Remote HTTP

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Connect MADRIX to any TCP/IP network and you can control MADRIX from all over the world using an internet browser or your mobile phone with internet communications via the Remote HTTP function.



1) Please open the menu "Preferences" -> "Remote Control" -> "HTTP". A new dialog will open.

2) Click "Enable" to activate the internal web server implemented in MADRIX.

3) "Port" defines the protocol port on which the web server will be running. Please note that other software (for example, SKYPE or similar clients with the same principle) might block the port you have selected. To solve the problem, please use the alternative ports suggested below or close other software. Press "Apply" if you have made any changes.

Recommended Ports:

Alternative Ports:
If you are encountering problems, please enter any port higher than 1024.

4) "Path" defines the location of the HTML start pages. Please select the folder "public_remote_html" in your MADRIX installation folder. In Windows 7 the path often is C:\Program Files (x86)\MADRIX\public_remote_html. Press "Apply" if you have made any changes.

5) Now,  press the button "Call". Your internet browser will be opened and you will see a website you can use to control MADRIX remotely. You can access this website using the internet.

Your Remote Control should be working now. If the internet browser is opening and closing with no visible result, please change the port. You can also open the "Logfile" ("F6" or "Window" -> "Logfile") and check the file for errors.


Create Your Individual HTML Page

The HTML examples do work. But it is also a demonstration to show you the possibilities.
You can modify or create your own html files to integrate them in your own applications, e.g. using the DJ Software ULTRAMIXER.

Please note: You should name your individually created HTML start page 'index.html'.


Commands and Help File


MADRIX offers several interfaces that can be used with Remote HTTP. Use the one that is the best for your needs.

If you would like to create a custom layout, please have a look at "Madrix Remote Members" for the overview and documentation of remote commands (remote members). This is the user guide for the remote commands.