStateGetTimelinesPlaybackStatereturns the currently selected timeline playback state, 2 = play, 1 = pause, 0 = stop
GetTimelinesDurationGetTimelinesDurationreturns the currently selected timeline duration
GetGlobalColorIdsContentJavaScriptGetGlobalColorIdsContentJavaScriptRetrieves the IDs of all existing global colors as a JavaScript array (e.g. new Array('1', '3', '42')).
GetGlobalColorAvailableGetGlobalColorAvailable=1Retrieves if the global color with the given ID exists (0 = false = non-existent, 1 = true = existent).
GetGlobalColorRedGetGlobalColorRed=1Retrieves the red value of the global color with the given ID.
GetGlobalColorGreenGetGlobalColorGreen=1Retrieves the green value of the global color with the given ID.
GetGlobalColorBlueGetGlobalColorBlue=1Retrieves the blue value of the global color with the given ID.
GetGlobalColorWhiteGetGlobalColorWhite=1Retrieves the white value of the global color with the given ID.
GetGlobalColorAlphaGetGlobalColorAlpha=1Retrieves the alpha value of the global color with the given ID.
GetGlobalColorRGBGetGlobalColorRGB=1Retrieves the red, green, and blue value of the global color with the given ID. The result is formatted as a hexadecimal triple (e.g. b1db18).
GetGlobalColorDescriptionGetGlobalColorDescription=1Retrieves the description of the global color with the given ID.
GetGroupFadeTimeGetGroupFadeTimeget the current group fadetime
GetGroupCountGetGroupCountget the amount of items in the group
GetGroupContentJavaScriptGetGroupContentJavaScriptget the complete content of the group list in form of a javascript array(array(id, name, display color, default value, value))
GetGroupIdGetGroupId=1get the group id of the group, starts with value 1 for first group
GetGroupDisplayNameGetGroupDisplayName=1get the display name of the group, starts with value 1 for group with id 1
GetGroupDisplayColorGetGroupDisplayColor=1get the display color of the group, starts with value 1 for group with id 1
GetGroupDefaultValueGetGroupDefaultValue=1get the default value of the group, starts with value 1 for group with id 1
GetGroupFlashModeGetGroupFlashMode=1get the flash mode of the group, starts with value 1 for the group with id 1, (1 = flash mode is on, 0 = flash mode is off)
GetGroupValueGetGroupValue=1get the value of the group, starts with value 1 for the group with id 1
GetGroupPresetDescriptionGetGroupPresetDescription=1get the description of the group preset, starts with value 1 for the group with id 1
GetGroupPresetFullStateGetGroupPresetFullState=1if GetGroupPresetFullState = 1, then get the full state of the group preset 1 (0 = false = empty, 1 = true = filled)
GetGroupPresetContentJavaScriptGetGroupPresetContentJavaScriptget only filled content of the group preset list in form of a javascript array(array(number, fullstate, description))
GetGroupPresetAllContentJavaScriptGetGroupPresetAllContentJavaScriptget the complete content of the group preset list in form of a javascript array(array(number, fullstate, description))
GetTimeGetTimethe same as GetTimeEnglish
GetTimeGermanGetTimeGermanget the current time of the server in german format e.g. 13:45
GetTimeEnglishGetTimeEnglishget the current time of the server in english format e.g. 01:45 PM
GetTimeHourGetTimeHourget the current hour (00.....23)
GetTimeMinuteGetTimeMinuteget the current minute (00....59)
GetTimeSecondGetTimeSecondget the current second (00....59)
GetDateGetDatethe same as GetDateEnglish
GetDateGermanGetDateGermanget the current date of the server in german format e.g. 28.12.2016
GetDateEnglishGetDateEnglishget the current date of the server in english format e.g. 2016/12/28
GetDateYearGetDateYearget the current year (e.g. 2016)
GetDateMonthGetDateMonthget the current month (01....12)
GetDateDayGetDateDayget the current day (01....31)
GetDateWeekDayGetDateWeekDayget the current day of week (0...6, 0 = Sunday)
GetMatrixSizeXGetMatrixSizeXget the X dimension of the matrix
GetMatrixSizeYGetMatrixSizeYget the Y dimension of the matrix
GetMatrixSizeZGetMatrixSizeZget the Z dimension of the matrix
GetOutputFreezeGetOutputFreezeget the current state of the freeze button (1 = freeze, 0 = unfreeze)
GetOutputStrobeGetOutputStrobeget the current state of the main output strobe button (1 = strobe, 0 = no strobe)
GetOutputStrobeValueGetOutputStrobeValueget the current value of the main output strobe (in range 2...10)
GetOutputStrobeColorGlobalIdGetOutputStrobeColorGlobalIdRetrieves the global color ID of the strobe color. The result is 0 if the strobe color is not global.
GetOutputStrobeColorRedGetOutputStrobeColorRedget the current value of the main output strobe colors red channel
GetOutputStrobeColorGreenGetOutputStrobeColorGreenget the current value of the main output strobe colors green channel
GetOutputStrobeColorBlueGetOutputStrobeColorBlueget the current value of the main output strobe colors blue channel
GetOutputStrobeColorWhiteGetOutputStrobeColorWhiteget the current value of the main output strobe colors white channel
GetOutputFilterColorGlobalIdGetOutputFilterColorGlobalIdRetrieves the global color ID of the filter color of the main output. The result is 0 if the filter color is not global.
GetOutputFilterRedGetOutputFilterRedget the current value of the filter colors red channel from the main output
GetOutputFilterGreenGetOutputFilterGreenget the current value of the filter colors green channel from the main output
GetOutputFilterBlueGetOutputFilterBlueget the current value of the filter colors blue channel from the main output
GetOutputFilterWhiteGetOutputFilterWhiteget the current value of the filter colors white channel from the main output
GetOutputFilterGetOutputFilterget the current value of the filter from the main output (range 0...102)
GetFilterDeckAGetFilterDeckAget the value of the filter from Deck A (range 0...102)
GetFilterDeckBGetFilterDeckBget the value of the filter from Deck B (range 0...102)
GetSubmasterDeckAGetSubmasterDeckAget the value of the submaster from Deck A (range 0...255)
GetSubmasterDeckBGetSubmasterDeckBget the value of the submaster from Deck B (range 0...255)
GetStorageSpeedDeckAGetStorageSpeedDeckAget the current speed of Deck A (range -10.0...10.0)
GetStorageSpeedDeckBGetStorageSpeedDeckBget the current speed of Deck B (range -10.0...10.0)
GetStorageSpeedPauseDeckAGetStorageSpeedPauseDeckAget the current speed pause state of Deck A (1 = pause, 0 = play)
GetStorageSpeedPauseDeckBGetStorageSpeedPauseDeckBget the current speed pause state of Deck B (1 = pause, 0 = play)
GetFilterColorGlobalIdDeckAGetFilterColorGlobalIdDeckARetrieves the global color ID of the filter color of Deck A. The result is 0 if the filter color is not global.
GetStorageFilterRedDeckAGetStorageFilterRedDeckAget the value of the filter colors red channel from Deck A
GetStorageFilterGreenDeckAGetStorageFilterGreenDeckAget the value of the filter colors green channel from Deck A
GetStorageFilterBlueDeckAGetStorageFilterBlueDeckAget the value of the filter colors blue channel from Deck A
GetStorageFilterWhiteDeckAGetStorageFilterWhiteDeckAget the value of the filter colors white channel from Deck A
GetFilterColorGlobalIdDeckBGetFilterColorGlobalIdDeckBRetrieves the global color ID of the filter color of Deck B. The result is 0 if the filter color is not global.
GetStorageFilterRedDeckBGetStorageFilterRedDeckBget the value of the filter colors red channel from Deck B
GetStorageFilterGreenDeckBGetStorageFilterGreenDeckBget the value of the filter colors green channel from Deck B
GetStorageFilterBlueDeckBGetStorageFilterBlueDeckBget the value of the filter colors blue channel from Deck B
GetStorageFilterWhiteDeckBGetStorageFilterWhiteDeckBget the value of the filter colors white channel from Deck B
GetStoragePlacePitchDeckAGetStoragePlacePitchDeckAget the current pitch of the current storage place on Deck A (range -10.0...10.0)
GetStoragePlacePitchDeckBGetStoragePlacePitchDeckBget the current pitch of the current storage place on Deck B (range -10.0...10.0)
GetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckAGetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckAget the value of the submaster from the current storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
GetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckBGetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckBget the value of the submaster from the current storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
GetStoragePlaceSubmasterGetStoragePlaceSubmaster=S2P3get the current value of the submaster of Storage Place (P3) on Storage (S2) (range 0...255)
GetStoragePlaceFilterDeckAGetStoragePlaceFilterDeckAget the value of the filter from the current storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
GetStoragePlaceFilterDeckBGetStoragePlaceFilterDeckBget the value of the filter from the current storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
GetStoragePlaceFilterGetStoragePlaceFilter=S1P2get value of filter of Storage Place (P2) on Storage (S1) (range 0...102)
GetStoragePlaceThumb.bmpGetStoragePlaceThumb.bmp=S1P12get the thumbnail as *.bmp file of Storage Place(P12) on Storage (S1)
GetStoragePlaceThumb.pngGetStoragePlaceThumb.png=S1P23get the thumbnail as *.png file of Storage Place (P23) on Storage (S1)
GetStoragePlaceThumb.jpgGetStoragePlaceThumb.jpg=S1P40get the thumbnail as *.jpg file of Storage Place (P40) on Storage (S1)
GetStoragePlaceThumbTimeStampGetStoragePlaceThumbTimeStamp=S1P1get the time stamp of Storage Place (P1) on Storage (S1)
GetStoragePlaceFullStateGetStoragePlaceFullState=S2P5if GetStorageFullState = S2P5 then get the full state of Storage Place (P5) on Storage (S2) (0 = false = empty, 1 = true = filled)
if GetStorageFullState = S2 then get the full state of Storage (S2) (0 = false = space = Storage empty, 1 = true = filled = 1 or more Storage Place(s) filled)
GetStoragePlaceDescriptionGetStoragePlaceDescription=S1P1get the description of the Storage Place
GetLayerDeckAGetLayerDeckAget the number of current layer from the current storage on Deck A
GetLayerDeckBGetLayerDeckBget the number of current layer from the current storage on Deck B
GetLayerCountDeckAGetLayerCountDeckAget the count of the layers from the current storage on Deck B
GetLayerCountDeckBGetLayerCountDeckBget the count of the layers from the current storage on Deck B
GetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckAGetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckAget the opacity (range 0...255) of the current layer on Deck A
GetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckBGetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckBget the opacity (range 0...255) of the current layer on Deck B
GetLayerOpacityGetLayerOpacity=L1get the opacity (range 0...255) of the layers 1-8 from Deck A or Deck B
GetLayerBlindCurrentDeckAGetLayerBlindCurrentDeckAget the blind state of the current layer on Deck A (1 = blind, 0 = visible)
GetLayerBlindCurrentDeckBGetLayerBlindCurrentDeckBget the blind state of the current layer on Deck B (1 = blind, 0 = visible)
GetLayerBlindGetLayerBlind=R1get the blind state of the layers 1-8 on Deck A or Deck B (1 = blind, 0 = visible)
GetLayerSoloCurrentDeckAGetLayerSoloCurrentDeckAget the solo state of the current layer on Deck A (1 = solo, 0 = not solo)
GetLayerSoloCurrentDeckBGetLayerSoloCurrentDeckBget the solo state of the current layer on Deck B (1 = solo, 0 = not solo)
GetLayerSoloGetLayerSolo=L1get the solo state of layers 1-8 on Deck A or Deck B (1 = solo, 0 = not solo)
GetLayerMixModeCurrentDeckAGetLayerMixModeCurrentDeckAget the mixmode of the current layer on Deck A (range 0...21)
GetLayerMixModeCurrentDeckBGetLayerMixModeCurrentDeckBget the mixmode of the current layer on Deck B (range 0...21)
GetLayerMixModeGetLayerMixMode=L1get the mixmode of the layers 1-8 on Deck A or Deck B (range 0...21)
GetLayerFilterCurrentDeckAGetLayerFilterCurrentDeckAget the filter of the current layer on Deck A (range 0...102)
GetLayerFilterCurrentDeckBGetLayerFilterCurrentDeckBget the filter of the current layer on Deck B (range 0...102)
GetLayerFilterGetLayerFilter=R1get the filter of the layers 1-8 on Deck A or Deck B (range 0...102)
GetLayerNameDeckAGetLayerNameDeckAget the user defined name of the current layer on Deck A
GetLayerNameDeckBGetLayerNameDeckBget the user defined name of the current layer on Deck B
GetLayerEffectNameDeckAGetLayerEffectNameDeckAget the effect name of the current layer on Deck A
GetLayerEffectNameDeckBGetLayerEffectNameDeckBget the effect name of the current layer on Deck B
GetLayerTickerTextDeckAGetLayerTickerTextDeckAget the ticker text of the current layer on Deck A, if a ticker effect is running
GetLayerTickerTextDeckBGetLayerTickerTextDeckBget the ticker text of the current layer on Deck B, if a ticker effect is running
GetSetupRegisterPathGetSetupRegisterPath=1Retrieves the the path of of the registered setup with the given ID
GetSetupRegisterDescriptionGetSetupRegisterDescription=1Retrieves the description of of the registered setup with the given ID
GetSetupRegisterCurrentIdGetSetupRegisterCurrentIdRetrieves the ID of the currently active registered setup, or 0 if none is active
GetSetupRegisterAllIdsJavaScriptGetSetupRegisterAllIdsJavaScriptRetrieves the IDs of all existing registered setups as a JavaScript array (e.g. new Array('1', '3', '42')).

list of all set functions

name of functionsampledescription of function
SetFadeType=XFSetFadeType=XFsets the fade mode to cross fade
SetFadeType=WFSetFadeType=WFsets the fade mode to white fade
SetFadeType=BFSetFadeType=BFsets the fade mode to black fade
SetFadeType=WipeXSetFadeType=WipeXsets the fade mode to x wipe
SetFadeType=WipeYSetFadeType=WipeYsets the fade mode to y wipe
SetFadeType=WipeXCSetFadeType=WipeXCsets the fade mode to x cross wipe
SetFadeType=WipeYCSetFadeType=WipeYCsets the fade mode to y cross wipe
SetFadeType=SlideXSetFadeType=SlideXsets the fade mode to x slide
SetFadeType=SlideYSetFadeType=SlideYsets the fade mode to y slide
SetFadeType=SlideXCSetFadeType=SlideXCsets the fade mode to x cross slide
SetFadeType=SlideYCSetFadeType=SlideYCsets the fade mode to y cross slide
SetFadeType=WipeZSetFadeType=WipeZsets the fade mode to z wipe
SetFadeType=WipeZCSetFadeType=WipeZCsets the fade mode to z cross wipe
SetFadeType=SlideZSetFadeType=SlideZsets the fade mode to z slide
SetFadeType=SlideZVSetFadeType=SlideZVsets the fade mode to z cross slide
SetFadeType=0SetFadeType=0sets the fade mode to cross fade
SetFadeType=1SetFadeType=1sets the fade mode to white fade
SetFadeType=2SetFadeType=2sets the fade mode to black fade
SetFadeType=3SetFadeType=3sets the fade mode to x wipe
SetFadeType=4SetFadeType=4sets the fade mode to y wipe
SetFadeType=5SetFadeType=5sets the fade mode to x cross wipe
SetFadeType=6SetFadeType=6sets the fade mode to y cross wipe
SetFadeType=7SetFadeType=7sets the fade mode to x slide
SetFadeType=8SetFadeType=8sets the fade mode to y slide
SetFadeType=9SetFadeType=9sets the fade mode to x cross slide
SetFadeType=10SetFadeType=10sets the fade mode to y cross slide
SetFadeType=11SetFadeType=11sets the fade mode to z wipe
SetFadeType=12SetFadeType=12sets the fade mode to z cross wipe
SetFadeType=13SetFadeType=13sets the fade mode to z slide
SetFadeType=14SetFadeType=14sets the fade mode to z cross slide
SetFadeType=upSetFadeType=upsets the next fade type mode
SetFadeType=downSetFadeType=downsets the previous fade type mode
SetFadeAutoSetFadeAutostarts autofade now
SetFadeToDeckASetFadeToDeckAstarts autofade to Deck A now
SetFadeToDeckBSetFadeToDeckBstarts autofade to Deck B now
SetFadeToCenterSetFadeToCenterstarts autofade to center now
SetBlackout=1SetBlackout=1activates the blackout mode
SetBlackout=0SetBlackout=0deactivates blackout mode
SetBlackoutToggleSetBlackoutToggleswitches between blackout and none blackout mode
SetAudioInputMute=1SetAudioInputMute=1mutes the audio input
SetAudioInputMute=0SetAudioInputMute=0unmutes the audio input
SetAudioInputMuteToggleSetAudioInputMuteToggleswitches between mute and unmute of the audio input
SetAudioInputFaderSetAudioInputFader=120sets the value of the audio input fader (range 0...255)
SetAudioOutputMute=1SetAudioOutputMute=1mutes the audio output
SetAudioOutputMute=0SetAudioOutputMute=0unmutes the audio output
SetAudioOutputMuteToggleSetAudioOutputMuteToggleswitches between mute and unmute of the audio output
SetAudioOutputFaderSetAudioOutputFader=120sets the value of the audio output fader (range 0...255)
SetAutoGainInput=1SetAutoGainInput=1turns the Auto Gain Control on, 1 = Auto Gain
SetAutoGainInput=0SetAutoGainInput=0turns the Auto Gain Control off, 0 = no Auto Gain
SetAutoGainInputToggleSetAutoGainInputToggleswitches between on and off of the Auto Gain Control Input
SetTextTickerSetTextTicker=Hellosets the text of the running ticker effects, when call must set a text
a SCE-Ticker must be running at the time to set the text
SetTextTickerLayerDeckASetTextTickerLayerDeckA=1_Hellosets the ticker text from the current storage on Deck A in layer with number (1...X)
a SCE-Ticker must be running at the time to set text
first value is the layer number, second value is the ticker text. The separator is the underline "_" If no underline was found or first value is 0, then sets the text to all ticker texts on the current storage on Deck A
SetTextTickerLayerDeckBSetTextTickerLayerDeckB=2_Hi Worldsets the ticker text from the current storage on Deck B in layer with number (1...X)
a SCE-Ticker must be running at the time to set text
first value is the layer number, second value is the ticker text. The separator is the underline "_" If no underline was found or first value is 0, then sets the text to all ticker texts on the current storage on Deck B
SetBpmSetBpm=900sets the BPM for the current effects
SetBeatTimeSetBeatTime=255Coming Soon
SetCuelistSelectSetCuelistSelect=0selects a specific cue list, starting with index 0
SetCuelistPlayStartSetCuelistPlayStartstarts the cuelist
SetCuelistPlayStopSetCuelistPlayStopstops the cuelist
SetCuelistPlayToggleSetCuelistPlayToggleswitches between start and pause of the cuelist
SetCuelistGoSetCuelistGoactivates the next item in the cuelist
SetCuelistBackSetCuelistBackactivates the previous item in the cuelist
SetCuelistGoToSetCuelistGoTo=3skips directly to the number in the cue list
the cue list must be filled to use this function
SetCuelistAddCueSetCuelistAddCueadd a cue to the cue list
SetCuelistAddOccupiedStoragePlacesSetCuelistAddOccupiedStoragePlacesadds all occupied storage places to the cue list
SetCuelistDeleteCueSetCuelistDeleteCue=4deletes the cue from the cue list (with the number in the cue list
the cue list must filled to use this function
SetCuelistDeleteAllSetCuelistDeleteAlldeletes all cues from the cue list
SetCuelistTimeCodeSourceSetCuelistTimeCodeSource=0sets the time code source of the cue list. 0 = None, 1 = System Time, 2 = MIDI, 3 = Art-Net, 4 = SMPTE
SetCuelistPlaybackModeSetCuelistPlaybackMode=0sets the playback mode of the cue list. 0 = Loop, 1 = Shuffle
SetCuelistFollowCueSetCuelistFollowCue=1_4sets the follow cue of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the follow cue number. The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistStorageSetCuelistStorage=1_12sets the storage of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the storage (range 1...256). The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistStoragePlaceSetCuelistStoragePlace=1_2sets the storage place of the cue list item. First value is the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the storage place number (range 1...256). The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistFadeTypeSetCuelistFadeType=1_WFsets the fade type of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the fade type (values are XF, 0, WF, 1, BF, 2, WipeX, 3, WipeY, 4, WipeXC, 5, WipeYC, 6, SlideX, 7, SlideY, 8, SlideXC, 9, SlideYC, 10, WipeZ, 11, WipeZC, 12, SlideZ, 13, SlideZC, 14 (XF=CrossFade, WF=WhiteFade, BF=BlackFade). The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistFadeTimeSetCuelistFadeTime=1_2.34sets the fade time of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the fade time in seconds, a point separates milliseconds. The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistDurationSetCuelistDuration=1_2m1ssets the duration of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the duration in MADRIX cue list time format. See MADRIX documentation chapter cue list. The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistTimeCodeSetCuelistTimeCode=1_3h10m9sset the time code of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the time code in MADRIX cue list time format. See MADRIX documentation chapter cue list. The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistDateSetCuelistDate=1_Mondaysets the date of the cue list item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the date in MADRIX cuelist date format. See MADRIX documentation chapter cue list. The separator is the underline "_"
SetCuelistGroupPresetSetCuelistGroupPreset=1_2sets the group preset of the cuelist item. First value is the index of the cue list item, starting with 1, second value is the group preset number (range 1...256). The separator is the underline "_"
SetTimelinesSelectSetTimelinesSelect=0selects a specific timeline, starting with index 0
SetTimelinesPlaybackStateSetTimelinesPlaybackState=2set the currently selected timeline playback state, 2 = play, 1 = pause, 0 = stop
SetGlobalColorRedSetGlobalColorRed=1_150Sets the red value of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value defines the red channel. Use underline ('_') as separator.
SetGlobalColorGreenSetGlobalColorGreen=1_150Sets the green value of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value defines the green channel. Use underline ('_') as separator.
SetGlobalColorBlueSetGlobalColorBlue=1_150Sets the blue value of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value defines the blue channel. Use underline ('_') as separator.
SetGlobalColorWhiteSetGlobalColorWhite=1_150Sets the white value of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value defines the white channel. Use underline ('_') as separator.
SetGlobalColorAlphaSetGlobalColorAlpha=1_150Sets the alpha value of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value defines the alpha channel. Use underline ('_') as separator.
SetGlobalColorSetGlobalColor=1_R150G0A200W50Sets the given values of a global color. The first value defines the global color ID, the second value contains the channels to change (e.g. 'R150' to set the red value to 150, and 'A200' to set the alpha value to 200). Use underline ('_') as separator (after the global color ID).
SetGroupFadeTimeSetGroupFadeTime=12sets the group fadetime in seconds, range 0...3600s
SetGroupPresetSetGroupPreset=2calls the current preset of groups and skips to this settings. the value is the preset number (range 1...256)
SetGroupPresetWithFadeSetGroupPresetWithFade=3calls the current preset of groups and fades to this settings. the value is the preset number (range 1...256)
SetGroupValueSetGroupValue=1_150sets the value of the group control. First value is the group id, second is the value of the group value. The separator is the underline "_"
SetGroupValuesDefaultsSetGroupValuesDefaultssets all group values of the group control to the default values.
SetGroupFlashModeSetGroupFlashMode=1_1sets the flash mode of the group control. First value is the group id, second is the flash mode (0 = flash mode off, 1 = flash mode on). The separator is the underline "_"
SetOutputFreezeSetOutputFreezefreezes the output
SetOutputFreezeToggleSetOutputFreezeToggleswitches between freezed and unfreezed output
SetOutputStrobe=1SetOutputStrobe=1strobes output 1 = strobe
SetOutputStrobe=0SetOutputStrobe=0strobes output 0 = no strobe
SetOutputStrobeToggleSetOutputStrobeToggleswitches between strobe and no strobe
SetOutputStrobeColorByGlobalIdSetOutputStrobeColorByGlobalId=1Sets the strobe color to the global color with the given ID.
SetOutputStrobeColorRedSetOutputStrobeColorRed=50sets the red channel of the main output strobe color (range 0...255)
SetOutputStrobeColorGreenSetOutputStrobeColorGreen=100sets the green channel of the main output strobe color (range 0...255)
SetOutputStrobeColorBlueSetOutputStrobeColorBlue=150sets the blue channel of the main output strobe color (range 0...255)
SetOutputStrobeColorWhiteSetOutputStrobeColorWhite=200sets the white channel of the main output strobe color (range 0...255)
SetOutputStrobeValueSetOutputStrobeValue=10sets the main output strobe value (range 2...10)
SetOutputFilterColorByGlobalIdSetOutputFilterColorByGlobalId=1Sets the filter color of the main output to the global color with the given ID.
SetOutputFilterRedSetOutputFilterRed=50set color red of main output filter (range 0...255)
SetOutputFilterGreenSetOutputFilterGreen=100set color green of main output filter (range 0...255)
SetOutputFilterBlueSetOutputFilterBlue=150set color blue of main output filter (range 0...255)
SetOutputFilterWhiteSetOutputFilterWhite=200set color white of main output filter (range 0...255)
SetOutputFilterSetOutputFilter=1sets the main output filter (range 0...102)
SetFadeTimeSetFadeTime=12sets the fade time in seconds (range 0...3600)
SetFadeValueSetFadeValue=150sets the fade value of the crossfader (range 0...255)
SetMasterSetMaster=160sets the masterfader value (range 0...255)
SetFilterColorByGlobalIdDeckASetFilterColorByGlobalIdDeckA=1Sets the filter color of Deck A to the global color with the given ID.
SetStorageFilterRedDeckASetStorageFilterRedDeckA=50sets the red channel of the storage filter color on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterGreenDeckASetStorageFilterGreenDeckA=100sets the green channel of the storage filter color on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterBlueDeckASetStorageFilterBlueDeckA=150sets the blue channel of the storage filter color on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterWhiteDeckASetStorageFilterWhiteDeckA=200sets the white channel of the storage filter color on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetFilterColorByGlobalIdDeckBSetFilterColorByGlobalIdDeckB=1Sets the filter color of Deck B to the global color with the given ID.
SetStorageFilterRedDeckBSetStorageFilterRedDeckB=50sets the red channel of the storage filter color on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterGreenDeckBSetStorageFilterGreenDeckB=100sets the green channel of the storage filter color on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterBlueDeckBSetStorageFilterBlueDeckB=150sets the blue channel of the storage filter color on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetStorageFilterWhiteDeckBSetStorageFilterWhiteDeckB=200sets the white channel of the storage filter color on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetFilterDeckASetFilterDeckA=1sets the filter of Deck A (range 0...102)
SetFilterDeckBSetFilterDeckB=1sets the filter of Deck B (range 0...102)
SetSubmasterDeckASetSubmasterDeckA=100sets the submaster value of Deck A (range 0...255)
SetSubmasterDeckBSetSubmasterDeckB=200sets the submaster value of Deck B (range 0...255)
SetStorageSetStorage=S20P123activates a place (P123) on storage (S20) and fades to this storage and place (range 1...256)
SetStorageDeckASetStorageDeckA=S3P5activates (range 1...256) a specific storage place and storage on Deck A and fades to it (S3P5), or only the storage (S3), or only the storage place (P5)
SetStorageDeckBSetStorageDeckB=S4P20activates (range 1...256) a specific storage place and storage on Deck B and fades to it (S4P20), or only the storage (S4), or only the storage place (P20)
SetStorageWithoutFadeSetStorageWithoutFade=S2P29activates a place (P29) on storage (S2) and does not fade to this place (range 1...256)
SetStorageWithoutFadeDeckASetStorageWithoutFadeDeckA=S3P4activates (range 1...256) a specific storage place on a specific storage on Deck A, but does not fade to it (S3P4), or only the storage (S3), or only the storage place (P4)
SetStorageWithoutFadeDeckBSetStorageWithoutFadeDeckB=S4P24activates (range 1...256) a specific storage place on a specific storage on Deck B, but does not fade to it (S4P24), or only the storage (S4), or only the storage place (P24)
SetStorageSpeedDeckASetStorageSpeedDeckA=5.0sets the speed of Deck A (range -10.0...10.0)
SetStorageSpeedDeckBSetStorageSpeedDeckB=-5.0sets the speed of Deck B (range -10.0...10.0)
SetStorageSpeedPauseToggleDeckASetStorageSpeedPauseToggleDeckAtoggles between play and pause of the storage speed on Deck A
SetStorageSpeedPauseToggleDeckBSetStorageSpeedPauseToggleDeckBtoggles between play and pause of the storage speed on Deck B
SetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckASetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckA=100sets the submaster value of current storage place on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckBSetStoragePlaceSubmasterDeckB=200sets the submaster value of current storage place on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetStoragePlaceFilterDeckASetStoragePlaceFilterDeckA=2sets the filter of the current storage place on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetStoragePlaceFilterDeckBSetStoragePlaceFilterDeckB=4sets the filter of the current storage place on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetStoragePlacePitchDeckASetStoragePlacePitchDeckA=3.0sets the pitch of current storage place on Deck A (range -10.0...10.0)
SetStoragePlacePitchDeckBSetStoragePlacePitchDeckB=-7.0sets the speed of current storage place on Deck A (range -10.0...10.0)
SetLayerDeckASetLayerDeckA=2sets this layer on Deck A as active layer (range 1...255)
SetLayerDeckBSetLayerDeckB=3sets this layer on Deck B as active layer (range 1...255)
SetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckASetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckA=100sets the opacity of the current layer of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity01DeckASetLayerOpacity01DeckA=150sets the opacity of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity02DeckASetLayerOpacity02DeckA=125sets the opacity of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity03DeckASetLayerOpacity03DeckA=80sets the opacity of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity04DeckASetLayerOpacity04DeckA=100sets the opacity of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity05DeckASetLayerOpacity05DeckA=75sets the opacity of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity06DeckASetLayerOpacity06DeckA=200sets the opacity of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity07DeckASetLayerOpacity07DeckA=180sets the opacity of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity08DeckASetLayerOpacity08DeckA=50sets the opacity of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacityDeckASetLayerOpacityDeckA=1_255sets the opacity of a layer on Deck A. First value is the index of the layer, starting with 1, second value is the opacity of that layer (range 0...255).The separator is the underline "_"
SetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckBSetLayerOpacityCurrentDeckB=150sets the opacity of the current layer of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity01DeckBSetLayerOpacity01DeckB=100sets the opacity of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity02DeckBSetLayerOpacity02DeckB=80sets the opacity of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity03DeckBSetLayerOpacity03DeckB=175sets the opacity of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity04DeckBSetLayerOpacity04DeckB=200sets the opacity of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity05DeckBSetLayerOpacity05DeckB=100sets the opacity of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity06DeckBSetLayerOpacity06DeckB=240sets the opacity of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity07DeckBSetLayerOpacity07DeckB=140sets the opacity of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacity08DeckBSetLayerOpacity08DeckB=75sets the opacity of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerOpacityDeckBSetLayerOpacityDeckB=1_255sets the opacity of a layer on Deck B. First value is the index of the layer, starting with 1, second value is the opacity of that layer (range 0...255).The separator is the underline "_"
SetLayerSubmasterCurrentDeckASetLayerSubmasterCurrentDeckA=200sets the submaster of the current layer of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster01DeckASetLayerSubmaster01DeckA=150sets the submaster of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster02DeckASetLayerSubmaster02DeckA=125sets the submaster of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster03DeckASetLayerSubmaster03DeckA=50sets the submaster of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster04DeckASetLayerSubmaster04DeckA=100sets the submaster of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster05DeckASetLayerSubmaster05DeckA=75sets the submaster of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster06DeckASetLayerSubmaster06DeckA=230sets the submaster of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster07DeckASetLayerSubmaster07DeckA=180sets the submaster of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster08DeckASetLayerSubmaster08DeckA=50sets the submaster of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmasterCurrentDeckBSetLayerSubmasterCurrentDeckB=150sets the submaster of the current layer of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster01DeckBSetLayerSubmaster01DeckB=100sets the submaster of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster02DeckBSetLayerSubmaster02DeckB=240sets the submaster of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster03DeckBSetLayerSubmaster03DeckB=175sets the submaster of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster04DeckBSetLayerSubmaster04DeckB=200sets the submaster of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster05DeckBSetLayerSubmaster05DeckB=100sets the submaster of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster06DeckBSetLayerSubmaster06DeckB=240sets the submaster of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster07DeckBSetLayerSubmaster07DeckB=180sets the submaster of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerSubmaster08DeckBSetLayerSubmaster08DeckB=10sets the submaster of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...255)
SetLayerBlindCurrentDeckASetLayerBlindCurrentDeckA=1sets the blind state of the current layer of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind01DeckASetLayerBlind01DeckA=0sets the blind state of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind02DeckASetLayerBlind02DeckA=1sets the blind state of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind03DeckASetLayerBlind03DeckA=0sets the blind state of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind04DeckASetLayerBlind04DeckA=1sets the blind state of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind05DeckASetLayerBlind05DeckA=0sets the blind state of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind06DeckASetLayerBlind06DeckA=1sets the blind state of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind07DeckASetLayerBlind07DeckA=0sets the blind state of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind08DeckASetLayerBlind08DeckA=1sets the blind state of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlindCurrentDeckBSetLayerBlindCurrentDeckB=1sets the blind state of the current layer of storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind01DeckBSetLayerBlind01DeckB=0sets the blind state of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind02DeckBSetLayerBlind02DeckB=1sets the blind state of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind03DeckBSetLayerBlind03DeckB=0sets the blind state of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind04DeckBSetLayerBlind04DeckB=1sets the blind state of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind05DeckBSetLayerBlind05DeckB=0sets the blind state of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind06DeckBSetLayerBlind06DeckB=1sets the blind state of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind07DeckBSetLayerBlind07DeckB=0sets the blind state of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerBlind08DeckBSetLayerBlind08DeckB=1sets the blind state of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = blind, 0 = visible
SetLayerSoloCurrentDeckASetLayerSoloCurrentDeckA=1sets the solo state of the current layer of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo01DeckASetLayerSolo01DeckA=0sets the solo state of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo02DeckASetLayerSolo02DeckA=1sets the solo state of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo03DeckASetLayerSolo03DeckA=0sets the solo state of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo04DeckASetLayerSolo04DeckA=1sets the solo state of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo05DeckASetLayerSolo05DeckA=0sets the solo state of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo06DeckASetLayerSolo06DeckA=1sets the solo state of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo07DeckASetLayerSolo07DeckA=0sets the solo state of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo08DeckASetLayerSolo08DeckA=1sets the solo state of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSoloCurrentDeckBSetLayerSoloCurrentDeckB=1sets the solo state of the current layer of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo01DeckBSetLayerSolo01DeckB=0sets the solo state of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo02DeckBSetLayerSolo02DeckB=1sets the solo state of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo03DeckBSetLayerSolo03DeckB=0sets the solo state of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo04DeckBSetLayerSolo04DeckB=1sets the solo state of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo05DeckBSetLayerSolo05DeckB=0sets the solo state of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo06DeckBSetLayerSolo06DeckB=1sets the solo state of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo07DeckBSetLayerSolo07DeckB=0sets the solo state of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerSolo08DeckBSetLayerSolo08DeckB=1sets the solo state of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B, 1 = solo, 0 = not solo
SetLayerMixmodeCurrentDeckASetLayerMixmodeCurrentDeckA=0sets the mixmode of the current layer of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode01DeckASetLayerMixmode01DeckA=13sets the mixmode of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode02DeckASetLayerMixmode02DeckA=1sets the mixmode of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode03DeckASetLayerMixmode03DeckA=8sets the mixmode of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode04DeckASetLayerMixmode04DeckA=5sets the mixmode of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode05DeckASetLayerMixmode05DeckA=3sets the mixmode of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode06DeckASetLayerMixmode06DeckA=2sets the mixmode of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode07DeckASetLayerMixmode07DeckA=10sets the mixmode of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode08DeckASetLayerMixmode08DeckA=23sets the mixmode of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmodeCurrentDeckBSetLayerMixmodeCurrentDeckB=0sets the mixmode of the current layer of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode01DeckBSetLayerMixmode01DeckB=5sets the mixmode of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode02DeckBSetLayerMixmode02DeckB=12sets the mixmode of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode03DeckBSetLayerMixmode03DeckB=16sets the mixmode of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode04DeckBSetLayerMixmode04DeckB=22sets the mixmode of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode05DeckBSetLayerMixmode05DeckB=11sets the mixmode of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode06DeckBSetLayerMixmode06DeckB=6sets the mixmode of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode07DeckBSetLayerMixmode07DeckB=3sets the mixmode of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerMixmode08DeckBSetLayerMixmode08DeckB=9sets the mixmode of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...21)
SetLayerFilterCurrentDeckASetLayerFilterCurrentDeckA=0sets the filter of the current layer of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter01DeckASetLayerFilter01DeckA=3sets the filter of layer 1 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter02DeckASetLayerFilter02DeckA=26sets the filter of layer 2 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter03DeckASetLayerFilter03DeckA=8sets the filter of layer 3 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter04DeckASetLayerFilter04DeckA=5sets the filter of layer 4 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter05DeckASetLayerFilter05DeckA=30sets the filter of layer 5 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter06DeckASetLayerFilter06DeckA=2sets the filter of layer 6 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter07DeckASetLayerFilter07DeckA=31sets the filter of layer 7 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter08DeckASetLayerFilter08DeckA=23sets the filter of layer 8 of the storage on Deck A (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilterCurrentDeckBSetLayerFilterCurrentDeckB=25sets the filter of the current layer of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter01DeckBSetLayerFilter01DeckB=5sets the filter of layer 1 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter02DeckBSetLayerFilter02DeckB=12sets the filter of layer 2 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter03DeckBSetLayerFilter03DeckB=16sets the filter of layer 3 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter04DeckBSetLayerFilter04DeckB=22sets the filter of layer 4 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter05DeckBSetLayerFilter05DeckB=11sets the filter of layer 5 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter06DeckBSetLayerFilter06DeckB=6sets the filter of layer 6 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter07DeckBSetLayerFilter07DeckB=28sets the filter of layer 7 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetLayerFilter08DeckBSetLayerFilter08DeckB=19sets the filter of layer 8 of the storage on Deck B (range 0...102)
SetSetupRegisterLoadByIdSetSetupRegisterLoadById=1Loads the registered setup with the given ID
SetDmxFaderValueSetDmxFaderValue=0_150Sets the value for a fader of the DMX Fader Tool. First value is the index of the fader, starting with 0, second value is the value of the fader (range 0...255). The separator is the underline "_"

list of old/deprecated functions, don't works functions

name of functionsampledescription of function

list of file extensions in use for set/get functions

name of supported file extensions

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