Sound2Light And Music2Light

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MADRIX can analyze audio input for Sound2Light (S2L) or Music2Light (M2L) effects. This data is also available in MADRIX Script and may be used to create even more advanced effects, controlled by music.

It is necessary to differentiate between music and sound data.

Sound data refers to data based on the frequency of the given input signal. A common effect based on sound data is the equalizer (audio spectrum). The volume is also this kind of sound data.
Music data refers to information known from actual music theory. Therefore, MADRIX identifies musical parameters, such as tonality, bass, intervals or the current tone (or chord) itself. Using the tone and the tonality you could see that C Major or d minor are currently played, for example. There are numerous examples.

As is the case with M2L or S2L effects, if a script uses any functionality that needs the audio analysis, the audio function it is automatically started in MADRIX.


MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
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