M2L Note Flash

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Functions provided By M2L Note Flash

This effect uses the following functions:

This Effect uses the Color Controls. Learn more »Using Color Controls




void SetFadeIn(int fade)

Sets the Fade In value. This value represents Beats Per Minute (BPM).

int GetFadeIn()

Returns the current Fade In value.

void SetFadeOut(int fade)

Sets the Fade Out value. This value represents Beats Per Minute (BPM).

int GetFadeOut()

Returns the current Fade Out value.

void SetSensitivity(int value)

Set the Sensitivity value.

int GetSensitivity()

Returns the Sensitivity value.

void SetMinBand(int index)

Sets the Minimum Band that should be included in the effect calculation. The given value is an index, which describes the band that should be used. The table below provides an overview over available values and the appropriate band.

int GetMinBand()

Returns the specifier of the current Minimum Band. See below  for further details.

void SetMaxBand(int index)

Set the Maximum Band that should be included in the effect calculation. The given value is an index which describes the band that should be used. The table below  provides an overview over available values and the appropriate band.

int GetMaxBand()

Returns the specifier of the current Maximum Band. See below for further details.


Frequency Bands

This effect allows to select the frequency bands which should be used to calculate the flash. The functions SetMinBand and SetMaxBand may be used to set the inimum band and the maximum band. Both use an identifier value between 0 and  10, which describes one of the following frequency bands:


Minimum Band

Maximum Band


C-1 (8.2 Hz)

B-1 (15.5 Hz)


C0 (16.4 Hz)

B0 (30.9 Hz)


C1 (32.7 Hz)

B1 (61.9 Hz)


C2 (65.4 Hz)

B2 (123.8 Hz)


C3 (130.8 Hz)

B3 (247.5 Hz)


C4 (261.6 Hz)

B4 (495 Hz)


C5 (523.2 Hz)

B5 (990 Hz)


C6 (1047 Hz)

B6 (1980 Hz)


C7 (2093 Hz)

B7 (3960 Hz)


C8 (4186 Hz)

B8 (7920 Hz)


C9 (8448 Hz)

G9 (12672 hz)



The source code below would select C0 as minimum band and B1 as maximum band. Furthermore, the color white is set with a fade-in value of 3000 BPM and a fade-out value of 120 BPM.






void InitEffect()









void PreRenderEffect()





void PostRenderEffect()





void MatrixSizeChanged()





MADRIX Version: 3.6j | Script Version: 2.22
[Ctrl & +/-] = Zoom In/Out | [Ctrl & 0] = 100%
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