void GradientSetColor(int idx, color c)
Sets the color with the specified index to the given color value. If the index is out of range, nothing happens.
color GradientGetColor(int idx)
Returns the color with the specified index. If the index is out of range, black is returned.
int GradientGetColorCount()
Returns the current number of colors in the Color Gradient.
void GradientAddColor(color c, float position, int fade)
Adds another color to the Color Gradient at the specified position. The position value have to be between 0.0 and 1.0. The inserted color will be faded the color before if the fade value is TRUE.
void GradientRemoveColor(int idx)
Removes the color at the specified index. If the given index is out of range, nothing happens.
void GradientSetColorPosition(int idx, float pos)
Sets the color with the specified index to the given position value. The position value have to be between 0.0 and 1.0. If the index is out of range, nothing happens.
float GradientGetColorPosition(int idx)
Returns the position of the color with the specified index. If the index is out of range, 0.0 is returned.
void GradientSetColorFade(int idx, int fade)
Use TRUE to activate the color fade mode for the color with the specified index. Use FALSE to deactivate it.
int GradientGetColorFade(int idx)
Returns TRUE, if the color fade mode is activated for the color with the specified index, otherwise FALSE.
void GradientFadeAllColors(void)
Activates the color fade mode for all colors in the Color Gradient.
void GradientFadeNoneColors(void)
Deactivates the color fade mode for all colors in the Color Gradient.
void GradientSetUniformDistances(void)
Sets the position values of each color in the Color Gradient to get uniform distances between each color.
void GradientInvertColorPositions(void)
Inverts the position values off all colors.
void GradientInvertColors(void)
Inverts all color values.